Friday, April 14, 2023

The history books will look back on these times as the dark ages.
As well as times of extreme neurotic and collectively coerced medical tyranny.
None too  many presently will stand tall to admit that.
You're really not supposed to admit that in any way.
you're not supposed to go against the iron guardian. The common strong many.
Only buying in.. you know, buying in to the divide and conquer revolutions,
that keep all infighting or not operating and performing and acting on the higher
and more vibrant levels of mental capacity.

If you can emotionally program and cause the sects of masses to be
responsive through shock and drama and reactionary distractions,
then simple and more effective, powerful answers of internal responsibility
and capability will never be found.

I live in the age of the clown but after the shtick is all but funny anymore you see
the nefarious disconnect from the holy or the sacral or the godly amongst the "hijacked" masses.

Because it takes a euphoria or deeper inspiration to move many to ask of themselves, internally,
to seek better, and more profound dreams to make and projects to take part in.
Instead, today, it in an onslaught of anti-nature.

The human race is obviously very sick and under a spell, monumental-like, presently. But who cares really?
because all are perfectly divided if as though at one another's necks over the highest tediums is a real way to award time and effort and having a beingness for living at all.

Why are there no requirements for leaders or influencers of those "in charge" to have a mental and physical and spiritual consistency of balance and pursuit?
Because the many were sold complacency and validation of the ego.
It's a troubled damn show and I hesitate to use words so growling but many of this populace, presently, are just plain ugly in the soul and bark too abruptly before ever practicing their bite.

Seem to hate life and vibrancy and love bowing down, and while bowing down and always tending to whichever next current upset, outlash or collective programming to wave high, all rebel by laying down in a street or bowing down low yet emotionally snapping. Acting like wild ghouls and imbalanced insane people. Destroying art and function. Being loud as all hell but having no style, or beauty, ingenuity, subject matter or flow. Flow of life. It is bile.
This is the age of bile and mass content production. Reality inversion and dolts who misuse symbols and march in tow to the hollywood emptyheaded. A show of smoke and mirrors and the dumbest most neurologically damaged who do not properly treat their vessel of a being as a temple or their minds as humble messengers toward strategic goals or heartfelt endeavors.

The clowns have become angry psychopaths and so in turn comes a civilization in denial that they are prime suckers. And estranged marks. Marching on the front of Fear Division and divorcing themselves from true and real subtle hints toward relevant manners involving self-correction, and steadfast required awareness.
For example your "Patriarchy Vs. Matriarchy" aspect of projected envy and mass internal imbalance is a shitshow whereupon you have living wrecks and nightmares of people thinking they have to topple some external and macrocosmic outlay of who they are as people because deep down they are all show, and exterior displays who had not yet gone the journey of serious and real answers. But are still yet all the loud without walking their steps through the cold or going through the severe tests of thinking and doing all which are needed and required to humble themselves.
To humble themselves they would quit preaching such materialism worship which ever clearly demonstrates all of their acts through cluttering and layering and building righteous filth over their loud and hungry shows of personality.
Let them get what they deserve or ask for, then, in the rules of teaching and the roles of harboring the most idiotic and pedantic civilization collapse as they are led into a self-dismantling world of attention seeking and assuming that high level corporations are leading them toward some sort of nirvana or bliss or spiritual pursuit rather than tricking them onto a ride of self-destruction and bodily failure.

Thanks God I have no influence upon the general public with my commentary or my very lenient remarks on simply getting people to question the charades and to step back somewhat and look at general mind control, and populace programming, etc. would have the very programmed themselves responding how they are... well... programmed.. and that is to attack and usurp anybody with any sleight of disagreement to their "holy" ways whatsoever.

Yet to me the importance of any thorough guide to life is what you can produce. And what you can build. And what you can show not by loudness and destruction and piggish extreme idiocy and sedentary allegiance.. it is about soulfulness and invigoration, invention of adapting nature into a new kind of lore or set principle to be more humble as one goes about questioning, and learning, and re-evaluating again and again until there is a calming down of rampant nerve tension distortion.
Yet that does not happen in this upset of modern emotional eruptions and the collective insane.
If you do not peer outward and admit this is a timeline of collective insanity then you must see nothing at all or be so well off completely that the possibility of complete seclusion allows for a lifestyle to not participate in this sort of global  soulless mess.

You can sell the people the same thing again and again and again, and they'll get nowhere at all really, but if you change the packaging, then, hell, you can charge them even more for it and they'll really love to buy it. Even base a lifestyle around it. They're still buying braining. They're still soul trapped, But you can train them, too, to be guardians of their own downfall and brain activity decrease. 
Isn't that funny? until you want the ride to stop?  

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