Tuesday, December 31, 2024



Monday, December 30, 2024

[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] 

aka, it's a horrendous lie!

 >When you have multiple instances of
"I can't even pay people, money, to do their jobs"

Like, hey, lay your head down,
I'm driving an Omnibus.

 People had kind hearts

Now they're ugly, soulless abysmal fucks

Thursday, December 19, 2024

 Will be publishing some books in 2025
You can by them,  read them then kys

"Because ____ figured out over a long period of time that these drugs would cause brain damage and fertility issues and thus pushed them on us westerners like they did _____ to _______."

 yeah yeah, I know.
But what can I do about it?



Wednesday, December 18, 2024

 The intellectual decline is also because of forced DEI, as it is not selecting based off qualified ingenuity. 

 It is a rust to development   and it encourages cutting corners and diminishing an expectation to quality.

Good luck to any innovators! You have forces of stupid amassed against you. 

Friday, December 13, 2024

 When you look upon Earth humans by a layer of soulfulness, you can regard that they really do belong, and are to be put forth, and deserve to be on Earth as it is.



I'm hanging out with owls fuck off


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

 Tide is turning
and no, I won't
forgive you,
fuck off.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

 wokeness is for talentless losers who couldn't cut it when a soul force was required.
now it's dying, because infastructure of the mind and body requires a spirit that doesn't lean on bullshit excuses or hollow regard.

you can't have a renaissance ever again with people who become soul-ugly on purpose.

efforts and an aimed path toward Wisdom count.

 kill the cancer of DEI or otherwise human beauty and intelligence will no longer reach for the stars. Ingenuity judges by merits of the soul

Saturday, December 7, 2024

it wont enter cells
it won't reach the nucleus
don't worry
don't worry 👍

 Ithaca is a hell.
Absolutely backwards,
Absolutely ugly,
Absolutely corrupt.
Huge money favors,
Bait and switch charity and funds.
Gentrifiers and undaring hipsters.
Nasty attitudes and no reach for better dreams.
Just common groupthink people who are
so nasty and so cliquey,
and the rich yuppie gentrifiers swarmed in
and bought everything up
so its a nightmare between insane
drug issues and then pompous rich, stuck up
people who never get to see any of the reality
of the extreme mess and soullessness that they
trail behind and leave as a destruction absolutely
everywhere they go.

 It's likely you have to will it into the world
to stop ugly, Godless creatures.
to discontinue the illusion
of such hylics or vapid and ill minded monsters.

Disintegrate evolution's hurdles
so that beauty and invocation of intelligence
can again be at the forefront.

It has been too long, even too quickly as it has,
that those who cripple spirituality,
or make gains by being ill of mind or vapid in all ways,
had as much free roaming or effect as they had.

The world has become so ugly and purposeless because of them,
and beauty and elevation is a must, so they must disintegrate.
Their ways were tried but they were false,
and they damned natural law and created abomination.

Their reflections are not worth continuing and now the
natural course can again take way.

Enough is enough.

the gentrifier

 gentrification is ugly, cardboard and soulless.
it creates cutout people with heartless personalities
and extreme echochambers of non-evolutionary and disingenuous individuals.

There is no soul fire spark or want of ingenuity in the gentrifier,
but they spread like hordes, destroy like termites
and hijack their host like crude parasites.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

 I think there's an epidemic of people who have become humorless and lifeless, and that's not a good thing.
people are really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, boring today because they don't have a sense of humor or actual liveliness and that's a drag.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

 Everyone lives in a reality of their choosing, and so few are capable of personally acknowledging something uncomfortable  -  let alone that they were duped.

There would have to be a narrative switch by media handlers or some kind of cognitive awakening. Very little else will exhume this crime into the public consciousness.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024





 Imagine the prices and sales for if there were an asteroid hocking towards Earth.

They would be fantastic bargain prices.

Anyhow I have just re-read every single Garfield strip from front to back for the fourth time which was nice.
I am doing creative things but only post rants or observations onto here because it's my Dear Diary!

but anyway

I need four more bucks or so to check out on my audio streaming thing so someone go listen to stuff there, then I'm moving off distrokid because its pretty  cruddy now, and moving to CDbaby I think, then I'll actually upload some new stuff.

Redoing a wiring harness for a Gretsch (to '50s' style wiring wish me luck)
and snacking on hot ghost pepper soup and seltzer presently.

Brian Seltzer is one of my favorite guitar players I think. Jim Heath is also. There's some Gretsch and Seltzer stuff.

repainting a sunburst onto that Gretsch to one I like moreso and it has been a doozy.
Like a floosie. Or a Soosie or sloosie or roosie

 a lot of people don't have souls, hearts or brains. Or they are, at least, not activated to a level of self-awareness. After seeing how the pandemic went, as well as the implementing of "woke" "culture" it is pretty clear that the collective today isn't any different than past inquisitions of cultist hordes.

I think data advancement making information travel so much easier highlights a lot of these power-hungry adult adolescents. I guess what I mean is that these people are severely dangerously stupid, and their intents are borderline evil if not malicious.

One of the more damning things that could happen is that anyone should actually begin to become what they are endlessly accused of.
That is typically why the vehemently anti-authoritarian can have bullshit called upon them when in life-dire circumstances, the first thing they ever do is rush off to seek help by those they fashionably or socially aschew. 

You carry a lantern walking a sea of dead souls.

Monday, December 2, 2024



No because I do not want to waste my future or my creative intentions anymore upon people who are spoiled and very non-self aware. Of cold souls and really nastily-meaning kinds of useful idiots who gaslight and gatekeep, and have never really lived any calling of life's challenges.
They are squeaky clean on the outside, or so they think, in image and spouting or spewwing rhetorics (endlessly) but when you try and peer upon their soul or true operative, you see something so wickedly disgusting and envious, and also vapid.  Whether they are self-aware or not, is not down to anything but each individual who continues to be duped.
But every soulless gaze, it is enough.

I do not exist to "win them over,"  because not every existing human being has the same level of a Soul Charge and that is the unfortunate and unspoken truth to it.
A truth is that the vast majority of the populace are a kind of energetic food, and they are not game changers. Just a recycled currency of past inquisition and cult ideologies.

There is no convincing such a type to become self-aware.
Again, I restate, as time allows with so much going on,
they would seek to destroy rather than to become self-aware
or to change themselves in a positive and worthwhile direction.

Why had I become so reclusive or reserved?
Because I live by a hotbed of some of the dumbest fucks
who are lecherous and slippery and celebrate loudness and vapidness,
and any ingenuity or soulful adaption to an ancient archetype,
is something they want to destroy because they can't make it themselves.

I don't give a fuck what they think of that and stand confidently enough as I am
to realize how spoiled and desperate they are to stand out
but they are moveable pieces and I have been to other places and other areas
to find that by comparison, there are people who act like good human beings
and who have soul, patience and an advance to nobility.
Instead, here, it is a collective of people who are spoiled beyond belief
and have some sort of internal freakout of mentally insane father issues.

All my nerve damage ongoings are done and over with finally, I believe,
I can move onward.  But people here are so prissy and cold inside,
that if I see a soul in someone's eyeballs, or a humblness to a human
without a gameplan to use others which steers them, it is refreshing
and I warn them to leave, before they see what kind of place this is.
I was on their side until I became  a convenient enemy.
Well to all of that,
I still work to mind and body and soul,
in a hopefully intense sort of way.

It is not okay to trash your body or give up your mind
or to turn your soul to grey.
Not on the ruleset of natural intents to self-advancement.

Someday I will write of this time of reclusion
and having been put into a place of a gentrifying area
where they sniff their own shit and act holier than thou
and have all of their plastic causes which cause more divide
than they could ever look into a purifying mirror  to avoid
and to run from and to hide for forever.

 People used to like
to have fun.
I still like to have fun

Lots of people seem dead inside.
They get all pissy and shitty looking
to you
if they see you're having
you know
having fun.
Or that your spirit isn't dead inside.

I'd seen enough shit
and learned how lots of people are.
But my spirit isn't dead inside.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024

 carved this earlier before making oatmeal - pretty happy with it I guess

 I fell inside madonna's pussy

it's rotten and vehumous 

 somebody get me outta here

and there's all these other people in here too

one of them just winked at me

 mask up,


Saturday, November 9, 2024

Thursday, November 7, 2024

A witches mana is her social capital, and they're fucking spent. They're OOM. They stopped being lovable and cute. They stopped giving out pussy to anyone but ESTP's. Nobody likes them any more, the bunch of wretched traitors they are. A witches magic is literally just borrowed energy, from men going through herculean effort and painful contortions to 'magically' warp reality to her expectations.
Sorcerers can spin plates that are making delicious dishes,
and they are a zesty meal which thee toungeth do taste and thee taste buds say oh this is so nice to eat.
Anyhow all of the morons and mentally weak or subverted can have fun with their gender wars and such.
It's a laugh-fest unless you tune in or find conversation with someone worthy of respect or deeper, patient thought.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

 why can't they put that effort towards something wholesome and productive instead of destructive?

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

 Just wrote a song called "Toxic Masculinity, Raghhh!!! and, well, now, pay your tax dollars to my public programs, and I'll settle down later after riding the cock carousal!" 


 it's deep.

It'll be part of my "Civilization Fan No. 1" release
which will also have "It's A-O-K to E.M.P" which is actually a decent and really good song.
also "Blood Is Red" and some good songwriting rock and roll tracks.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

There are people who are condescending and mask that with a wave of false-good intentions. It is a very fragile world of a persona they build up and then if any of that is exposed, all of that training activates into using "do-gooder" sorts of ruses to defend that they only will collect for themselves or the ability to sponge up attention.

 It's that kind of spirituality or creative world scene that really dries up ambition or diffuses a person's connect to achieving the will-to-a-muse.

I'd learned quite a bit about just dropping any one who fronts in such a way, because it is not worth being someone who they collect as an energy drainer or attention-accumulator.

They may gain successes quickly but what they make is still one of the same of millions of  other things, and nothing stands out stylistically or creatively, but it is a sure thing they will reap monetary or communicative rewards. Because they are obedient. They are obedient to requirements of music structure but you can pull up thousands of others at any given time and they're doing exactly the same thing.

The quick term success is there and direct. But there's nothing after a lifetime that would be remembered.
I stopped giving gifts to new agers or yuppies and realized a mistake of trying to network or associate to those whose "vibes" that I thought could be cured or redeemed and I had to go with my gut or wisdom about it, only with a regret I'd begin to speak with any of them or think that in any way that the already-rich or those who protect at all costs the face or front of their being, would ever begin to act like they advertise.

I'll repeat that again as something important to speak up about and to call out. If not just for a self-reminder to put in  another writing or anything to add into a more widespread communication.

....the face or front of their being, would ever begin to act like they advertise.



 That's the question,
do you really want to deal with people once you know what they're like?
I mean behind and beyond their presentation. When you see beyond the kabuki mask
or whats up their dyotenactic soul.
Like your consciousness penetrates others ulterior motives,
and it's game over.

and it's those who shout the loudest
I am a good  person! My heart is ever heartful!
who have some of the most to hide,
to be weary of trusting, or giving to,
so think about it before you regret it if you do.

It's like a sadness of revelation
to see the amount of false souls under pretention

Thursday, October 31, 2024

 understanding brainwashing and social coercion is very important,
so that you don't become really fucking stupid.

 I represent free-thinkers
and holy fucking shit do you get a lot of flack for that.
I represent Soul-Fire.
I speak against dystopia and damn
how un-personed you get, if you do that,
you become unpersoned by people who "speak"
for what are only just words, to them,
not actions at all.

I speak against foods and chemicals that poison and ruin minds,
and have been attempted so many times by others to be coerced
to quit, to cease, to stop my passions and pursuits.

I carry on strong, and stronger,
growing in  heart and insight, and never slowing down,
never ceasing my voice or will to do things my way,
and with my own approach, style and faculty of being.

 The brainwashed hate the idea of becoming unbrainwashed

The Healing Law

 Some people do not want you to be happy, or successful, or prosperously at your peak.
Those people, you know, well, you must sever from existence.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

 To those who fucked with my Light
Something's coming for your Soul.

 I pray Death upon those who pushed me into living in hell or had no one

 I'm sorry, I don't buy your bullshit

Thursday, October 24, 2024

 it is the pigheaded self-worshipping bloated hordes who killed romance.

and they eagerly queef into their yoga pants
and they collectively hate men while relying on them
because tax dollars fund their fatherless families
until they merged later on in life with a spineless loser
or they become a
___fill in the blank___

 Hollywood is a blackmail cult full of talentless losers who influence the easily swayed public into losing their powers of imagination and thinking so that they can instead waste time and lives by mimicking the those without willpowers, without wisdom and  the depraved.

 Ithaca sucks my elongated and spurious ballsack

Monday, October 21, 2024

"It’s not a covid thing. It’s a trend beginning in the post jam band era of the 90’s.

It’s due to the fact that 1) artists can’t afford to live here, artists can’t make money off music (ie CD sales) 2) kids don’t go out to see live music anymore and 3) most of the key venues have closed.

I’ve played music here since the 90s. Venues used to be packed with college students, where now there are none. International acts came thru the old Haunt every weekend."


"Just updating regarding DistroKid. Avoid them.

They are great until they decide to cut you off.

In our case, with a 10 artist Label Account, they sent us an email telling us to find another distributor.

This happens from time to time for some arbitrary reason only known to DistroKid.

They will tell you that a store has rejected a release due to "editorial discretion", however the reality is that DistroKid act as gatekeepers and when they send these notices they haven't even submitted the release to a store.

In our case, we have a backup distributor and got the release onto stores, however those solely relying on DistroKid may find themselves in a pickle.

However further releases have also been blocked and now we have been told by DistroKid to find another distributor.

There's no real reason given, but to have a 10 artist label account cut loose is pretty bad.

In our case we're just going to methodically move our releases to another distributor.

We have already now released the albums that DistroKid rejected via our backup distributor without issues.

I had read a lot of reviews about DistroKid and decided anyone playing by the rules wouldn't be affected by such arbitrary decision making, I was obviously wrong. Anyone at any time with a DistroKid account and distribution may find themselves in the unenviable position of being cut loose.

There are various threads on Reddit and other places regarding this behaviour on the part of DistroKid, I wish now that I had given them more credit."
"I would have said exactly the same until DistroKid suddenly pulled the rug from under us.

We had a 10 artist label account, releasing high quality original music. Now, everything has had to be moved. A simple Google search for Distrokid problems, Distrokid Scam or Distrokid Editorial Discretion will reveal so many of the same stories. I hope your account is safe and you continue having good distribution through Distrokid, but let me tell you, they are great until the day they screw you."
"Have been using Distrokid for years. They sent an email on a weekend saying they were cutting my service because I was using bots which I absolutely was not. My music started to grow because I was actively marketing it. They cut it off 2 days later with no way to dispute or investigate and without paying royalties. Its a ripoff. Use someone else."
"they have done the same to me! They removed two of my albums, and one of them doesn’t even have a marketing service promoting it just myself. Stay away from DistroKid. They are no good. And also, they are an AI based company which means you can’t even talk to a live person about any issues."

Saturday, October 19, 2024

 Soullessness will never be sexy

Friday, October 18, 2024

Saying It

 Into rest and pouring into Love.

Saying It
is a large collection of writings
which I can commence and finally Say It,
as for being an independent creator and
facing all of it, and still maintaining.

After finally not dealing daily with massive nerve
pain ongoings, I can save some time to dedicate
toward all I'd went through and what some go through,
when it comes to being ostricized, shadowbanned,
witnessing the music industry and it's ways,
as well as being one to survive whilst cliques and
certain ways are witnessed all around me.

It's something I'd been needing to write and without
that constant nerve pain distracting me, I feel as if I
 can fairly and accurately put these experiences into words.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

 Haploid gametes are not diploid zygotes

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 breaking through past the gatekeepers
because they get all nervous
when raw reality surges through

Monday, October 14, 2024

Land Of Thee Fakirs and Ultra Bores

 and what you deemed civilization did not just become stupid, yet it became ruthlessly stupid and had paraded, cheered and uplifted that monumental downward slope of beauty and achievement in gracefulness.
They'd destroyed their own archetypes and created repugnance.
Then there was someone like I,  one of the last truth-tellers.

Holy Hell is all that I can say.
Looking upon the valleys of the zilched and the gone.

You live among lesserspirits
and they're so cooked
You write proses to the propensity of ugly
You thought they were prettious for a second
Don't let your eyes deceive you
Or your own senses become scorn
You could re-route your birth calling
Sense to something deeper, something sworn.

Then you see behind the kabuki skin
Of those ever so-n wear'n namasti-masks
Christ I dig inside of them to find hollows
Useless idiots and food for entropy.

Ugliest they are say'n how to finish your song
Embark on some rustic pursuit to seem genuine
They hate men for the hare of single mothers
find the tax man gift upon them houses and meals.

 Endless Songs,
An Endless Theatre,
Song Creations
and Poetic emanations.

Some had tried to stop me,
Well better luck next time.

End all evil
End all soullessness
End all ugliness
End all liars
all traitors
and false souls.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

 I can finally reflect on a lot of shit now that I am not in a constance of every-day nerve pain. and to people who made it a rougher time for me when things were horrible, go fuck yourselves and write some better songs yourself rather than trying to hit at my while I was down. Your new age and yuppie aimed music isnt memorable at all despite how much you can network or constantly get funded by others yuppies who playact at being dangerous.  You're soft and forgettable.

 If you replace people, and keep replacing people, who have developed and evolved frontal lobes, you are going to result in more angry, violent, idiotic, narcissistic and selfishly soulless "cultures."
and those who destroy can never possibly create.
Those who know only how to destroy, and only can destroy,
will never know how to create beauty or momentum.
In fact, they envy beauty and structure,
and seek to destroy that, too.
It is the last Call of the Oversoul.


 The only country that pays more healthcare taxes than the USA is Norway. Everyone else is getting taxed less than Americans.

Also you smell like apricots

What the fuck

 you can buy accessories and alter yourself but it doesnt magically establish you being interesting or having a personality. it shows, however, that you are desperate for attention and acceptance. Learning skills and surviving pains with humbleness make you interesting. large portions of the populace or hypnotized or entranced to merely be entertained. thats why the cultures, arts and uses of time are typically ugly, immemorable or what can be labelled as "junk entertainment." The great thing about it is that me saying that at all establishes someone like me as an enemy for pointing it out in the first place.

 I'll outlast em,
and outlive em
and keep creating
because Im raw from the heart
and many many many else
are just novelty
with an expiration date
and its not true soul
and where Im coming from
is blood and pain and hope and strength
in a way where you never had my fucking back
and only words
and I had these vacant stares
or precious lies
just spilled right in the fuck infront of me
and people trying this way or that way
to shake me up or discourage or deject me
and I lived on,
and I fought pain
and I had no one, no brothers or sisters
or safety nets, or funds and donations, this or that,
and my hearts still true
and more raw fire than before
and I dont have pain blaring my nerve every single day now
and I'm renewed and focused with a directive
and can speak for the outcasts or down and out
the ones you wanted scuffed away, hidden, shuttedup,
invisible, despaired, ignored, put off and kicked down
and still yet Im alive and raw fire and have imagination
as a mistress and a curiosity to still thrive
while many just want to be accepted or to fit in
or follow the next one thing and are afraid 
of being left behind or alone or in the depth of it all
Well I've been there so here it all is. 

 Probably exiting a seration out of lame ass tustfund hipsters 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

 At this point, the majority of  humans are soulless, soul-corrupted, disconnected, and worthless.

before you became corrupted
before you sold humanity out
before you were so tricked
into being against one another,
conned, exploited, uglified,
stripped of a connection with the sacral.

a collective that is energetic food for agenda.

arrogance is ugly when it has no class or hubris

Humans have become soulless and undesirable.
They are bonding into machines.
Petrified and calcified.

It is what it is.

Humanity will fall and have to rebuild.

 A decade of unintentional and uninterrupted TikTok scrolling has basically baked most normal people and their brains don't work as well anymore

Thursday, October 10, 2024

 A correction of the planet's energies.
Less brainwashing less mind controlled,
Less stupid masses so easily coerced.

Freer Spirits.

You'd tried and sabotage me
or conceal my magic
put me up to such pains
and neglects and disparting.

Now I've survived
such pains and ostracism and dejection.
And sacral wisdom once more returns



remember when hell on earth began? 

" The unfortunate reality is that if you try to do anything creative in this world, shitty, talentless, uncreative people will try to take it from you. There is no career in it, the real career is in "managing" it. The salary job with a business degree that leeches everything it can from the contract artists."

-some feller on YouTube 

"they con people into signing these ridiculous contracts then claim well you signed it..


 a label inflated costs & fees until they just collected it all.. they'd buy a plane ticket for $1500 & write it as a $40k trip & bill the artist of their money. Rappers do a tour banking millions & after the math they still owed the label for advances etc. That whole system of "advances" deals just screws artists & let's the label push who they'll make more off"

- youtuber



"I really recommend everyone to watch the documentary "Artifact" made by 30 Seconds to Mars. Whether or not you like the band, this is a very interesting documentary that shows what's going on behind the scenes. They show how the label gave the band an advance to record an album, make a few videos, etc... but it's just an advance that the band needs to pay back. Even after selling tons of albums without getting paid a penny, they still owe millions to the label. Then, they get another advance for the next album and afterwards, no matter how well the album sells, now they owe the label even more money and this never ends."


 I hate you because you told me my heart and soul were no good.
but you're evil, plastic losers.
And never hurt enough like I had to make anything beautiful.

You made me feel like an apparition
but now you're the ones invisible to me.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

💖 hey you gentrifiers,
I'm going to ram my cock
so far down your fucking throat
then wash all that filth off

Tuesday, October 8, 2024





remember that fema wants you dead and they are soulless like so many heartless and ugly monsters in the echelons  of this ugly world
and then there are ugly, disgusting mindless hordes who want to replace you.
Who breed like flies. And could never invent or further civilization, concept or frontal lobe dominant beauty.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

 smith-mundt modernization act

Saturday, October 5, 2024

 you will be replaced by ugly, soulless, blovulating monsters with no active frontal cortex

and pay taxes in order to help do so

Admitting to progress or tuning in to your oversoul or sense of emanation
will be an emotionally coerced sin. and the only way to fit in will be
to join the march of the hordes of the maddened. Those who walk
but do not live nor think. Just endlessly as a corrupted horde

Friday, October 4, 2024

Made social networks and narcissistic voyeurism the norm in our culture

and now you're all mindless, soulless doofuses thank you

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 Hippies are mean people pretending to be nice, and punks are nice people pretending to be mean.
That's my t-shirt merch slogan now pay for my web server space

Monday, September 30, 2024


aposematism word of the day

Aposematism is the advertising by an animal, whether terrestrial or marine, to potential predators that it is not worth attacking or eating.


 so they've just resorted to being gross as some sort of protest against the system. The grossness is now longer a byproduct of their worldview, being gross is the goal itself.

It's to defy God,

Who vomits when sensing their presence

 wearing a provocative shirt is easier than a caloric deficit. 

Friday, September 27, 2024


on The Sacral Divine

 Yoga and meditation are based.
Western, particularly American meditation practice is cringe.

It's part of the spiritual lifestyle market. Yoga mats, Lululemon, yoga studios, books, it's all shit.

If one's early impulse in meditation is to buy something, then they're seeking recognition and identity through consumerism, not meditation.

Just meditate,
ya dumb prick


" no, it indicates lack of conscience and boundaries. the "fear of abandonment" is made up, it's used as a lever on a man with a functioning conscience who she hopes to gaslight into thinking it's all his fault, he just needs to be more sensitive and tolerant and love her more.
of course, they take your best trait, being a loving concerned man, and say you are deficient in that trait. they know you consider yourself as such, and they are attacking your self image. then you, unaware of the game being played, seek to prove that you are, in fact the caring person you know you are. once you start trying to prove yourself, you are jumping through her hoops. please note that you will never find the qualities that they demand from others present in their own personalities or actions.
if you are a hard, diligent worker, they call you lazy. and so on and so forth.
endocrine disruptors don't make you act with premeditation to destroy the decent people around you with 100% intentional mind games they know they are playing. "

from The Bush not Above the Eyebrows,  etc

of modern moralistic implications

The Vanity Stupor

 "it's not made up, it's merely the female variant of psychopath. they use displays of emotions to manipulate, and feign vulnerability to pull in well meaning men.
the description, which is behavior based, is not meant to excuse at all, rather to categorize. this has been used as a red flag of sorts to communicate to other doctors that this person is a psycho with no conscience.
until recently, most practitioners would not treat bpd as it goes nowhere and drains them to the point that they start to get crazy too. the new method is to excuse and champion their craziness because they sue the shit out of anyone who suggests that they might be the problem. this way, as a therapist, you trick a manipulator into paying you to listen to her lies and made up sob stories instead of having---"
The Blind Duck can Fly Again.

" It's an enormous issue. Women have way more collective power than men thanks to the ease with which they can be manipulated by authority figures, and are unbelievably self-centred. The entire political philosophy of most women is "What's best for me?" regardless of the inevitable wider harm it might produce.
Look at the other longer-term trends: higher female participation in tertiary education, and younger women now out-earning men. This will inevitably mean men are increasingly relegated to blue-collar tradie jobs, further increasing the wage gap, and women will end up with cost of the student debt and paying most of the taxes. Women won't like this, so you will seen them vote for student-debt abolition, and changes to tax policy so they don't have to pay as much.
At the same time, they will want to see surplus men removed from society, so look forward to things like compulsory military service and an increase in male incarceration."

unbiased commentary from You are a Dumbass and here is your Cake, Too


Monday, September 16, 2024

 Soil Finn Funeral

Friday, September 13, 2024

 ithaca ny is a soulless, gentrified piece of shit

there is no recovery for what it has become.

have fun, to the gentrifiers, who suck eachother off

and make the most bland and overdone dribble.

It's boring

 today I will lament going from industry sanctioned entertainment A to industry sanctioned entertainment B

Thursday, September 12, 2024

 en er ji's
on my side

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 Because they are salty that they have nothing to offer so treating people like shit is the only thing that makes them happy..... and or they're just attention --

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024

 I'm glad as hell to have gotten away from them, because if you think you can be around those who really don't mean what they say, and can't prove what they say they mean, that's horrible when circumstances depend on it.
You have to find better places where things like logic doesn't fall to temptation.
Where strength and heart can be equally applied.
If you want to entertain your own energy being drained and wasted, 
then try to make it anywhere well and true in places that are all about social status,
or one-upping each other in the age-old game of "face."
"Face" is a bad game but it seems that everyone is addicted.

Meanwhile I am born and meant to be a writer. So if I don't stubbornly trip over my own measuring out this social or time lapse devastation of New American Lows, in quality of entertainment versus a pursuit of self-knowledge,
you can find me throwing out links for go fund me to fix this tooth issue that has been ruining my past few years.
But that's not all, I can name one place that does not compare to only but several few which will ill your own perspective on the world or on people.
Out there, there are still yet places of goodness and sense, and a human value.

 Those were bad people. 
I''m glad I got away from them.
They pretend to be all about peace
but that's not the truth when the light
shines on circumstance.
It's about attention and getting lots of attention.
Deep within, when proof and proving comes to be shown,
people show who they really are.

I'm stronging through things they could never face,
and walking away from it having learned,
and then never needing them or thinking of them again. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

 Yes I'm not playing any future shows around this area,
these people are heartless and it's not worth it fitting in.
I'll do my own thing. The heartlessness and culty
nature around here turns my stomach. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 yeah well every time I die it just turns physical mass aka the body/persona composition into experiencing "infinity."

it gets quite annoying.

 turn immense pain

into excellent writing.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

 rereleased album
some good songs on there

would ask that cunt from 14850 magazine to promote it for their "band camp" fridays but am pretty much gatekept and gaslit by this whole little ugly lame ass community.
worldwide community can stream and enjoy it however.
trying to get some shows outside of this little shitty area.
fuck you all I gave you my heart and good intentions,
and you turned out to be fake as hell.

all those people that pretended to be my friend around this area can suck on my asshole.

stream this on near-all services!

Friday, August 16, 2024

keep you from freedom

Monday, August 5, 2024

 If there is hope, it lies with the proles.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

 convinced health insurance to finally finally, finally cover my root canal after about 2 1/2 - 3 years of damned pain. Had mouth infections forming so that was really swell. Went to E.R. about that ( https://rumble.com/v5998y3-7.30.2024.html ) E.R. was so full. Would've taken until around 4 AM to be seen, and was there at before 9PM. Needed antibiotics stat.
So went to doctors the next day after waiting through. Up on coffee all night since I couldn't sleep since all that pain fun.  Pulling into doctor's parking got a phone call from health company and finally had my appeal against them denying me coverage for healing this. They denied the claim to help at first even when i had visible mouth infection and nerve damage from the tooth. Very cool of them!

Anyway posted lots of ask-outs for porches for ithaca's porch fest this year. Got absolutely no responses, so basically fuck this soulless little town. This place is for trustfund hipsters and massively boring cocksuckers. No life no thrill just preaching about green movements and songs about telling you how to live or worshipping dopey dead heroin rock stars, and reggae, too! How neatorrific.
Some of us can't "clock out" of the arts but if you aren't kissing ass to all of the rich cockmongers that entered into controlling nearly anything here, you know, then what's the fucking point in this little shithole town?
I just want the ambition to songwrite again, however. and if this tooth nerve gets fixed and I can feel functionable again and have some frills of ascertainment available then even if I have to do it all myself and on my own, I'm going to reach some new creative peaks. And be ceaseless, and not give up, despite how damned near and all those around me, my "community," had put me off like nobody's business to make sure I faltered, failed, that my love didn't matter and how invisible they wanted to make sure that I felt of all things. Fuck them, and I'm keeping on. And even with nerve pain right now jolting into my senses and having not even one fucking response when reaching out for some events or to be  a part of anything, even after all that, I'll keep forth with it and be more pissed, and energized, and come at all of this with something none of you ever had-- which was no safety net and nobody in the fucking world except for myself who believed in me or that I could count on. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

 Since I can't sleep, and have excessive nerve damage in my tooth and infections in my mouth from  a halfhearted, vulgurous dentist who can't handle their own shit,
I thought of writing about this town in a transparent and direct way.
But wouldn't you want to leave this town before you say anything harsh about it or it's plebs?
Not at this point.
I mean, are you kidding me?

I reached out with love at first.
What I realized this place was, filled with the heartless and most buzzkilled of absolutely wasteminded dolts, I'd turned to realizing this place will gaslight the fuck out of you. You do not get fair shots here.
After that ugly fat headed monster of an ugly soul of a woman cancelled my gig the very day of, as I showed up to it, I realized how much of a bunch of pungent, witless fucking boars this whole lot really is.

The crudeness of the existence of this town is a worn out and plagiarized obscenity.
These predictable, haphazard walking fucking dopes are some of the most hazen and useless souls I'd ever wish I hadn't had to describe.

It's pretty much my mission to destroy them, at this point.
The predictable fucking boneheads.
My friend turned into a fickle putz who admitted to liking Yoko Ono, and so
there wasn't much of any other choice left really anyway.
The fun factor of anybody divebombed into a recreational low.
These smarmy little cunts depreciate five on a dime,
and the big deal was that you get absolutely no help or comrodarary from any of these dopey
lifeless motherfuckers. They'll say they're your friends but they're up to their brim in shit.

Like do you think I give a fuck anymore? I had two other shows and no one showed up to any of them.

Then these people try to say hi to you or act in such a way.

1. this town has an aura of a smoldering endless pile of shit


2. iunno maybe some people should pray I die rather than get this infection thing healed up. If I am healthy and re-energized, then I can begin doing things more smoothly and focused again.

And after being this damned gaslit, may very well start turning the gear of some sort of ceaseless machine.
Songs and projects and forces of good and evil.
Egregores, Invocations and remembering ever still that I'm the only one that has my own back.
I can't say a single prayer, any more, I'm sure.
But it's either recover medically or induce a coma.
And I guess in a way, I do believe the "Devil,"
and it's the orchestrator of an ordinary life
or calls for kinship and hearing and feeling silence.
Like a toast as to those who are doubted.


Sunday, July 28, 2024

 Recover your Heritage.

Have a Spine.

Monday, July 15, 2024

 We aren't equals and we don't desire the exact same things from one another, you fell for the lie.

-God,  and some other fellas

Saturday, July 13, 2024

 no, it was some dumpy little hipster bar called "Downstairs" that cancelled that show.
Bitchy business owner.  Dumpy and nasty place.
Will be closed down in less than 3 years. Cool to see. 
Not worth digging into any deeper about it just not worth having gigs cancelled
the day of and meeting someone with a smile and they have this stick up their ass
stomach glarfing frown from hell. Get professional.
Take a course from me you can owe me later.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

 Play to Spirits
not to people
People have 
their line.

Play to 
and nature
and birds.

you want to book shows
to the living dead
or rooms 
full of wallowers
or a world full of dread.

no no no no
times have passed coming.

Its generation folly.

And generation repetition.
Repeat song structure expectations
and do the same niche nostalgia worship
or folds of menial rhythm.

no no no no
I need excitement.
Little towns
and rich cliquish cliques
how many layers of lingerie
unfolded does it take to get to licks

It's nothing
The society options are boring me
I've a fresh muscle
and quivered tongue.

Holy shit are all the options boring me
like some ashley cake caught on an iron rung.
Or other forms of demeter
or rock'n'roll to make me fall asleep
and even some of my own song dimensions
just to give myself some critique.
But I'll be real with you
which just may have me scare you
and I'll be real with you the entire way.
And mirror back straight to your soul
For those who do have such any way.

That's the river I'm emancipating.
See as well that I'll survive.
the worlds in whiplash from
stopping common sense
at such a civilization pace. 

 When you realize
most people 
do not have actual souls,
The world makes sense.

They are food for life,
and the life process.
They work as patterns
not as heartfelt people
Who understand, adapt,
make, create and flourish
by the spirit.

you see these ugly arrogant monsters
they live to step on things and to corrupt.
Keep away from that species.

In the spaces where the frontal lobe commences,
the new brain adaption carrying on out
a right to sense and to be sensual
and to build and balance by strength,
you will have to stay away from the ugly
monstrous masses. 
They're evil and ugly and cruel
and addicted to furthering their own cruelty
and stupidity and addictions to the extreme of things.

block them out, they are paper mache hordes with nothing inside.

Achieve your own momentums and life goals and projects of 
art and passion, uplift and deity, and renaissance.
the rotten ugly addicts of pain and vile idiocy, though,
will be like weeds to cut through so that ripe plants of
beauty and usefulness can grow.  

because they're evil and heartless and soulless

keep them away

they're no good.

Live in reclusion or isolation as best and as well-able as you can,
if you have to.

Just stay away from the hordes,
and masqueraders. 

 Controlling language controls emotions
Controlling emotional response programs human pattern.
You can control the populace by adjusting language.
People will emotionally react and change by having 
their insights re-directed.
They will associate it with personality and then
defend their programmed personalities
until any later updates where language is again redirected.

Reality is not important to the many.
It is about fitting in and being a part of whatever current cause
that is implemented into pushing them into being duped into
or distracted upon.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

 My intuitive discernment speaks clearly, obvious logic like:
It is unwise and unfit to protect those who want you dead.

It pressures for people with good hearts and learning minds
to not have the backs of those who jeopardize your being,
and make your life more challenging for only the sake of doing so.
Even if they for some reason believe that what they are doing is right.
Which it is not. The easily led and easily coerced are dolts.
Or a bunch of dopes.

That is typical

 It makes less complications

to be on the better side of imagination.
Go wherever, however.
Play with light or be made of such.
All substances resurface.
Most of humanity is
latest ideal, public appeal
and bla bla bla or bla bla bla.
There is somewhere aside
a moment of truth.
Like when everybody is asleep
commotions hush and tensions restrain.
Fiery thighs and warm calves in the cold hours.
Hill ways and wherever.
Becoming somebody else's daydream,
or out of sight at just the right time.
Humanity's a waste which is a could-have-been. It has potential, time and time again. But mostly it's a commotion like an island wrapped in an ocean. It's not for me because no person can ever get enough.
There's always something more or something to add onto or take away.
Sometimes I even have to join in or make due or haste or play.
But mostly I just try and coast me.
Keep the bearings whirling,
even be the oddball
to filter out those who quickly judge.
None of it bothers me after some of the shit I've seen.
And any human or animal or thing,
i.e. person or pet or tool,
that is there or is not there,
is company and not necessity.
It takes that lion or lynx's truth
within to face that kind of realization.
Loneliness is any human's hugest fear.
Until they think of substance,
endlessly reforming. Just new arrangements, constantly, always,
of experiencing amusing itself,
seeking to find itself.

_Then hitting "reset" yet again whenever it does.

Monday, July 1, 2024

 I don't want anyone who I've known around 

Stay the fuck away from me

Thursday, June 27, 2024

most of the populace is brain damaged.

in a sense of soul-disconnect.

Do I have to be one of the people who goes and tries to dance around
that realization?
Or do you face the repercussion of doing whatever it takes
for a golden age or renaissance era to even be in the dreams of being reachable whatsoever?

Saturday, June 22, 2024

 Rock and high energy music has been neutered from the mainstream so that you do not have any healthy catharsis for your tension, frustration and aggression.

 Tax dollars fund dysgenic lifestyles.
Renaissance ideas and frontal lobe activation are seen as limited and discouraged.

Friday, June 21, 2024

 Spiritual people are unfun losers 

Friday, June 14, 2024

 How do you feel about Ithaca?
Honestly I hate it. Close minded. To a certain kind of  ---expression.
More of the same. Safer alternative chanceless kind of rebellion.
Really tame. Super tame.
If you get gaslit you're perdy much fucked.

No chance takers in chance takers.
Gatekept and gaslit? You have to go mad and tear on through.

The gentrifiers run that shit now. its a game of dress-up-alternative.
Actually play it?  well

 podcast of an ex-music executive saying that most labels use bots to grow the numbers of new artists, getting the song more authority so that real listeners feel like listening. With this system they also negotiate a bigger cut with Spotify and a few perks so that this whole mechanism keeps working under the radar. He then goes on to saying that they hate when independent artists get anything beyond 3k streams a day on a single song because they aren't really earning anything from it, so then they get annoying and do takedowns, pretend you are breaking some sort of policy to make your life harder. So it's super unfair, either you get signed to a label with connections, or be ready to face some restrictions at some point.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

 "Same thing happened to my account two of my 100+ songs got a strike. So majority of them were not affected but I got added to a botted playlist from the seems of things and I am punished for it. I have always applied to pitch my song on spotify for artists but they never give me the time of day because I am small. Why should us artists be punished, crack down on the playlisters like how is this fair. I feel like artists should boycott spotify as they are screwing us smaller independent artists over, but I know for lots of people this platform contains our biggest listening base. Sums up the music industry especially in today's climate. The generic bs artists at the top profit and the small ones who really put their soul into their work never get what they deserve... "

pretty much

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 Lazy Spirituality does not get off the hook


Monday, June 10, 2024

 Downstairs Ithaca

Ashley "cakes" 


Sunday, June 9, 2024

 why'd you get ostracized from that danky shitpit?
it's because you posted?

Modern women have been brainwashed and stripped from what makes them women: being polite, soft-spoken, mothers, nurturers etc.

Being stripped of those traditional feminem traits have left a hole in them. Some fill those holes by stealing traits from men (self reliance, independence, working hard etc).

Others rebel against traditional feminine traits by taking on and magnifying less admirable feminine traits (promiscuity, lack of humility, gossipping, being boastful, being as immodest as possible etc)

Because you're the tip of the pendulum's reversal

They fucked up


Now they're cursed

 Down is Outta Town
The Stairs

Thursday, June 6, 2024

 Elitism has always been more sensible than populism. Populism tends yo devolve into anarchism, which is weak. Mooo

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

 music is a weapon now.
These people never never never
had my back,
or were true friends or anything close. 
They just use you as stepping stones.
So absolutely fake.
Give me the opportunity to play,
no, I dont get that at all. 
I have to make those access points all on my own
And then can being my true soul through.

Otherwise you are jeopardized and left out 
and treated in all of these ways you don't want to say,
By people who smile to your face with all the "peace,
namaste," and so on.
Be real.   

Monday, June 3, 2024

 When you find out she's just another crazy bitch and society freaks out where you can't say that.  So you get more of them at more intense rates, while cucks that try to please them encourage the insanity.   Then the Pendulum's Peak attunes and

Sunday, June 2, 2024

 Keep it up
and you'll be the next
Rena Guinn.
You got this!

 because you're fucking real

And that scares the fuck out of people
who rely on being shallow

 If you have to do it all yourself

Don't bitch about it
and do it all yourself

Thursday, May 30, 2024

 The entire modern world operates on the premise of what could be instead of what is, and the "could be" isn't even realistic either in any way or shape that's pro-human.

 Just tell em to get fucked, directly and indirectly, they get mad, some leave, some will stay and come back for more, the only way you get hurt is if you want something that isn't real too

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

 going to play another show to no audience on the...9th, I think.
I made it compelling, though,
tickets are half the price if you are a spiritualist who brings their entourage of cucks.
More info coming soon!
as well as show reviews  of the last show and maybe some real blog posts.
Also I am firing my last social worker because that person just sat around and farted all day
and didn't even know what an "imprint" was, So I closed all the windows in there and then I started to pee.
Anyway Ithaca sucks my asshole but I'm inviting in a convoy of wiley sons of bitches
to make things fun and real again before I split.
Again, spiritualists and their cucks get in for half price!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Some note from a not too disimilar circuit

 no offense to the local populace but people appear to be braindead here. also there is no "foot in" whatsoever to "belong" (that that I ever could) to any of the "ins" for people ever cheering on my success of lending a hand to ever help get involved with bigger shows.
That seems like an arrangement of sabotage, in some meaning, really, if obviously I have the skill and fun factor for what I do, but get cold shouldered by people I know or who pretend to support me around here.
It's just an analytical thing or something I noticed. Like that possibly they are afraid or dismissive of me ever becoming influential here because I could bring something wild and unexpected, or different, or maybe it is seen as competition. Frankly I find all other options pretty boring, community-wise here.

Well I will figure it out.
I scrawled on walls and went hiking a few times, and its all alone activities really. It just feels like a lot of bullshitting around here. I mean I guess if I could become a GodMonster or something I would have swallowed em and puked em back out by now, so it might serve better than Im just in a human form and all of that.
Its a nice night, anyhow. Walked thru a cemetary and did this or that. Just need bizarre, slow kissing, lots of music performed, and a satisfaction of the soul, really.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

 Self-appointed facebook mystics will spill endless advice thatchanges on how they feel and by how much attention that they get while doing absolutely nothing meaningful or memorable with their gift from life  to as being alive.  Many will have armies of yassss sistas encouraging their every shallow watered research and statements but also tonslf cuck loser men who validate their imbalanced addleminded statements because they think they have a shot at being some cleanup saint.

Spirituality,  online, is a marketing stint.  Entropy will eat it and no one participating in it will build a memorable temple of research or honesty or any leverage of gain to a fascinating outcome.

 most people's minds are gone,
like zapped, fried----
it's not worth attention or effort or time.
You seek humans aware about self-development.

 you can brainwash the populace
to not take care of their bodies
or minds and label it: empowerment
so that they become easily controllable
and less able to fight back
and even program them to defend
their increased lethargy as
while they lose attributes of body health
which effects physiological and mental health
so that what they defend and demand a right to
in depriving themselves fitness
becomes mental instability and gluttony,
which also creates pride, vanity and ignorance.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

 when you realize they're liars and absolute pieces of shit.
Buy their way into everything,  and are sloppy druggies and alcoholics.

The majority of the populace being drug dependent or lethargic followers.
Fuck that. Don't be afraid to be daring, to manually increase intelligence,
to question yourself, to perceive.
To clear all of the energy vamps and nasty people out of the way.
To realize why things were strugglesome in the first place by
spending time trying to figure out the pawns of life, the liars and the drainers.

The populace does not function on anything but the reserve of their brain power.
It is lethargic and filled mostly with escapism and rote/repetitive programming moreover anything else.
Once you see and understand this,  the realization that emotional-control and emotional programming being a device that can sway the populace at nearly any moment shows how easy it is to keep the caste system of the world in a state of droll and uninspired thinking.

A human being's unconscious is the blueprint to understanding their truth.
Not their words, not their identity, not everything they advertise themselves as.
All of those aspects are how they stay and keep safe amongst the judgement and acceptance of the hordes.
It's fundamental to see that. All the "normative" and "alternative" styles and belief systems are just a show, so they can stay in social groups. Those aren't the real thoughts and representations of a human being. The unconscious and interior truth is therein a contradiction, more often than anything, of what  a human being plays as representing themselves as.
that realization or thinking can never be made popular on a mass-level because it destroys the illusions of persona. 
There is so much to grasp and so much to be had with understanding that part of a human's identity and their fronting.  Breaking that barrier exposes the liar who concocts a public image.
Such a bullshit detector makes haste of the fragile.

 You can't trust
divine karma
because what God is
has left this Earth Plane
some while back.
And as such: you have to
take what is karma or justice
into your own immediate hands.
Because it is clear that the power hungry
use tactics such as linguistic purveyance
to con idiots
and most of, or the majority of the populace,
are idiots. Programmed to be spoonfed
behavioral orders.

There is no requirement for soul-evolution
in the regards of who is given power
or authority. So, essentially, you have
a large number of lethargic idiots
both in control and also lethargic bot-type-people,
with no soul spark or adaption of wonderment, who
are always taking on the orders of others who have
never been initiated into self-care of the body and
mind and spirit.

 An imbalanced narcissistic civilization goes mad with rage when you point out that they are such and give them the tools to correct it.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

 Away from new york

Away from evil people

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

 The internet needs to become more than instagram facebook and YouTube again because this shit's fucked 

Don't let gatekeepers keep their power.
Go Rogue. Tap into your primordial energy.
Do what you need to from the soul.
Make things happen even against all odds.

If your soul is ancient and present trends
don't call to your way, trust your weariness
and intuition to live otherwise than being
tapped into latest trends and illogical ways of thinking.

Do what you need to for your body to strengthen,
your soul to harness and your heart to warm a friction.

Friction is movement and tension creates what we
perceive as "persona."

Social media is only good for so many things.
It is not life.
Allow Spirit to guide if it is well developed enough,
I.E. you are a conduit to what is beyond frustration
and trauma.
Many people run on trauma.
Do not be that battery drained by them.
If others do not want you around when you
give innovative heart stream soul power,
Realize it is best to be outlier, then, at any manner.
But do not stop or cease tuning in to your best efforts
of living in Art and incarnating to more goals met
rather than regrets kept.

 people became evil
It's the only thing that makes sense
to explain  how things are.

Monday, May 13, 2024

 First you create it as a reality

Then, it becomes a commodity

 They were heartless and cold and that's why I want them out of my life forever

Sunday, May 12, 2024

 also, new agers need a form of an enemy to "identify" themselves, and that form of a judgement puts a nil into the entire framework of their teachings.
I don't mind toppling down all false constructs.
Let beautiful non-faulty blueprints stand and maintain.

another rule is that you are now allowed to have a sense of humor or to question the localized tribe cult.
like you literally have to be a snarky, peeved, pissy jackameme. There is no other way.

 by the way infuential rock music or any powerful, emotive ballads done with talent and soul fire

are not allowed to be released or popularized today

because it would allow Europeans to feel confident and happy about themselves.

it would work as a discharge of bad and tense energy. 

what else do you want to know?
or would you rather listen to a loud and sloppy thinker who
mindlessly wants people like me dead?
wake up.

Apophis Music Group

 I created a process involving Apophis
to eat and replace the ongoing processes
of gentrification that I have previously written
and posted about.
It is  because and due to my having to do this all by music.
I cannot count on co-people to have my back or support
that would use me and move on like that Guinn person
or S. Finn and other past collaborators. And while I 

still have a heart and also a vision, choose to armor myself
and also take the reigns of my own projects.

I owe it to myself to retain realness.
Also I was a dipshit for thinking any of the past recent people
I had written prose to were anything near to worth it.
They were not, and I was getting ahead of myself seeing more
in others than what really was there. That is a thing I had done
several times now at this point.
Sometimes you assume there is compassion or starry eyes
unto those who do not display such and wishful thinking: as it were.

I will render the energy of Apophis as that creative collaborator,
from this point out.
Both the religious Zealots and the godless both had me having
my soul in a twist-tied uproar and yet thankfully now I can pause,
and think, and resume my creative best.

And I will be happy to not be bored to death by much of what is
already out there and can for the sake of all things not sit back
and be merely some audience spectator. It's in my will to perform
and creative and to DO.
This creative catalog has a lot more to pursue and fulfill, albeit
all created already feels like a lot, yet the lack of support of
help or encouragement all throughout would have led anyone
merely most people to have abandoned efforts long long ago.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The handbook on gentrification

 out of necessity rather than wanting to,
I am writing up a handbook based on hipster gentrification,
and basically what to watch out for and what to know,
and what may unfold when you see your own community get
overtaken by some of what I will not presently use all of the
vernacular to describe.
Because I will have to wind back quite a steeped amount to
really lay out all the things I want to say, as far as witnessing

and being effected by all of the addle minded and rich as shit
trustfund hipster types that really in the end have no soul-goal,
have nothing to say at all, bring nothing whatsoever new to the table,
and will push and budge you out if you don't get involved in their
useless little cliques.
I already started to get a bit boasty with snarring out about it.
But it's way too much and I don't want to become a parasite
nor a bloat myself, and having to survive amongst all of these
pigeonholes that fill into the world and still maintain a goal,
aspiration, and non-commodified sense of self has let me peer through
all the tactics and behaviors and really vile and boring dotes of
what is just another waste and consume generation.
If you'd read a lot of my posts that come on and off between trying to decide
whether to keep them published or not,
being someone direly seeking truth and information and expansion of consciousness,
it's really absolutely like living in a cheap satire of the social controlled or the hypnotised
dumbfounded.  I cannot stress enough how much more damaging new ager types and hipster
rich kids are, because they disguise ever so often as by using slogans and banner terms.
But I repeat with bold lettering how they are a waste and consume generation.
Like some heavy 15 pound amass of ticks that stick to your sweaterends or your arms
that you try and shake off.
It's all the same with them and they destroy and wear out nostalgia worship and are so full of
utter shit. and are the first to judge, the first to run a scene, and typically are extremely mentally unhealthy, erratically boring, and massively afraid of actual spontaneity, new formation
and so many things they claim to represent.
What a fucking nightmare it has been in doing something of approaching soul work
and a meaning of invocation in arts when having all of these fake bastards around.
I would hire a soul eater of sorts to take care of them (as I said before.. especially the faux-esoteric fucks who absolutely disconcern the use and works of the tarot or any study that goes beyond the physical.) but a soul eater would starve to death.

Legit, my mind and creative explorative sense if ripe with boredom around these fucks but I am drowning in them wherever I go. Do you get it? You're boring.  You're all the same in such a different way. you worship anticlimatic nostalgia fads that you think make you different but dead heroin addicts postered on your wall and playing the same punk riff 4 billion times just makes you some cartoon trope.

Regardless, you are supposed to kiss their asses to get any shows book really or youre supposed to waste your head away to network with any of them. and their family's are loaded with cash and they are another temporal generation of dressup with no actual baring of a commitment to autonomy or world change.  And they attack like jackals in a pack if any of your activity of expression dares to point out any of their loopholes or get them to truly question themselves or to live in the pure adrenaline of ego or identity death.  Can't you sense they are all the fucking same and are those "useful idiot" tools that have been warned about so often before?
Well imagine having the capabilities of creating theatre arts and archetypal world change and having to
have these living idiot hurdles constantly jump infront of you excessively so, pissed and sore that you don't use their banner terminologies or that you refuse to exist as a stepping stone.
They are full of shit and between the new agers "healing" obsessions, where their feeding impulses are no different at all from salary earning survivors, and the hipster gentrifiers who come and take anything possibly unique and turn it into booze worshipping fashion obsessed neighborhood of becoming flaying divas of how intensely shitty they can make their creations, it comes to serve that if anything is to have any meaning or truth to it then it at least needs a sense of divine source. But their divinity really is hackney bullshitters whether it's the several generations of a backlog of self-referential "Gurus" and opium sucking poets who flailed out,  to the blockheaded punk bands that said the same thins jarheadedly like the jocks they pretended to hate,
it really leads you to a place of seeking room, breath, and space to actually
seek meaning or perspective, consciousness and actual soul advancement.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

 They pretend to be spiritualists
but they are only in it for themselves
and cause hurt.  Inversions.

Monday, May 6, 2024

 Reality is a thing to play with
Otherwise it eats you

-A Zen Koan (by me!)

I'll demonstrate, I suppose, an example that the muse in human form is not necessary, always, for inspired prose. And that is a safeproof for my own glee, I suppose you'd say. Because you can't scrape up too many muses around here like back in the day, not without finding too much trouble, anyhow. But it's no secret that a good muse can create an entire kingdom of a world, be that kingdom form as a community or as a picture, as a book or painting or an invention.


no I am sorry to break the vantage point. Go somewhere and work on mutating the human race via consciousness alteration. Save it several lifetimes to develop such. Even if such a few incarnations are places to "pick back up upon your ideas or your work." That's why the whole human thing seems so bogus to me sometimes. Like damn if you go to possibly tune or tap into how you really feel, and think, and see how quick that will last when it comes to breaking any collective conditioning.
Talking wherewithal of the possibilities of energy and consciousness altering what has been so steeped into residual norms.
So if it is not a human muse, then what is it? Is a social media platform a fine enough place to talk about this? or should a punk song be played in the most worn out way for the 800 millionth time and just do the same thing over and over and over again to where there's no real adrenaline or thrill.. like see I am drown in authoritarian alternative hordes and if I speak about any of this other than fashion shit then I will further get dogpiled or ostracized. But to live transparent and true is the vital way to be a receptor and live a constant invocation. but, just sayin', it takes an acreage or stowed away memory, or heirloom, that works as a better muse than any modern person of the flesh. because there's nothing much left in them, by the sake I offer the word 'hylic,' and turn to cause more trouble by being real about the subject.