Thursday, November 3, 2022

Satiation 609

 Pulitzers Prizes were shred up to fuel European heat in towns that once were warming centers.
A novice might walk in and see and find out and look at how nations are funded to destabilize upon themselves. By all those who work and live and are encentered in those nations. They pay for their own chess pieces to get knackered down.

I used to get punished by going and being put into in-school suspension, but it was to be locked into a room of silence and atmospheric peacefulness. A forray into a path of luddites and anti-social bends and crescendos. Sometimes other folks were there, too, serving moments and escaping inside of the larger place to wish to escape.  

So it wasn't really punishment, as what really was had been the gleamy eyed staredowns of wrought professionals who were carved stiff and stood there wooden, like a dull but persistent kind of carving blade made them into what they were.
If you don't accept being carved up into exact shapes as that, you must be gone off to not interact or to perhaps inspire self-changing.  But those who chose their own path end up where the rest are kicked out.
Then they find peaceful room and solitude to actually start thinking without the reprimands of doing it wrong. 

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