Thursday, September 28, 2023

Creating 9000 percent diy

 Creating 9000% DIY | Music Itinerary 09-28-2023 Audio Updates | Lome Marsupial Esquire ze Apparition



Good morning! *
jumparound menu:
0:00 still building soundtrack album atmosphere collection
2:34  guitar-only albums.  collecting recordings of playing and letting those define themselves
Obscene Grey
the whole "sound" of Dance of the Guttersnipes/Warlord of Peace/Gobekli Tepi/ Lavender Fields/Drown Drown Ophelia/Obscene Grey/ Billboard Dreams/ River Safe  finally honed in to be a good defining "connection" to what sound I'd wanted a long time. cos its eerie but also like a dream sequence and altogether very much! the funnest to play.
So there are a few again from this.  
Title is true on that extensive demos of these are here
to the idea that some support to these projects can garner thru cos truly I' m pushing at last levels of tiredness energy for daily economic collapse levels o living but music is still possible to finish out
n.e.way the tunes for this feel special and a bit hymnal in an ancient fun way.

Warlord of Peace (con't from above descrip.)
added in because this music itinerary blog is on the random factor

9:29  interlude   [with soundtrack song previews cont'd]

Top Pop Classics of the Astral Realm will get its lil re-release like Shadow Swoon Hiss The Dead Man which means I'm just uploading it to streaming sites, but can include bringing the audio tracks volume up and, gasp!, cutting some songs out to make it more palatable.  Not this one though, this one's staying.

*didn't get much sleep but put this together in a lil less than an hour
because I want to create and to apply some meaning even in the tired hours
*is another collection update

so that's today's music blog.
10000% DIY
has lotsa things gimme an island of redheads tobasco sauce and a state of peaceful mindedness is doing what it can

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