Friday, September 27, 2024

" It's an enormous issue. Women have way more collective power than men thanks to the ease with which they can be manipulated by authority figures, and are unbelievably self-centred. The entire political philosophy of most women is "What's best for me?" regardless of the inevitable wider harm it might produce.
Look at the other longer-term trends: higher female participation in tertiary education, and younger women now out-earning men. This will inevitably mean men are increasingly relegated to blue-collar tradie jobs, further increasing the wage gap, and women will end up with cost of the student debt and paying most of the taxes. Women won't like this, so you will seen them vote for student-debt abolition, and changes to tax policy so they don't have to pay as much.
At the same time, they will want to see surplus men removed from society, so look forward to things like compulsory military service and an increase in male incarceration."

unbiased commentary from You are a Dumbass and here is your Cake, Too

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