Friday, February 24, 2023


 + Staying away from the news.
It is such a distraction instilled with sulpheric, negative, constant doom. What a detailed show of divide and conquer, of worry and panic and emotional antagonism.
It is mind control or televised, media projection perfected.
It ages the soul tremendously to be ensared into those deep grasps of information indulgence. To an always having to be in the know to whichever present collective upset and event is selected and nitpicked amongst so many other possible ongoings in an infinite array of existence.

+Keep away from loud magicians.
It is in my regard, and following intuition and observation, that beyond the mask and the appearance of so many bathed in the decorations of spiritualism, herbalism, magic and so on, I come to arrive as finding out many to be drug abusers or exterior manipulators. Or people putting on a kind of show.
It is a tremendous piece of information in which it appears there are instances in people having the Will to change others, or to alter others, or to get back at the world and to do external this and external that, wholly neglecting the practical values of self-change. And neglecting the subtle and life-long processes of self-analysis and internal balance.  The louder and more obnoxious and garish it becomes with loud movements and loud people who are defined upon anti-this...
see now... I cannot stand that, I cannot take that. I wish to not have to see breathe or be to the involvement of all of those all-talk and posture and intents to impress via wickedness or faulting.
It's too much, and too much, and too damn much, and it is ever popular. Even and especially with these lashing-out movements of pure distraction and ultimate haste by the male vs female thing. Where either side is so led on to pretend it is one force VS another and sadly so many people buy it. And begin to invent new a dictum or definition based on how they feel and then start to stir up and gnar and gnash some believed new-school of the understanding of elements.. or talking their ways into thinking it is acceptable behavior to allow envy to overtake understanding, or bias to interrupt intuitive learning.
It is an intense bastardization when you see that particular fashion crew of extreme anti-this and anti-that who go on collecting, in large number, masses of others who find out just as well that it is much! easier to be lazy and blaming. Than it is to be directed by subtle and real changes which are patient, and likely, too boring, considering the common attention spans  yet also the pain to ego and the personality which would involve absolving vices or at least calling one's self out to emotional indignities.
Much as I have had to call myself out on these and as of lately, nearly all of the time.
Where is today's honestly in the information overload  age?
One thing up for a heft of judgement is the digitally crafted persona which weeps and fears destruction and self-understanding dares to even enter an immediate moment.

I may grow stronger or in  a place of understanding  to go onward as understanding that I have had opportunities robbed from my life in the commotions of popularity bubbles that masses of people today have gathered some idea that they are esoteric or revolutionary all of a sudden and so in their mind's-eye know exactly what their adversaries are, or what their enemies and oppressors are, as if they know, or as if they had ever looked into the palettes of wires and implements of that is which beyond their black magic screens producing data. Or beyond the market research or the causation of a hard to swallow feeling built up as a lump within their own throat. All along the way that their little devil is the inability to have a proper discussion unto that which they do not understand.
And so the repercussion of smashing all they don't know, and destroying or holding up some idol such as Shiva, or so many things that sound so cool, or seem so attractive, begin to destroy them in whole after they themselves are done being possessed and obsessed by that energetically hungry mania that builds within them causing them to act no different at all by the accusations of which they accuse others.
That cannot be heeded enough but in this world and timeline in particular it is just that you cannot actually teach the blind to see.. or to pry another away from the trance, really, of what their little black magic screen reflects. So it would be no good whatsoever for my own warning about this and nonethless the spiritual movement today as well as so many movements of what is labelled progression is an act of destruction and regression, and not deemed toward real and legitimate self-understanding. Which, self-understanding, involved at least several years of the "boring stuff" such as patience and in a way, learning new languages.  It is not fun for me to be located in an area and a community that more or less obsesses beyond belief with trying to force the external rather than to change and cure the interior.  How shocked and bummed out and then later on amused and calloused I'd become seeing I myself turned out to be the enemy all along! Due to more of the same tactics and tricks produced by little black screens of the mind's mirror and also market research and an ableness to keep people thrown onto brand new tracks. So more things will be torn down and more people will yell and scream. And divisions, and people "knowing."
People knowing spiritual facts even before the ages of, say, 24. Or even 38. all of these knowers and so I read the lessons they so boldly preach without irony as they are tattooed across their foreheads or scripted from collarbone to collarbone.   Something about the Goddess or Eternal Breath or something or other while acting maliciously to anybody who doesn't take their every word as some holy word. Or not immediately bowing down to their ways of ego gratification.

So with news it is my immediate world and vicinity in which the concern of ongoings may be declared to integrate. And what may go on there or further back, in the menus and script points of the collective, I would just murmur and hopefully hush. because those dancing hazards and broad stroked paintings of terrors and monsters and problems all should be subdued.

What do I want to do?
Well I want to stop the uproad neighbor from throwing booze bottles and shredded lotto tickets to the acrossway of my dwelling. As it is effectively annoying and more offensive than some astray mass-Tweet-Movement that declares me as some sinister devil or oppressor or so on. Something, the latter, which appears to lead me lumped in with more people's paranoid projections which even further leads me to a committee of assholes that keep me from getting booked sharing souled expressions of image or sound or so on.  Again as something I keep in mind.

And merely the freedom of movement for a responsibility of the self where also often it feels like I am handling the commotions of so many else. Or having others plates upon me.
This empire state is hasty, and By God, so corrupt and obviously my beingness is not so much welcomed here and yet when people say you might as well leave well, too, it's not that damned easy.
And when you live or are self-observed in some sort of cliche it does also get really old really fast.
Like I am From This Earth, and by Seeing What Is, all of a Sudden I feel like an Alien.
and so What is this World, and what are all of these ongoings?
You've got normal authorities laying down some law, then all these others supposedly formed up from being born, and then yet again, all of the counter culture instigators with all of their fabulous rules, too. All merely equated or simplified down to a fear of some form of death or other, and the fearing of too much liveliness, as another. Or: The fear of vibrance; the fear of Life Force; the Fear of Spontaneity; the upsetedness in seeing others that are too alive  and daring and even able to break out of the strife. A kind of instilling to stop others who they themselves may find a concourse to internal liberation.
Strangely enough it is the countercultural, so called, today, who seem to most of all! have a haste or willingness to stop those who are on the close brink to an internal liberation.

But I'm not a part of that club. Or that one. Or that one or that one, or even that one either.
It appears when you get too far in accepted, you wish to get out, somewhere else. And then when there is no one else around, that curiosity to go  on and finding does rear its head time to time. And you feel like an investigator or detective of this whole civilization thing.
In whichever point of the extraterrestrial reporter, a conclusion comes as: I think that each and every single one of you are absolutely insane;
and with the Earth Born or organic compound of conscious intelligence, there is a discovery that reckons: All of you are adapted to move towards the Sun (when you observe the unbrainwashed or the loving and the fearless.) For the fearless, the organic compound admits: You throw cloaks and shades and dampers over others you notice attempting to reach the Sun.

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