Sunday, February 18, 2018

Messenger Moles


                  No, the rumors are not true. I would like to clarify upon what may have been going around at the idea that I was chasing around a messenger mole and had somehow, after grabbing upon the critter, had been dragged by the committed and fuzzy super-charger, became sucked into the tight and confining tunnels in which the creature makes its secretive and often routes.

                  If it were true, in any way, I would say something of possible advice or maybe it would be a set of stern recommendations.  I would say you know, if you ever see a diesel-powered messenger mole, and it has saddle bags tied around its rotund little back, and it is hauling down the side of the roadway, and you think Gee, It's a good idea and maybe I can have some fun out of this should I chase it down, and try to intercept its contraband of information,  I would say, Cease. Stop. Go no further.  And I am not saying that it is true.   I am not saying at all that perhaps weeks, and months would disappear from the regular world, from that world where rain falls, and hits the ground, and  deteriorates crooked and already nimbling sidewalks that curl and curve around residential areas and posh bowling centers.

                   I just wonder... beyond all things... how a little mole can gain that much speed when it has a human there attached in a vice-lock grip of its buttend.. and how it can penetrate into the ground, one of it's usual and obvious hidden entrance ways to porter its on-board secret information.  That it can suck a human in to its narrow network of underground vicinity, and lead deep into the earth crust not only itself with its little saddlebags of important notes but the human grasping on to it.  I'm just saying... It takes a long, long time to worm-belly out of such a place.

                Meanwhile on the Earth's surface things go on as usual. Meanwhile, on the plain of human existence, folks cheerfully stomp around with massive chips on their shoulder. Happy about such prizes and winnings they carry them about, wondering where to redeem them, where to trade them in for the value.  And the gutters clock with leaves. And people go up on to unsteady roof, and dip down to a secured and frantic lean. And with that lean a person might reach down with a metal unbent coat hanger and hope to fish the leaf clutter and old autumnic gunk from out.. but where can you find a metal coat hanger these days?  What nonsense would it be for some Sam or Susie to go up onto a roof top and lean down at a secure lean and hope to rid and clear up gutters with a plastic hanger?  I do not know.. I would not know. It would be a thing to see, quite a sight, and I would have if I could have... I thought about it, as I was wiggling my way out of the messenger moles little bending network.. You go much slower. Much, much slower, by the way, alone and using only wiggle force instead of the rocketing commandeering as from clenching onto a messenger-moles rear as it burns distance full speed.  But that is only... this is theoretical.

               Well I think the mole had gotten its carryon delivered to the rightful recipients. If I would have just hanged on longer I might have entered a hollowed core.. a sort of networking center, less condensed. Less extremely constricting.  Then there would likely be a meetup and passing by of several hundreds of other messenger moles. And they would be passing back and through and to and forth. It would be like as some earth center.  If enough moles caught at my being there they would have tried to have at me. Despicable, it would be, wrestling down some convoy or super army of moles, stringing across my arms and limbs while I dart and swing and try to throw them off.. but their bites would be so secured that they would not whip away. And more would pour through from the hundreds of thousands of mole holes that lead to the drop-off centre for their organization. It would be pure terror, so I am glad that that did not happen. Not that it did. I'm just saying. I am not trying to fancy those insidious rumors. I am not trying to entertain them. In fact, like I said, and I should stress this, and it is what you should be able to leave with and take away with you, if anything, it is that if let's say you heard this happened, it did not. It is not a good thing to talk about. You should just leave moles alone if they are running along.. Let them do their own thing for gods sakes!  Don't fuss about what they might be carrying along, with little notebooks and transcriptions written from little tiny pens.

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