Sunday, June 12, 2022

 Come gather round,
all my prospects of afterward-insight did rejoice to consider. But only after the fact that complaining hastily into some void of a blog wasn't an all too well ventured kind of theatre attraction.   
What a transparent window.  But it didn't do a heap of good in such a sprawling mess of unsorted thought just garbling everywhere.  With the vomitous charm of mystical sparkle and led painted forrays over some naked, vicious figure dancer who can't sit still to even have a jump suit painted on.

It's no easy business, however, the hard way.
The easy way, though, just invites the latter (the hard way)
and the middle way, that's some way where I'd been told before
"oh, walk down the middle of the highway!")
well maybe the center of the trail was what had been referred.

Yeah and this handwritten doctrine of calamity to be able to hold up and refer to doesn't sort it out right up into the eyes of the law or even the common (and of course very innocent and well behaved!) citizen.  

1. If there's trouble all around, why the hell should you pay to know about it?
2. if I join the alternative thinking society, and I'm booted out (from plenty) in every first 30 seconds or less, and by the sixth time when not even meaning to join or be a part of just actually when asking for a sewing pin and piece of fabric to fix a wingspin on a borrowed hangglider apparatus, does it become too much of a damper to repeated public recourse?
3. I never want to deal with music distributors again. Not personally. Not directly.
It was an entry level horror scene really. Yet I have to deal again, soon, just to have them clear some extreme malpractice scenarios up.  If I am The Devil, as public advertisement campaigns do heroically epitomize, wouldn't I have a much snappier conduction to taking over the airwaves??
4. continuing from 3: my possibilities of legal issues regarding such, and the dire experimental approach when in tougher times, leads to a despondent annoying one would ever even pick a distributor known as magroove to think it would have done any good.
Yet they'd left countless accounts in a particular purgatory state.  I can't not recommend them hardly enough but before risking litigation and such of the harshest verbal burns on history's record, absolutely beyond--well, no it is not slander.  Just with recorded proofs of their carelessness and "lead you on for years about correcting this problem" you still find your content being claimed against you and property rights stolen.
So to music legal representatives I go, hopping along.
With the breath and enthusiasms of music release and project ongoings being effected.
It is a bloodied containment of water with dunce sharks clammering about.

5. There are multiple aliases for multiple projects. 
State identity itself is the least of authentic.
Even symbol or an etching could, and would be better off,
as a representation of one's actions and the performance of living in a body vehicle,
performing things, fighting off dying, promoting living, surviving being thrown away from the public mind and yet adventuring in the metaphoric internal compound without being typecast no matter what you do.
Ultimate freedom is what the _____ fears most, and this is not known until seen upon the look of _____'s face when confronted with that in which one speaks for or idealizes. 
6. I am not legibly autistic enough so as to receive state recognition. so any successes i must donate the credit to someone else's fancy and any failures to uphold the participation of collective civilized code I must be tarnished as irreprehensible and chalk such phrases into a system of nomenclature countless time.

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