Thursday, August 27, 2009

My own billboard vision and Travis the Dragon Enthusiast

A random crop to practice curious eyes

I was downtown on foot and wearing an empty stomach so I had waited for the soup kitchen to open up.... 'Ended up talking to quite a few friendly people, all good-spirited, which really turned the day around as I was pretty pissed off/aggravated .. Especially after going to the public library passing the sign near the front desk regarding the patriot act, basically explaining "We have the right to investigate your personal information if any of the books checked out seem suspicious of your behalf," which basically means that if you catch up far enough on how shit really works, "We're gonna turn you into dust and vacuum you up, without anybody ever knowing!
("We Shall Call It the Library, Where We Bury the Lies." Krs-One)
Anyhow, At the pantry this couple had a energetic kid named Travis. Normally I don't even talk to kids, (or anyone.. Okay I take part as the hermit) but ya know what.. I remember as a child older kids would always talk to me and I'd be damn interested. Nobody really seems to do that anymore. We just let machines and media take over any form of influence for the youth. He took a piece of paper off the table and each of us drew our own version of a dragon, after I split a line down the center of the sheet. He was very fixated on drawing a dragon, and kept telling me he wanted to see me draw one.
Here is a 'dragon' I drew when I was around 7
(Okay, it looks more like
what we think we know as a dinosaur.)

The funny thing is that a month or so ago I was going through my old childhood drawings from when I was 7 or so and I had made a really wild book having to do with a dragon, taking over a castle, and.. well, there were some giant plot holes. (I'll post that picture book up sometime if people promise not laugh at it!)
I guess the lesson for today is "Stop ignoring the kids! They're damn creative. "

That's 2% of the day but the rest is too much to even get into.. Walking until your feet bleed and coming inches away from a fawn as calm as a feather are too much to recollect fully at the moment.

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