Monday, February 27, 2023

The alcholics


With Eyes Like an Upright Being

what is it Im living
what is it Im seeing
could I be staring into the
of an upright being
Could I be looking on the
could I be
commercial cruising
and seeing the eyes
of a human being
I know right then I can't be losing
so go and show one or two.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

 This world is inflicted with constant evil.
Who even is strong of love and truth?

Friday, February 24, 2023


 + Staying away from the news.
It is such a distraction instilled with sulpheric, negative, constant doom. What a detailed show of divide and conquer, of worry and panic and emotional antagonism.
It is mind control or televised, media projection perfected.
It ages the soul tremendously to be ensared into those deep grasps of information indulgence. To an always having to be in the know to whichever present collective upset and event is selected and nitpicked amongst so many other possible ongoings in an infinite array of existence.

+Keep away from loud magicians.
It is in my regard, and following intuition and observation, that beyond the mask and the appearance of so many bathed in the decorations of spiritualism, herbalism, magic and so on, I come to arrive as finding out many to be drug abusers or exterior manipulators. Or people putting on a kind of show.
It is a tremendous piece of information in which it appears there are instances in people having the Will to change others, or to alter others, or to get back at the world and to do external this and external that, wholly neglecting the practical values of self-change. And neglecting the subtle and life-long processes of self-analysis and internal balance.  The louder and more obnoxious and garish it becomes with loud movements and loud people who are defined upon anti-this...
see now... I cannot stand that, I cannot take that. I wish to not have to see breathe or be to the involvement of all of those all-talk and posture and intents to impress via wickedness or faulting.
It's too much, and too much, and too damn much, and it is ever popular. Even and especially with these lashing-out movements of pure distraction and ultimate haste by the male vs female thing. Where either side is so led on to pretend it is one force VS another and sadly so many people buy it. And begin to invent new a dictum or definition based on how they feel and then start to stir up and gnar and gnash some believed new-school of the understanding of elements.. or talking their ways into thinking it is acceptable behavior to allow envy to overtake understanding, or bias to interrupt intuitive learning.
It is an intense bastardization when you see that particular fashion crew of extreme anti-this and anti-that who go on collecting, in large number, masses of others who find out just as well that it is much! easier to be lazy and blaming. Than it is to be directed by subtle and real changes which are patient, and likely, too boring, considering the common attention spans  yet also the pain to ego and the personality which would involve absolving vices or at least calling one's self out to emotional indignities.
Much as I have had to call myself out on these and as of lately, nearly all of the time.
Where is today's honestly in the information overload  age?
One thing up for a heft of judgement is the digitally crafted persona which weeps and fears destruction and self-understanding dares to even enter an immediate moment.

I may grow stronger or in  a place of understanding  to go onward as understanding that I have had opportunities robbed from my life in the commotions of popularity bubbles that masses of people today have gathered some idea that they are esoteric or revolutionary all of a sudden and so in their mind's-eye know exactly what their adversaries are, or what their enemies and oppressors are, as if they know, or as if they had ever looked into the palettes of wires and implements of that is which beyond their black magic screens producing data. Or beyond the market research or the causation of a hard to swallow feeling built up as a lump within their own throat. All along the way that their little devil is the inability to have a proper discussion unto that which they do not understand.
And so the repercussion of smashing all they don't know, and destroying or holding up some idol such as Shiva, or so many things that sound so cool, or seem so attractive, begin to destroy them in whole after they themselves are done being possessed and obsessed by that energetically hungry mania that builds within them causing them to act no different at all by the accusations of which they accuse others.
That cannot be heeded enough but in this world and timeline in particular it is just that you cannot actually teach the blind to see.. or to pry another away from the trance, really, of what their little black magic screen reflects. So it would be no good whatsoever for my own warning about this and nonethless the spiritual movement today as well as so many movements of what is labelled progression is an act of destruction and regression, and not deemed toward real and legitimate self-understanding. Which, self-understanding, involved at least several years of the "boring stuff" such as patience and in a way, learning new languages.  It is not fun for me to be located in an area and a community that more or less obsesses beyond belief with trying to force the external rather than to change and cure the interior.  How shocked and bummed out and then later on amused and calloused I'd become seeing I myself turned out to be the enemy all along! Due to more of the same tactics and tricks produced by little black screens of the mind's mirror and also market research and an ableness to keep people thrown onto brand new tracks. So more things will be torn down and more people will yell and scream. And divisions, and people "knowing."
People knowing spiritual facts even before the ages of, say, 24. Or even 38. all of these knowers and so I read the lessons they so boldly preach without irony as they are tattooed across their foreheads or scripted from collarbone to collarbone.   Something about the Goddess or Eternal Breath or something or other while acting maliciously to anybody who doesn't take their every word as some holy word. Or not immediately bowing down to their ways of ego gratification.

So with news it is my immediate world and vicinity in which the concern of ongoings may be declared to integrate. And what may go on there or further back, in the menus and script points of the collective, I would just murmur and hopefully hush. because those dancing hazards and broad stroked paintings of terrors and monsters and problems all should be subdued.

What do I want to do?
Well I want to stop the uproad neighbor from throwing booze bottles and shredded lotto tickets to the acrossway of my dwelling. As it is effectively annoying and more offensive than some astray mass-Tweet-Movement that declares me as some sinister devil or oppressor or so on. Something, the latter, which appears to lead me lumped in with more people's paranoid projections which even further leads me to a committee of assholes that keep me from getting booked sharing souled expressions of image or sound or so on.  Again as something I keep in mind.

And merely the freedom of movement for a responsibility of the self where also often it feels like I am handling the commotions of so many else. Or having others plates upon me.
This empire state is hasty, and By God, so corrupt and obviously my beingness is not so much welcomed here and yet when people say you might as well leave well, too, it's not that damned easy.
And when you live or are self-observed in some sort of cliche it does also get really old really fast.
Like I am From This Earth, and by Seeing What Is, all of a Sudden I feel like an Alien.
and so What is this World, and what are all of these ongoings?
You've got normal authorities laying down some law, then all these others supposedly formed up from being born, and then yet again, all of the counter culture instigators with all of their fabulous rules, too. All merely equated or simplified down to a fear of some form of death or other, and the fearing of too much liveliness, as another. Or: The fear of vibrance; the fear of Life Force; the Fear of Spontaneity; the upsetedness in seeing others that are too alive  and daring and even able to break out of the strife. A kind of instilling to stop others who they themselves may find a concourse to internal liberation.
Strangely enough it is the countercultural, so called, today, who seem to most of all! have a haste or willingness to stop those who are on the close brink to an internal liberation.

But I'm not a part of that club. Or that one. Or that one or that one, or even that one either.
It appears when you get too far in accepted, you wish to get out, somewhere else. And then when there is no one else around, that curiosity to go  on and finding does rear its head time to time. And you feel like an investigator or detective of this whole civilization thing.
In whichever point of the extraterrestrial reporter, a conclusion comes as: I think that each and every single one of you are absolutely insane;
and with the Earth Born or organic compound of conscious intelligence, there is a discovery that reckons: All of you are adapted to move towards the Sun (when you observe the unbrainwashed or the loving and the fearless.) For the fearless, the organic compound admits: You throw cloaks and shades and dampers over others you notice attempting to reach the Sun.

creators and seers audio

 big shift in viewership, these posts are pulling 5 views as of recently over the 2 they have been getting before!
To celebrate I am going to transport myself to another planet before this one gets even more deranged, alarming, fuckier and all-around perpetually debtmaxed in war, mind control bio warfare and doom!


1 of 5 tracks revolving around the banjo, something I can at most only really CLUNK! with, from 10/13/2013
was like some 5 min jam thing. cut it down to this.
Brush drums and an elecktrie guitar done in lightness are meant to go over it.
But there isnt enough room or time to hardly Blink! any-more. Unless the W.E.F. wants to fund me or something.
Springtime is coming up hopefully all can bounce back even bouncier than the bounce of a banjo.
I have to go like meet the demands of the impossible and do the impossible and pretty much fulfill the impossible along and stuff like that so hold on be right back

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Pendulum, My People


Don't be stupid as to being erased by the evil, coerced and the insane.
Stand your ground and live again.

"The Pendulum, My People" [improvised guitar instrumental]


Eur.Light. Strength.
Guitar practicing and warming up. Alvarez dreadnought instrumental. Android phone filmed audio recorded alright. 
Oops people had awakened all of a sudden.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Monday, February 20, 2023


It's not fun to and it's never fun to be treated like garbage by people, or anyone. So don't let anyone try to hold back areas of your brightness in your life.
I am going to start a new blog and try to be more positive throughout it. Yet a new atmosphere and opportunity will be found to do that. So that this tremendous weight which was on my shoulders for far too long can be plausibly put aside in so that I can focus on my life and necessities. 
Most of the time I just wished to lash out and explain all of the ongoings. Yet to enter a new world completely. 
When you are left to yourself and just yourself, which a lot of people are, and they are the ones who really don't get a vantage point put to a pedestal or ableness to reach out, it feels very diminishing. Because it moves into things like commentary and world view and lyrics and song and all of that.
I'd been for the majority of what feels like as long as I can recall, trying to make a save for people outside of my own world, and not my actual own life, beingness and place of resources.
It is a test of faith like only those who know they cannot begin to explain it may feel and understand yet themselves not begin to explain either.

I'll try to find some actual peace and forward motion to move ahead.
And from there, a momentum of any kind to put into place not having to live
in this extreme tension and at times impossibly seeming of every single odd being against me.

Wearing Bones

 1st 02 19 2023
2nd add 02 20 2023
tinny and muddied will try to clear it up a bit but will still be tinny and muddied opposed to yesterdays posted ones. will add them together anyhow as  a little album maybe 7 or 8

rich girlfriends and nepotism are what anyone, anybody needs
get to travel anywhere, take a travel right through.
Like it puts a home right over your head
to never wake up with a full sleep.
And take care of everybody else's world
before your own
Reach for relatives
but they ain't home.
There ain't a brother hood
just in the world, more brother wars
& trust fund flunkies that try to shoot you down.

I know of an angel at least
definitely not at a south bend
across some pond or across some seas
maybe outside of the country here
there are brightnesses like these
I'd even post, I'd even  tweet
but unlike an abravomic
I'm throttled by these.
Funny ain't it
still there's a brightness alert
Except I'm powerful enough
to travel through all this hurt.
but I'm my own fool
and emperor,
can't spare being some others
don't need dead heroes, empty friend sakes
high prejudice prices or drunken mothers.
Just some meadows, opportunities
Some understand and also

#freedom #resonatorguitar #folk #blues #rockmusic #homerecording #Elixir #LomeMarsupial 

Sunday, February 19, 2023

debauch debauch


Debauch Debauch (early)


02.19.2023 "Debauch Debauch" thing to add layers to.  youtube link but youtube's boofing it.

on this planet
everyone is corrupted
and I'm here
to fly free

don't shed on me
I'm along my way
Just don't stand in my way

They ain't sisters
of human kind
they're just the
walking dead
walking blind

And on this planet
everyone's corrupted
and on this planet
you're living in
Post-modern art
is debauch, is a sin.
And I'm guilty
of committing it.

but my purpose
is it be flying free
So come along by
Just don't stand in front of me

Untraceable Unobtainable (early)

02.19.2023 "Untraceable Unobtainable" (early) [audio only] 1 track vocals & resonator guitar

saw a set of these today
right up above
the human high way
Saw a set of fliers
skipping the toll
I hope one flies,
human 'kind'
right up your soul.

#aerial #hawk #soaring #bird #birds #nature #humankind #air #Horus #Lomemarsupial #Photography #Landscape #RealLife #Wings #GoHigh #Spirit #Photographer #amazinganimals #animals #wildlife #wildlifekingdon



saw a set of these today
right up above
the human high way
Saw a set of fliers
skipping the toll
I hope one flies,
human 'kind'
right up your soul.

#aerial #hawk #soaring #bird #birds #nature #humankind #air #Horus #Lomemarsupial #Photography #Landscape #RealLife #Wings #GoHigh #Spirit #Photographer #amazinganimals #animals #wildlife #wildlifekingdon



 You shouldn't try to make bargains with the soulless or the godless
or the hateful or the hylic.

It is like spoonfeeding a void.
Anyone who wishes to reverse nature
and call it beautiful or daring
when deforming the brilliance of life
is not one to make efforts of pleasing.
Yet those with the energy force
and vibrance of what life is
seem to be in the position
of playing a constant game of defense.

So why start to care what you are called,
or what the bureaucratic hive mind thinks?
Would be poets of today,
are being swayed into that hylic horde.
Will it pay off to be conned into becoming
a transhumanist or whatever?
It is not daring to uglify the world.

Saturday, February 18, 2023


 Look at the people
all the shit they were tricked right into
all the funding of personalities
all the emotional swaying
the heavy programming,
all of those ways to get people at
grips with one another.
And no woman stand behind man
or man behind woman
in a real and direct way
just advertising and anger
just a soulless sort of slop
and they tear at one another
like races at one another
and everyone lets it unfold
"now at least I know what you 
werent hiding,"
and "now at least I know
what you are not hiding"
and so your constance of
dominant force
if your at work boss, now,
or your place of employment
and your man, your soul mater
is the company who gives you image.
Image of power,
empower this, empower that
until the eggs are dry, and so on
until the tattoos dry on
until the stitches cant be undone.

Should you tell them they were tricked
they were sold a real doozie
never able to be repaid
Should you tell the ones who are
trained to hate you and trained to want 
you dead and to be the scapegoat
responsible for all their woes and so on
should you tell them they've been slipped a mickey
that they've been brandished and brainmuddled
and run through just like a program unpacked.

Well I'm not sure because I know they not know
of what they do
and I know they not know of
where their information comes from.
but its mammal-see, mammal-do,
but you wasted your growing years,
and your formative,
playing hip to get the good points
the social stigma and recognition.
You could have been out without your smart phone
developing bonds and not playing guilt games
but why should I help those who are
trained trained trained trained
to need a new alibi
as the entire time like some alien breed,
and an onlooker, 
even I got fucked over by your MOB
of insane fanatics
and spiritual fakirs
and nepotisms of color revolutions.

I had my own things to deal with
my own world to tend to
then a free path to finally say
what it is from imagination
that I grow and move to say
and your hordes of scowling
undeveloped minds,
full on ego and tenacity
block my path to be who it is I be,
as an alien observer
or youthful painter of prose and expression
I see you all just tearing things down
building nothing of sacred design
no geometry of sacred design
just mad as hell and loaded with emotion
with that passion used against you and against me
but you cant even see it

even in your later years
would you ever even see it?
Well from what I saw and learned and know now
of the levels of the soul
in the ganter of Hylics and programmed populaces
again and again and again
does history learn
when they participate in moments of witless passion
crafted to get them to destroy
I see it now
What had become of you all.
It turns my stomach
and makes me vomit and
realize that beauty destroyers
will never be soul satisfied.
Twain was right about ever teaching fools
that they're being fooled.
And I'm algorithm banned
by you woke dipshits
as the television legacy media
buys up the web,
taking that free roaming places of beautiful
but not always safe, but teaching ideas
and turns it into another damned insult
to intelligence.

You could see them grow to old age and gain
in times when it was true
that wisdom was needed to reach elder years
but now we just hand it to them
to stay ignorant and stupid and arrogant
and controlled by emotion
not by intuition
or a search for glory and self-awareness.

but I know now eternally who not to go to war with
and I know now eternally who my favorite creators are
and who won't last even 7 years now via propaganda memory
and whose tattoos wont fade
and whose etched words wont fade
as they scream like ugly demons
things they wont understand
as followers
it rouses me to passion, though,
and I peer at what to be thankful for.
so I push myself in doing so
On my independent journey
and that it is, an independent journey.
Take those lovers of the past
or brothers who would not last
and gain my footsteps to tread,
to see its not then just so alone,
as Lome,
but there are animals and rivers
and signs and water and stone.
But to unturn these times you've made
making a hell of the planet
I do not accept your hell.
and as you make a hell of the planet
and try to sell it to Guardians or Watchers
that it is anything but a hell,
you'll see when the scales are set to measure
even your slyest tactics won't break an ember.
I'll let my soul be free
no matter in how many ways this all seems to snare me
I'll be free with virility,
its no popularity contest
or "point" gaining game
and the media magicians
can go fuck themselves by taking the populace
and putting spells on them turning it to this,
when such a bliss could actually be. 
Yet also to not forget
and to never forget
and to never ever forget. 

 Soon we are off to fight,
and not one another.

02 18 2023

I prayed to God and God said fuck off we're going to raise the taxes an extra 4k per year for where you're at  and then I still never sold my soul, while anything with intelligent soul was cancelled by cancerous cantankerous woke people.  
But the town and county is getting 'blockbusted' and I'm trying to think of anywhere, maybe Washington State, to get to. With no leads or anything. To move and live and stay. Where gardens can grow, and a house on a hill. With sun light and ideas. And a way to clock in to what it is I'm made to do.

Don't go walking in the Ohio Rain,
and those clouds come swaying by.
What will we do beneath that acid rain
there's no demonic ex girlfriends
or drunken sloshy mothers
or backturned friends,
just radical flowers
and even then I won't grit 
my own teeth or glower.
But God, yeah, thanks God
at least I've got my class. 
Even the fat hillybilly up the road
my grandpa new
is driving down below, 
throwing lotto ticket trash and empty
cans of booze
Makes me think
makes me think,
don't date evil problem girls 
no no
see the light
and move to a window
where the world feels right.
Otherwise is just moneys
draining you down
or unreal expectations
as the nation drowns.
We'll make up aliens
to suffice a mantle
at least I ain't glued on in
to some TV channel

And I've got wooden basins
of singing guitars
they're all I really play
Send my troubles to mars

But for Dahl and for Seuss
and for whomever else,
when Twain, for damn sure,
and luminaries always
You can't chip away
no matter how hard that you try
to try to take the life or the bright
out  traveler's eye
and I don't care about your numbers
never much feeling like a numb
I don't want the kind of time to ever
hold someone under my thumb
So why do others?
Is it a reciprocation for soul?

S.M.I2.L.E Space migration Intelligent Squared Life Extension



lome and the giant giant peachy


Monday, February 13, 2023

 anyone that voted for this shit is not welcome in my life.
know better you hylics

The Console

Be life.

Friday, February 3, 2023

site updates


 Some relatives photo book memories.
I would do more than just take a gander if able to revisit that era.
I would put my foot down and stay. Because this present world is a mutated mess which hates tradition.
Also I wouldn't have to have my life wrecked by extreme psychologically abusive alcoholics. I guess that is personal but by now I realized my efforts to share creations and expressions on the web are above as fucked as being guarded against than anything else.
I just want to print my books and publish music and creations. But the world seems in a trance. My soul grows stronger via surviving this shit.
But humanity at this point seems for the fucking birds.
People have a mind virus today and are so easily led into this 'culture war' and destroying beauty and aptitude. You disgust me and make me absolutely sick in the stomach, and may God find some way of uprising a soul within you. Because all you wish to do is be a road block against people trying to live their own way, and to complete soul fulfillment. And to be anything but a cog or a parasite trying to usurp human potential. 
I have to fight against all of this shit. But will still bring beauty and what I can do, even with no peacefulness under my own damned roof.  
looking around at everything dished out with your division agendas and destroying actual beauty and ingenuity, I hope you get the world you "think" you want but have no clue of what it entails. I hope you get every last little detail of it and have to fucking live within it. See what it really means.
You're what are called "useful idiots" so go fill your heads with your drugs and your media obsession and make livings off being offended and tearing things down you don't have a fraction of the brain power or most of all heart or soul to begin to ever even accomplish.
Get the world you're pushing for, I hope it catches up to you and you have to live within it.
because all you are is hatred disguised as justice and a part of history repeating itself where some of the biggest leeches and scummiest kinds with power trips never learn until it is too late.
You'll never have the soul power to create some of the most beautiful expressions of artwork and intellect and emotion but you sure as hell know how to cancel and make livings off propaganda and damaging mental capacity, beauty and a touch of soul.
So live with it when you get what you want. or what you think you want.

I have got my self.
#earlyamerica #photoarchives #photography #bohemnian #folkart #photobooks #mediacensorship #wokeisshit #soulstrong #survive