Sunday, September 10, 2023

few updates of all in all

 CD I'd given my grandma as probably part'a a  birthday gift, maybe christmas possibly.
With homemade  stuff cos I was likely broke then.  Had some instrumentals on it for the most part.



played this yesterday, just something quick

here's some music/guitar blog from 09/02/2023

video of some cosmetic updates/upgrades on the yamaha fg830.
Will do a more proper and quality scoping of it yet still.
Recorded a short instrumental of playing style over that

this is a full version of the "Apollo" instrumental
previously posted a few entries below.
via 08-30-2023 and starts at 2:16  in the video.

all of the clip art seeming graphics are, I should add,
absurdly campy on purpose.  Sometimes I may feel
to clarify an outlay of humor but holy moly that does
not translate through all of the time. Leaving for me
to shrug and also give an enamoring of "oh well"

Also any song I do is, if going over to add anything in the future,
something I will do myself. Othertimes it is meant to be posted
as basically a demo or as practicing and just having a darn ol camera around.

Questioning how I feel when sometimes people, it's good if they like it!
but take it and record over it and repost it and stuff.
Sometimes it makes my songs "flagged" if I re-use my own stuff later.
Just to note and mention.

And saying that,
about to have some of a share of serano peppers
and work on restrengthening my back, as it were. 


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