Thursday, August 1, 2024

 convinced health insurance to finally finally, finally cover my root canal after about 2 1/2 - 3 years of damned pain. Had mouth infections forming so that was really swell. Went to E.R. about that ( ) E.R. was so full. Would've taken until around 4 AM to be seen, and was there at before 9PM. Needed antibiotics stat.
So went to doctors the next day after waiting through. Up on coffee all night since I couldn't sleep since all that pain fun.  Pulling into doctor's parking got a phone call from health company and finally had my appeal against them denying me coverage for healing this. They denied the claim to help at first even when i had visible mouth infection and nerve damage from the tooth. Very cool of them!

Anyway posted lots of ask-outs for porches for ithaca's porch fest this year. Got absolutely no responses, so basically fuck this soulless little town. This place is for trustfund hipsters and massively boring cocksuckers. No life no thrill just preaching about green movements and songs about telling you how to live or worshipping dopey dead heroin rock stars, and reggae, too! How neatorrific.
Some of us can't "clock out" of the arts but if you aren't kissing ass to all of the rich cockmongers that entered into controlling nearly anything here, you know, then what's the fucking point in this little shithole town?
I just want the ambition to songwrite again, however. and if this tooth nerve gets fixed and I can feel functionable again and have some frills of ascertainment available then even if I have to do it all myself and on my own, I'm going to reach some new creative peaks. And be ceaseless, and not give up, despite how damned near and all those around me, my "community," had put me off like nobody's business to make sure I faltered, failed, that my love didn't matter and how invisible they wanted to make sure that I felt of all things. Fuck them, and I'm keeping on. And even with nerve pain right now jolting into my senses and having not even one fucking response when reaching out for some events or to be  a part of anything, even after all that, I'll keep forth with it and be more pissed, and energized, and come at all of this with something none of you ever had-- which was no safety net and nobody in the fucking world except for myself who believed in me or that I could count on. 

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