Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mind Sale 05 I Cant Believe I believed I'd Not Believe Anything

I Can't Believe I believed I'd Not Believe Anything

Don't forget to watch them all in ORDER. 'Else the cheeseburgers don't go directly through your blood stream.
I can't believe I believed I'd not Believe Anything!
Coffee Mugs ignite the revolutions. Ignorance is a poorly ported porcelain mug to hold your coffee and god bless this land let us never forget that!

Stop what you're doing right now and read this!
(Even if what YOU are doing RIGHT now is reading this blog. STOP and start re-reading because this is so important. (Advertising technique #20-three6))

If you have ever felt like your life was lacking something
or if hard times have ever come your way, Usually you think to
go to the root of the problem or try to better yourself through
strength and endurace.
'Hang in there' some people will say to you.
A little known secret is that all of that is completely false. You don't
need self-improvement or a gradual grasping of positivity to get you
through your hardships.
All you really need is a MIND SALE coffee mug

With a porcelain frame handle and hollowed cup this coffee mug
is unlike any you will ever drink from in your entire life. The mere
act of holding it will make you feel more beautiful than you had ever
imagined yourself before and at only $10,000 dollars each you can
afford one for each member of your family. Under the christmas tree
or in the birthday box, if you hadn't wrapped up a MIND SALE
coffee mug as a gift you should feel completely ashamed because you'd
be depriving your loved ones of one of the most spectacular gifts the
world has seen.
"I was thinking of getting my husband a car for our 15th year anniversary but
instead I bought him a MIND SALE 'You Need Values' Coffee Mug
Ever since, the love we shared has tripled in stamina and we've been happy
and lucky as ever."-Debbie D.
Wow, Debbie, amazing! Though she isn't the only one whose life has changed after buying a
MIND SALE Coffee Mug. The success rate of humans jumped through nearly the 90th
percentile once hordes of consumers starting buying our drink-holding miracles.
Why shouldn't it be you?

Price $10,000 each [Free S+H with the purchase of two or more]

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