Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Terror is BACK

To s(l)ave the economy,
To pick up where security measures couldn't be furthered,
Stay in your homes! Some brown-skinned Cia Extremists are jealous of your freedoms and want to kill YOU!
Are you terrified yet?

Now is a great time to (re)introduce the X-ray scanning security systems!
As long as a mode of heavy fear is churned up, places that do not already
operate such forced security laws will now surely be pleased to accept any
new protective enforcement measures.
Another hilarious/disgusting link I found was
'U.S. Had Early Signals of a Terror Plot, Obama Says'
Well no shit! It's getting kind of tiring hearing about how 'The U.S. knew this,
had prior information to..." Well it's no wonder when the majority of 'problems' are funded
if not fully carried on by the 'protecting' organizations. Actually, it was quite a while without
having any airborne terror scare tactics bombarded (Wrong word to describe it!?) into
our conscious... See, If it's going to work out, you have to perpetually instill the same means
of fear into the participators mind. We've had at least a couple months off the 'air terror'
scenario while the vaccination panics were being thrusted upon us to save us from that dreaded
avian.. I mean, Anthrax, no wait.. Swine, yes, that's it.. "Swine Flu."

"Dutch to use full body scanners for US flights (AP)

AP - The Netherlands announced Wednesday it will immediately begin using full body scanners for flights heading to the United States, saying that could have stopped the attempted Christmas Day airline bombing."

Our divine ways of freedom are at a risk here!

So let's frisk/fist, scan and detain anybody suspicious! I want google earth to catch me taking a leak in the woods, for my own protection.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Holiday Sickness Bites My Ass

This photo was nestled between two hundred notepads and three million empty frames. It reminded me of christmass, 'Really jolted me further into the holiday 'mood.'

I knew it'd happen... I knew the 'christmas spirit' would crawl on through me and sporadically make me sick. After waking up from an hour nap (Way more sleep than usual) I could feel my nose dripping off my face and my eyes felt misplaced. I was fine beforehand.. After that nap now my lungs feel rung out, my throat drought and my temperament depleted. I suppose all of that gunk I'm trying to cough and hack up out of my system from my nasal and lower throat area is the christmas spirit that invaded me.. I want it to go away. It hasn't hit me that hard other than physically, though.. I feel no spur of the moment need to go out and needlessly buy useless wingdings or to choir sing melodies of mistranslated celebration and celebrated credit card purchases.

Monday, December 14, 2009

So Be It, SoBek and D.N.A.

"So be yourself, but only as we say Follow your own path, only as the breeze will make you...."

"During the 1950s, researchers discovered that the chemical composition of most hallucinogens closely resembles that of serotonin, a hormone produced by the human brain and used as a chemical messenger between brain cells. They hypothesized that hallucinogens act on consciousness by fitting into the same cerebral receptors as serotonin, "like similar keys fitting the same lock.1"

Some weeks ago I had finished a book I picked up after wandering on in to the warehouse book sale previously mentioned where upon the end day a bag of books was around 75 Cents to a dollar. Luckily many very interesting ones were left and despite missing seemingly many,many good ones, the books I stumbled upon led me into some different alleys to part me from accepted 'normals' and to even confirm some of my previous interpretations.

"Given The conditions of contemporary civilization, how can one claim that the 'normal' man is sane?"
"The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one's own mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values it's normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal...
We are not able to even think adequately about the behaviour that is at the annihilating edge. But what we think is less than what we know;What we know is less than what we love; What we love is so much less than what there is. And to that precise extent we are so much less than what we are."
-R.D. Laing, The Politics Of Experience

This book (The Cosmic Serpent) really grabbed a hold of me because it was taking some of the most sincere subjects to me that I had stood back and looked at in many different ways, or, through many 'reality tunnels,' as you might say.
Basically, this read was an investigation done by a researcher dissatisfied with the given shut and close case of the connection between the sacred knowledge of indigenous tribes and it's connection to DNA with the closed eyes current anthropology and science has in it's terms of 'primitive information.'

The cover of the book said enough to my subconscious as it glared to me from the shelf, but it amazed me even more when the page that had been bookmarked with red ribbon by the previous owner opened to this:
The first page that jumped onto my third-eyeball when the book was opened

So I had been on a tirade of research and insight amongst the subjects of advertising, Egypt and symbols. Mostly, It seemed to come to me and I wouldn't dare tell somebody else to believe information (Any information) on it just by word, but to research it themselves and take a vacation from all the pre-fed explanations of the world that have led us all into a time loop of non-answers and very expensive theories always done by people who ARE NOT YOU. What is so attractive about the 'unknown?' It is that there is always more to learn, and that 'science is always playing catchup' or will more appropriately, will lose money and credibility for admitting past mistakes and current discovery.. or that the unknown does not have to be unknown?
There is HiStory, and there is MyStery.
His Story is what we've been fed, it is always His meaning, his interpretation but what about MY story, what about your story? Mysteries are always left unanswered and it's about time that the weird or the unfunded start to gain their ground.

Is it safe to say that truth is perception and intuition is a more earnest way to lead path and puzzle pieces together rather than ego? In which ego is moreso proving everything to wrap around your own belief structure rather than opening the mind to the possibilities which in end actually will make more sense than the funded and dull explanations we all wrap logic around to stand by.

"In 1979, It was discovered that the human brain seems to secrete dimethyltryptamine---Which is also one of the active ingredients of ayahuasca. This substance produces true hallucinations, in which the vidions replace normal reality convincingly..." "Unfortunately, scientific research on dimethyltryptamine is rare. To this day, the clinical studies on it's effects on "normal" human beings can be counted on the fingers of one hand.1" Or, more appropriately, to this day, the funding of My story has been kept a mystery, because it seems the research when done just may be key-like enough to open the doors of perception, and the tainting of consciousness itself is a billion dollar industry, perhaps even the indoctrination of the monetary system itself.

Some of the more interesting quotes I will list but I pretty much had underlined and 'dogeared' the book in it's entirety due to it's synchs and interesting comments on what some of the ancient and current cultures speak of regarding symbols, reality structure and dna.

The comparison from DNA to ancient serpent symbolism really tugged at my mind because adding that in with the effects of sacred symbols on human beings reminded me of months ago when in my hand I held a bottle of that 'Sobe Life Water' and doing an article on Egypt at the time I immediately thought Sobec/k! and as you'd have it, the curled logo was swirled up into a 'c.'

'Coincidence, you nutjob!' I'm ready to accept as a reply, but the identical DNA graphics not only imprinted in the silhouette but swirled around the body in the 'eternal form' of DNA, (or the ladder to the heavens) made me chuckle only a little.

Sobek (Sebek, Sebek-Ra, Sobeq, Suchos, Sobki, and Soknopais)

Sobe /Sobec
To the ordinary, without foreknowledge of psychology and how the mind perceives matter, sure it all merely fits the paranoid ramblings of an overtly suspicious group of people who make up a small (yet growing) percentage of consciousness, But that is fine. If you look through to the way the mind actually interprets subliminals and how genetic DNA and ancient worship is done then the only real difference between 'then and now' is that then, people were aware of it and now people are simply too distracted or high in their ego to be either interested, bothered by it, open minded, are engineered or don't have enough free time to ponder such possibilities.

This was a while after being introduced to the presentation on subversive marketing by Michael Tsarion (Highly recommended to those who haven't already seen it) during a time where 'intrigued' was a very understated definition (endlessly fascinated is more like it) of how I felt when being introduced with the similarities if not identical patterns of previous rituals and symbols in comparison to the present, in which people have lost identification and knowledge of the power of an image and what a ritual may be considered.

To the paragraph mentioning the distracted, there are almost two consciousnesses occurring at the same time in this reality spectrum and in my view it is the ego versus the open. And the term usually used to fight open-mindedness is that "If you're too open minded, your brain might fall out" which is pretty funny, I guess, but irrational in the fact that you can be open minded without being completely gullible and must still use common logic, Though, logic, in this day is sadly hard to come by. Written off as 'coincidence,' almost EVERY culture has had symbolism and god/goddesses worship through spiritual and inner enlightenment/knowledge. By 'inner,' I mean inside of the body, inside of the mind. We could discuss the Pineal Gland/Pine cone worship, or the highly discussed and apparent mushroom worship, DNA, and phallic is obviously dire on the symbol use as well (Yeah, look at the temples, obelisks,etc.)

Though the answers are always given, and thanks to many researchers who go out on the limb of ridicule and have the curiosity and bravery to mention these things, it definitely is apparent today.
Just take a look around at any hospital logo.

(Okay, some of the logos may look like this as well, but pay no attention to sun worship.. We wouldn't still take part in that today,right?)

The obvious is in the open, and with any research done it comes to notice that to cure the body that the DNA must be the main component of healing, which might be why it is used upon the symbols wherein the profession is healing.


The serpent symbolism represents the double-helix of DNA. It is used blatantly throughout civilizations and, with any basic glance of the similarities, the count of this use past and present seems endless. The serpents were seen as the creator gods. Creator? Endless? DNA is both endless and the creator of every living thing. All cells in the world contain DNA.

"The average human being is made up of 100 thousand billion cells, estimated. This means that there are approximately 125 billion miles of DNA in a human body -- corresponding to 70 round-trips between Saturn and the Sun. ... Your personal DNA is long enough to wrap around the Earth 5 million times."1
Is this the connection to the stars that is always mentioned in religion, philosophy and spirituality?

"Anthropologists invented the word 'Shamanism' to classify the least comprehensible practices of the 'primitive' peoples." 1
The Tungas language for this is Saman and the first Russians who observed the activities of shaman described them as 'mentally ill.' This is how far the indoctrination of belief systems pushes the ego of ideology. If you do not understand it or it is not within your comfort zone it is 'mad.' Need I bring up the 'flat Earth' days again?

In the book there is a conversation the author had with Carlos Perez Shuma, The Amazonian Ashaninca where the shaman stated
"I know that any living soul, or any dead one, is like those radio waves flying around in the air"

"In the air. That means that you do not see them, but they are there, like radio waves. Once you turn on the radio, you can pick them up...."

These were the types of things inventive revolutionary Nikola Tesla had picked up and knew about, and where the studies of Quantum Technology and Dark Matter theories delve into, yet because before 'advanced technology' was able to catch up to it, past civilizations were degraded and shunned in retrospect.

The journey seems to never end but the connections seem to grow bolder and more clearly as the moments grow. Normal explanations will one day seem laughable and the 'keys of Thoth' and ancient understanding may one day grow to the present but only if the old ways of ego and ridicule of possibility diminish first.

I'll leave off with two more quotes from this book that I recommend people get a copy of and ask questions about.

Here is a very heavy key factor in our little dimension that, strangely enough, many people do not know of. "We do not know how our visual system works. As you read these words, you do not really see the ink, the paper, your hands, and the surroundings, but an internal and three-dimensional image that reproduces them almost exactly and that is constructed by your brain. The photons reflected by this page strike the retinas of your eyes which transform them into electrochemical information; the optic nerves relay this information to the visual cortex at the back of the head, where a cascade-like network of nerve cell separates the input into categories (form, color,movement,depth,etc.) How the brain goes about reuniting these sets of categorized information into a coherent image is still a mystery. That also means that the neurological basis of consciousness is unknown.1"

"...I had learned that the human eye is more sophisticated than any camera of similar size. The cells on the outer layer of the retina can absorb a single particle of light, or photon, and amplify its energy at least a million times, before transferring it in the form of a nervous signal to the back of the brain. This IRIS, which functions as the eye's diaphragm, is automatically controlled. The cornea has just the right curvature. The lens is focused by miniature muscles, which are also controlled automatically by feedback. The final result of this visual system, still imperfectly understood in its entirety, is a clear, colored and three-dimensional image inside the brain that we perceive as external. We never see reality, but only an internal representation of it that our brain constructs for us continuously.1"

1. From the book 'The Cosmic Serpent DNA and the Origins of Knowledge by Jeremy Narby, respectively.

This is the first article I have done in a while and is very condensed and in hopes to provide people to further investigation upon, because with the likes of such topics it must be experienced and not told, but as interesting as it is, it is very hard not to write about it. Future topics might include the pineal gland symbolism, while others are already covered very well by certain researchers/"bloggers" going through several different layers and levels of interpretation.
My computer crashed recently and the "Egypt" article is constantly being updated and expanded on but I hope to release it shortly, If I can find the hefty sized folder of images which seem to be erased or lost at the moment. There was also a slide show but that looks like it's gone forever so I shall re-type the whole thing from scratch. Note that this blog is a constant cluster and not meant for just one subject. Complete randomness will be posted most of the time. Also note that Normal is Insane!
I'll be releasing something special soon for those who can handle my audio, but now it looks like I'll be repairing a vehicle and working on my 'unfree' time. Yeah, that's what the last post was about.. Watch out for black ice.. Fuck, 'still surprised I'm in one peace . Call it luck?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The future may just never get here

It's strange, knowing you should be dead or at least crippled from an intense and jolting event, yet can just somehow walk onward with that feeling of hysterical shock and the moment playing repeatedly.
Live,live,live because you can; Tomorrow's forever and if you're counting on the future to be your 'moment,' The future may just never get there.


That holiday sickness is getting all over every doorknob,
trash container and even on the bottom of my shoe.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Stumbled upon via imagesearchBrought To You By Channel Spirit

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Psyche Had An Itch

'My Psyche Had An Itch.mp3 6.11 MB

This is a song off of the currently unreleased full-length of Reckless Reclusion.
Improvised and recorded as a first take and only-take on August 14th 2008 outside on the front porch.. There were two other songs from this night of 'improvised weirdness'.. "Demon Problems" and "Bite My Tongue" which will probably someday be released with a tractor trailer truck full of b-sides but are otherwise just muck.
Words off the tip of the tongue breathe easier for me and I guess it's like the release of a subconscious buildup of the mental mutiny.

The more I think about 'releasing' music the more stressed and annoyed I get.. I hardly ever want to sell it, I just want to make it, and keep making more and hope others will experience the noise... I can't market... and I don't want to market. With that being said, I will shortly probably just release the entire album for free like many of the past ones have already been done. I can't buy my way into the 'industry' and don't want to become one of those zany air-headed hucksters that can 'make it' in or are apart of the industry! I guess if people dig it and want to support it they can do so, otherwise, I'll just keep talking into caves.
Plus, there are so many hours of music sitting on my harddrive awaiting direction.
This Reckless Reclusion is some sort of bothered back-mucus buildup finally spit out through short stories and I suppose somehow listening to a lot of Billy Bragg, Mojo and Skid Roper, and Joe Talcum and early folk songs had a spice of influence.
And I just realized something pretty funny in that I had a song recorded called "Hot Air Balloon Hijack" and didn't even think to compare it to that 'balloon boy' bullshit, Though it's a little different in scenario because it's about hijacking a hot air balloon and taking it to the moon.

I'll add more tunes later, possibly one by one, and then post the entire album with download links soon... While I still work on Death:The Infomercial and get mentally raped at 'business employment' with nightmares of upc codes strangling me and zombified customers boring me to death.

The witch ritualistically killed the Arab who was busy blowing himself up while the stock broker caused the homeless to starve and die on the street but
only after he became desperate and insane enough to mug the priest who went out and jailed the witch.. And somewhere along the way god was sitting there
watching it all but he was everywhere at once, infront of a TV screen being convinced that god was somebody else. (From some satirical tangent written with invisible ink)

Monday, October 19, 2009

I should probably get sleep someday

Today I found myself scuffing my feet along a warehouse book sale floor. $1.50 a book, or something of the like. Much like any day, it was topsy and turvy. Although later in the day I was insulted by a homeless person for no reason, I had come across a book called

which was pretty interesting as it stood off the shelve staring at me in an eye-catching manner... Also, a book simply titled '666' in bold red colors fell onto the floor as I passed through the busy shelving isles but for some reason that did not really surprise me or make me nudge at all.
Some other books that I filled up the plastic bag with were
'The Odyssey' of course, because it's been a damn long time since I've read that and that was way before I had anything to relate the meanings to.
'Nikola Tesla Returns' was another one, and even though I have no expectations for the book it should be interesting nonetheless.I know that there are many written about him that only uncover merely 20% of what he accomplished, as I suppose it's 'riskay' to write about many of his concepts since we wouldn't be slaving away drowsily if we could tap into his knowledge.

'The Roots of Coincidence' and 'I Ching-The Book Of Changes' were a couple more that I gnabbed off the shelves... And 'Learn Italian!' Why stick to one language?? Chances are, I will sloppily and slowly learn the language and then end up somewhere like Asia and wonder why I picked the wrong damn book.

Here are some 'rejected photos' from 05/2009 while I find myself reaching into endless empty bags grabbing for sleep..

'Baby, I don't wanna want a baby'

I hated this photo because it belongs in a dainty calendar or maybe as a Salt
Lake City postcard. It's calming, but, death to it.

Purple was the color of the day.

Around 2:30 in the morning

This was as close to a telescope that my camera would get.
And as it was near it's last few breaths of life, the focus was shoddy and unstable, though
sometimes I enjoyed the camera's unbalanced, blurry as hell effects before it finally
croaked on me.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Planets Must have been switched (Because there's surely no air here)

You cannot die if you're already dead...
And sometimes I wonder if planets have been switched... Or which one have I maybe ended up on. Surely it can't be real. People talk about ascension.. There is the material realm, where we stand afoot now, Like some jelloish wave of molasses with distractions and I wonder if the only next step forward is by shedding the skin, so to say:To leave the body.
There is a world of symbols fully misunderstood and a language of living through the Shamans knowledge that has been so bleached out of the conscious that it is ridiculed or scorned even being mentioned yet surely the holy "Thou Shall Not Make A Graven Image" came even before "Thou Shall Not Murder," showing how important the subconscious mind proves to be. The fact that many merely will not take in the possibility of the subconscious level of reality being something critical is in itself a "Poison" sign.

So I ask, Can you not die if you are already dead? Or maybe more suitably: Who is left alive? Maybe this is purgatory for some.. I see many lost souls and they grab for distractions. They pretend this is bliss but are not the cities and towns only a place for consumption and advertising space? And the last fields, They must be bought up or paved before freedom can surely be (evicted) spread. Rest assured, though, this is NOT the end of the world.. As I will get to soon. Yes, This is NOT the end of the world (Unless we want it to be. Unless we choose to believe what we're allowed to create.)

Sometimes the crazier things make sense in the world... It's always the repeated things that make cents, though.
My computer was quite fried and frizzled for a while and I had started too many writings and have a bit of articles started but often wonder whether to finish them and how many are already covered. Though, while delving in and out of the 'real' world my personal perspectives and takes on the in'sanity' make it often difficult to not bring up, no matter how many raised eyebrows may scold me for raising my head in this comical trench. Is it often worth sharing the perspective and advice to those with a verbal and communal bullet aimed towards you?

"....we use that word 'crazy' to avoid thinking about things that are too painful for us. "
-Carl Sagan

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Songs of Reckless Reclusion

Darlin' Miss Invisible (2:51)

Train Tracks Song (4:48)

Recently I finished an EP titled 'Reckless Reclusion' which will also come out with 18 or so tracks as a full length. The whole EP is up for download at this page and hard copies are available as well for four talisman. Umm, It's a polar opposite from the Death The Infomercial project, Since these songs are more of a folk, laidback and an improvised singer/songwriter kindof thing. The full length will be a balance of comedy/drama and mostly improvised material.. I'm pretty much working on this at the exact same time as Death:The Infomercial so it's getting kind of hard to keep a pace of being able to come back up for air on occasion.

Nuking The Moon Into Modern Artwork

My computer was recently fried but I somehow managed to rehabilitate it, which in the meanwhile it is always good to take a long break and get out to breathe in some of that semi-fresh air.

Okay, bombing the moon... Lately I've had this yearning to just up and leave the Earth, but now it's quite a bothersome plan because any other planet or galaxy that I may choose to leave to just might be nuked. Yeah, I think we should blow up the moon.. We can create some sort of technology to sculpt the moon into a giant monument of Obama's head or maybe even a Walgreens logo. I'm sure many people wouldn't mind going out, looking up and seeing a huge Obama head or Walgreens branding.. Heck, it's hard to escape either one in the daylight!
The funny thing is, that months ago when mentioning the idea of 'Hey, they're planning to send a missile to the moon' or the slight reference to such an action.. "Hey man! Don't tell me fairy tales! Nutjob!"

Then, oh yes, then, A brief newscast cuts in between dead celebrity headlines and the current war,rape,death,and suicidebombing newsbriefs for a VERY quick mention 'Yeah, we bombed the moon... Looking for gatorade, that's all you need to know." -CLICK- Back to CSI or the latest police triple homicide baby raping.. All I'm saying is, one minute it's a joke that can't be taken seriously, and next, it's broadcast and "ooooh.. Okay.. So it WASSS Possible and is true."

(Actually, one insight that will probably get me in far too much trouble is to speculate if the moon even was tampered with or not. This really might mess with some people's balance on reality but just think about how anything on a screen can be taken as true and 'had happened.' The moon can have said to be dryhumped by Nasa technology but whose to say it actually has. Maybe it's selfish and outlandish to say, but take a dice roll to wonder if it is merely the minds belief that creates possibility and truth. 'A new star system was just found with ancient life forms and satellites have zoomed in with Nasa technology which recognized the placement of high tech cities scattered throughout.' Do you see how this is utter bullshit coming from my imagination yet when it is delivered over newspaper and TV transmission, as long as people are gullible it is REAL.. REAL, I tell yah', Whether anybody had experienced or had seen it or not, it's real to them. Okay, a more old fashioned example. The Earth is Flat, The Earth is Round. Take that concept and put it on repeat, for infinity and things can be pieced a bit more concisely.. I mean, only if you believe it.

I guess my only struggle and question to some people is:
Is it worth the efforts of spreading a perspective or concept of possibilities when the majority either laugh it off or fight against anything that is not science or religion?
After all, everything is perspective (My perspective) so the majority opinion seems to be what truth is crafted as.
And another question:
Why fuck with the moon, and is there more 'to it' that we're told? Also, With the moons drastic effects among the Earth's behavior, would you rate it genius or idiotic?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Can I Retire Early And Settle For A Discount Casket?

(This image has been cut short. Click it so it may be fully exposed)

Okay, there's a few typos..(damnit) Oh well. Either way, I'm quite sure that anybody could print this out, leave it in a street somewhere and somebody surely would be able to pick it up off the ground and it would register as legitimate.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pink sky hole,photo roll and bargain souls

From 08/2008
This is a photo by Dylan Pakkala from a spot I had set up behind an old store where a couple of friends and I used to go and skateboard. They'd (The property owners/city) since pretty much demolished the ground there so it's hardly possible to go back there on a vandal board but there's a whole collection of photos and footage from back in the day.
This is another photo by Dylan.
And this too

Which reminds me of just how many cameras I've been breaking lately and how many people I owe replacements to.
Right now I can't sleep, and all I can think of is just skating down steep hills as fast as I can, I guess as some sort of amphetamine as to whisk away all those nerve jerking manifestations, irritations and insomnias. I was working on editing through stories last night and before I knew it had looked out the window and it was daylight already.

I haven't slept in like 2 1/2 days. That full length album is pretty much all finished, for both projects actually, but I don't even feel like releasing them, not yet. I already know they won't go anywhere, Because I won't play the 'industry' game. Either way I'm going to continue playing shows.. I have this urge to just up and hijack a spaceship. It's been driving me up a wall lately, the 'game,' The psychology of participation.

The industry

There's the music industry and then there's actually making music. Music is an art and art is about bending bars... Hopping out of boxes. Industry is about sales, accessories and patterns. Once you find a pattern that works, the industry doesn't want to take that chance: The leap into the unknown. It's all image, it's all niche.
I've always been staggered by people's views on art.. Usually, to me, whatever people presently hate, loathe and are disgusted by is what is later printed in books to be remembered as art.. And whatever at the given moment is being sold as 'artistic' is then forever forgotten like the gutless sales pitch that it really is. And when beginning to think too much about the industry, it's really just a big headache. It's all glitter, and no soul.. I swear some of 'em have no souls or hearts in their bodies, just little card slips with a diamond cross or daisy over the robotic scan code.
But that grief, that grief is just downright taking things too seriously.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Corporate Avenger - Taxes are Stealing

I decided to post this song up, as I just listened to it for the first time in about three years. There was a sort of spark to the song with how damn upfront the lyrics were. I've never really been into the style of such electro-rock/rap or what you may call it but the message and lyrics stuck out like a sore thumb with ragged uncut sharp nails.. You couldn't not notice it. There were some other real good songs from these guys as well with lines like "I don't fault the police (Because the people that run 'em have got 'em on a short leash.")
Anyhow, you don't hear too many musicians daring to step up and talk about the farce of the federal income system. Also, they speak heavily of the corruption over early native cultures in a really well done and summarized way. "Music for the fed up" and definitely worth checking out.. Just get over the fact that they look like Slipknot or whathaveyou. ;)
Also, another pretty upfront song:
"Christians murdered indians
Christians murdered indians

In the history of the human race
Of all the inspirations for the separation of
man from his true tribal culture
Of all the inspirations for acts of violence from one man onto another,
From one nation onto another, from one oppressor onto the oppressed.
There is no more guilty party and inspiration than those books known
As the holy bible the Koran and the bagavad gita
to spread separation of mankind.

The bible is bullshit, the bible is bullshit

The bible is bullshit, the Koran is a lie, the
bagavad gita did not fall from the sky
These are the books that were written by men.
They've caused wars, now follow if you can,

They took away our love and gave us fear
Tried to make us hate the one who put us here
Then they took our sacred songs and made them wrong
Then they took away our prayers and gave us theirs

The bible is bullshit, the Koran is a lie, the
bagavad gita did not fall from the sky
These are the books that were written by men.
They've caused wars, now follow if you can,

First they created sin so they could win
Then they built the cages they could put us in
Then they took away our tribes and gave us jail
Then they took away the earth and gave us hell

The bible is bullshit, the Koran is a lie, the
bagavad gita did not fall from the sky
These are the books that were written by men.
They've caused wars, now follow if you can,

It's time for you to love one another

It's time for you recognize your brother
It's time for us to stop killing our mother
It's time for us to care for each other
The bible is bullshit, the bible is bullshit
The bible is bullshit, the bible is bullshit

It's time for you to love one another
It's time for you recognize your brother
It's time for us to stop killing our mother
It's time for us to take care of each other

It's time for you to love one another
It's time for you recognize your brother
It's time for us to stop killing our mother
It's time for us to take care of each other

The bible is bullshit, the Koran is a lie, the
bagavad gita did not fall from the sky
These are the books that were written by men.
They've caused wars, now follow if you can,

They took away our love and gave us fear
Tried to make us hate the one who put us here
Then they took our sacred songs and made them wrong
Then they took away our prayers and gave us theirs

The bible is bullshit, the Koran is a lie, the
bagavad gita did not fall from the sky
These are the books that were written by men.
They've caused wars, now follow if you can,

First they created sin so they could win
Then they built the cages they could put us in
Then they took away our tribes and gave us jail
Then they took away the earth and gave us hell

The bible is bullshit, the Koran is a lie, the
bagavad gita did not fall from the sky
These are the books that were written by men.
They've caused wars, now follow if you can,

It's time for you to love one another
It's time for you recognize your brother
It's time for us to stop killing our mother
It's time for us to care for eachother

The bible is bullshit, the bible is bullshit
The bible is bullshit, the bible is bullshit
The bible is bullshit, the bible is bullshit
The bible is bullshit, the bible is bullshit"

You know what, I'll even post the message of a third song of theirs called
"Voting Doesn't Work"

"Voting doesn't work 1-2-3
It's time you know your enemy
I won't pledge allegiance to hypocrisy
Your democracy, is not for me
So, when we try to change this place
Courtroom pulls an about face
Fantasies of the master race
Our elections they erase
See once upon a time we were all free
When we lived in tribal societies
Peace and harmony
And everything for the good of family
Yeah, cancer people can smoke weed
People voted to be free
But the fascist rule decree
Pigs arresting you and me
Voting doesn't work
When they don't like what we say then they stop it in the courts.
President this, president that
Represent the ruling class
One says this, one says that
Sounds the same what choice is that
See voting doesn't work 1-2-3
How can you choose when you don't have a choice?
How can you choose when you don't have a voice?
Yeah, interest games, their interest rates
Secret power fueled by hate
Fear for cash, cash for fear
Greenspan is the ruler here
Yeah, a pig is a pig
And they took it away
And I don't give a fuck about the things they say
It don't mean shit to me
Voting doesn't work, it's easy to see, that
Voting doesn't work
When they don't like what we say then they stop it in the courts
Voting doesn't work, I have seen
Along with piles of broken treaties
Your reality produces poverty, spiritually
In a nation of greed.
Well who is working, who is not
Think votes count, well I think not
Doesn't matter what we say
Things will always go their way
Power to the people is just a fantasy
And they sell it to us as an American dream
Well, your vote counts 1-2-3
Living in democracy
Everybody here is free
Cuz it's built for you and it's built for me.
Voting doesn't work
When they don't like what we say then they stop it in the courts"

I find the simplicity and straight forwardness of the message beautiful and in dire need to be heard. Of course, the spectrum goes much deeper, but damn these songs a kind of pamphlet reduced version that strike away the bullshit written in american history books that are fed and programmed daily into the nations' mind. If only the true simplicity of the illusion and history of people were known...

The Swine Flu Shuffle

I was going to immediately type up an updated version of an old paper but realize I had lost all of the photos and such for it so will have to start it from scratch. So, in meanwhile I will post the lyrics to a song I have written called 'The Swine Flu Shuffle."
With Kozmikon's thought provoking updates on the subject I remember a little dry humored song I sketched up on the matter right when the scare was coming out.

Note that the rhythm of the chorus is to take after "Bad Case Of Loving You" by Robert Palmer.

"Dr,Dr, Tell me what to do
I've got a bad case of that damn swine flu.
I don't wanna vomit, I don't wanna struggle
I just need to get up and do the Swine Flu Shuffle.

Kick to the left, Jive to the side
Get a shot of mercury just to stay alive
Hop on one foot, Wear this white mask
Case number 5,001 if they ask.

Dr,Dr I've got this slight cough
It's like this plague that I just can't get off.
I was eating Anthrax, I had mad cow disease
I even remember that drastic bird flu sneeze.
But this one's so bad, I just don't know what to do
"Chances are, Son, You've got the swine flu."

There's one way,baby, that I can shake it off
The swine flu baby, Shake it off (Shake it off!)
Take this shot, He has a medical coat
Jam these orange pills right down your throat.
The swine flu shuffle, Contagious and sly
Will this measly cough make me d,d,d,d,Die!?

Dr,Dr Tell me what to do
I've got a bad case of that damn swine flu
I don't wanna vomit, I don't wanna struggle
Just gotta get up and... Swine Flu Shuffle

[The bridge of the song would go right here:]
To the left baby, Shake it off shake it off
To the right baby, shake it off shake it off
Awwe hell, get it off me, get it off me
The deadly swine flu- just stick me with a shot.
(Add weak cough sound behind select verses)"

Okay,so maybe it won't be that big of a hit if I ever get around to recording it.. 'Can't imagine
and I might be dragged to the old mill house and hung for bringing up humor among something so feared.. But with it breaking out in the news of deaths after vaccination right down to the next town from me, It's starting to get pretty alarming as ideals of 'medical guinea pigging' going this far. Just look up all of the ingredients within this damned 'cure.'
"We're all healthy, says the FDA"

Saturday, September 12, 2009

We Live In A World [Where time is made up]

Be it night or day, the craftsman is made of clay
Shaping his armies with less vision
So they can live by his rules of play
Yet he himself is feeble
In his own selfish righteous way
Whom sends out hired killers, he still is made of clay.

"I ain't gonna shed my skin for you."

So lately I've been pondering on all of the exits away from the madness of the material world, and while most people want to fix everything on the outside, going back to self is the very last thing one would want to confront, because there is nothing more scary nor frightening than the self... Than to face your own shadows.. Which is why so many damn people can be uptight or voiding about analyzing or changing one's self to fix a problem. We all just want to blame the world around us. It's hard though, it seems, to escape the traps.. And the digger you deep and the more you learn about how the human body, neurons, signals and world operates. The deeper and deeper the trap seems to get. With the farther back you travel upon history, culture and wisdom the more ass-backwards of a direction things have seemed to of delved as to where we are right now.

The very idea that many can't even announce their own state capitol or admit to the power of thought suggestion begins to show a downward slope of knowledge and respect of self. If one had respect of self, they would see just what a sham the formal education system is, alongside the indoctrination through media culture. Even the very process of me bringing this up pigeonholes me as some whacko but after a while that accusation starts to sort of wear off.. You can go around trying to tell the world your ideas or mindset, hoping that it's right... When you yourself could possibly even be wrong.. Yet still, it's the idea that your "whackjob" ideas can't even be taken as a slight possibility, when they are able to offer more merit than the socially engineered opinion, that's when the concern really begins to make faces fluster. Take it as this: To be burnt alive suggesting the world is oblate.. Is it any different now? Are they witches or communists or terrorists? It's all fear, fear of someone else or fear of self, it is all the same.

The suppression of knowledge begins to come into play for many of the reasons of dire need in the control of information. If any of these prior topics even seem a bit startling or "out there" then they'll probably lock me up for eternity from some of the experiences that I have went through or viewpoints I've looked into the past week to month. Which started snowballing from the past few years or so. Yet, the more I look at how I am feeling about things lately, the more it fits right in like a puzzle piece to some of the knowledge practiced in the culture I am obsessed with learning of which is Egypt, and early Sumeria. The practices of symbol, magic, mystery school, soul, dimension and so forth were common knowledge and interest but when it is even brought up or mentioned in present we have been trained to shun anybody like idea off and outward.. "You're a fucking nutter.. Why can't you just stick to talking about beer and football.. or celebrity death?" Because these are the mechanisms to keep us dumb as dribble coming out the wrong end..

But still, To those out there interested in the same forms of research, do you not have to 'act' to make it through this life? To keep your head down because once you try and cross that line of 'dignity' and basic knowledge, you're pretty much castrated.. So one has to go along and pretend the way around in this material world. I guarantee, without even getting into any of the subjects as of yet, that there would be many turning their heads towards me to even hear this, part of those afraid of themselves, a fear to realize the possibilities. I keep on saying that we are truly afraid of the power of self because it is the idea that we can all change this world we mourn, bitch and hate that is all based on time and schedule.. We can change it if we want to, but we keep on participating, but I'm fucked up for talking about that. But you know, at the end, Things are dusted off for what they truly are. It's a very strange time, and there were some personal experiences that really, really pushed my perception of things on outwards regarding the concept of time.

"All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves." of course,A quote by Bill Hicks. I've always thought about and analyzed this perception before, in which many, many others such shamans, spiritualists and many many people who, just because they hadn't watched all the ball games of their time, shouldn't be classified as 'nutters' but as those to maybe learn something from. I would always wonder about the merit of the quote, because it felt pretty on target, but I never, ever thought I would actually experience that state of being... Until, well, it actually occurred.

That's all for now (folks.) I know visiting this blog may be unbalancing at sometimes, but if you do, it's at your own risk.. Because eventually I'm going to get into some pretty far out stuff (Not even as far out as some of the things I'm still dwelling upon but still pretty out there compared to programmed perception. It also must be weird having one entry speak of a couple of new songs I'd been working on (Yeah,too many more songs to come!) and then me talking about consciousness and illusion, but take it all in balance.. I don't want to wear a mask for anybody, So take it as it comes. I enjoy what I do, and know it will be just as much effort to get any ideas or creations out saying the things that will come up, but damnit, some things just need to be said and thought about.. No more masks, It can't be October 31st all year around.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ketchup and Mustard philosophy

"I need to wait for the world to catch up So I can Relish actual serenity"
.."Or maybe you need to quit thinking about condiments and find your own serenity out-
side all those stuck with forks in their heads."

Condiments:From french word Condire, or to preserve.. Quit thinking about preserving what's already built, there's no fixing it~ Go out unto your own, It tastes much better.
(They never let me write the damn fortune cookies.)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Coyote

Apparently it is Friday(Supposedly named after Anglo-Saxon Frigedaeg, From Goddess Fria.) Saturday is of course Saturn's day and there is not much to say that isn't already being worked on at the moment through jumbled short stories and projects driving me in sane/keeping me in 'sanity'.
The air is growing colder each night here in the Northeast of the States, so thick layers and heavy beards are being stockpiled and prepared by many. Even all the Ms. around here are in attempt to grow a moustache curl. While it freezes here, the West Coast catches on fire as per usual schedule this time of year.

Every night I go outside I hear the howls of coyotes under the shimmer of light from the bright moon through the clouds. They grow closer and closer in sound every night yet strangely enough I do not feel threatened or at any discomfort by their presence but moreso curious of their travels.. of their survival. Maybe I'm just magnetised to all the 'lone wolf' heresy of the species (Coyote/wolves.)
"People always make the wolf more formidable than he is" It is said, which I'd have to agree with. Humans seem more threatening to me oftentimes. Carnivorous,A vicious carnival.
That's about all I've got right now.. I wanna be,well..
Often it's better to be cold than thrust in the same situation constantly.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My own billboard vision and Travis the Dragon Enthusiast

A random crop to practice curious eyes

I was downtown on foot and wearing an empty stomach so I had waited for the soup kitchen to open up.... 'Ended up talking to quite a few friendly people, all good-spirited, which really turned the day around as I was pretty pissed off/aggravated .. Especially after going to the public library passing the sign near the front desk regarding the patriot act, basically explaining "We have the right to investigate your personal information if any of the books checked out seem suspicious of your behalf," which basically means that if you catch up far enough on how shit really works, "We're gonna turn you into dust and vacuum you up, without anybody ever knowing!
("We Shall Call It the Library, Where We Bury the Lies." Krs-One)
Anyhow, At the pantry this couple had a energetic kid named Travis. Normally I don't even talk to kids, (or anyone.. Okay I take part as the hermit) but ya know what.. I remember as a child older kids would always talk to me and I'd be damn interested. Nobody really seems to do that anymore. We just let machines and media take over any form of influence for the youth. He took a piece of paper off the table and each of us drew our own version of a dragon, after I split a line down the center of the sheet. He was very fixated on drawing a dragon, and kept telling me he wanted to see me draw one.
Here is a 'dragon' I drew when I was around 7
(Okay, it looks more like
what we think we know as a dinosaur.)

The funny thing is that a month or so ago I was going through my old childhood drawings from when I was 7 or so and I had made a really wild book having to do with a dragon, taking over a castle, and.. well, there were some giant plot holes. (I'll post that picture book up sometime if people promise not laugh at it!)
I guess the lesson for today is "Stop ignoring the kids! They're damn creative. "

That's 2% of the day but the rest is too much to even get into.. Walking until your feet bleed and coming inches away from a fawn as calm as a feather are too much to recollect fully at the moment.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Here are some more photos from the City, this day: 06/26/2009.
There's over 3 GB of photos so I'm trying to figure out what
the hell to do with so many.

coney island




"It's a shitty day, sign here... Sign your life away.
Number first, please, and then name
Sign here for your serving days"