No because I do not want to waste my future or my creative intentions anymore upon people who are spoiled and very non-self aware. Of cold souls and really nastily-meaning kinds of useful idiots who gaslight and gatekeep, and have never really lived any calling of life's challenges.
They are squeaky clean on the outside, or so they think, in image and spouting or spewwing rhetorics (endlessly) but when you try and peer upon their soul or true operative, you see something so wickedly disgusting and envious, and also vapid. Whether they are self-aware or not, is not down to anything but each individual who continues to be duped.
But every soulless gaze, it is enough.
I do not exist to "win them over," because not every existing human being has the same level of a Soul Charge and that is the unfortunate and unspoken truth to it.
A truth is that the vast majority of the populace are a kind of energetic food, and they are not game changers. Just a recycled currency of past inquisition and cult ideologies.
There is no convincing such a type to become self-aware.
Again, I restate, as time allows with so much going on,
they would seek to destroy rather than to become self-aware
or to change themselves in a positive and worthwhile direction.
Why had I become so reclusive or reserved?
Because I live by a hotbed of some of the dumbest fucks
who are lecherous and slippery and celebrate loudness and vapidness,
and any ingenuity or soulful adaption to an ancient archetype,
is something they want to destroy because they can't make it themselves.
I don't give a fuck what they think of that and stand confidently enough as I am
to realize how spoiled and desperate they are to stand out
but they are moveable pieces and I have been to other places and other areas
to find that by comparison, there are people who act like good human beings
and who have soul, patience and an advance to nobility.
Instead, here, it is a collective of people who are spoiled beyond belief
and have some sort of internal freakout of mentally insane father issues.
All my nerve damage ongoings are done and over with finally, I believe,
I can move onward. But people here are so prissy and cold inside,
that if I see a soul in someone's eyeballs, or a humblness to a human
without a gameplan to use others which steers them, it is refreshing
and I warn them to leave, before they see what kind of place this is.
I was on their side until I became a convenient enemy.
Well to all of that,
I still work to mind and body and soul,
in a hopefully intense sort of way.
It is not okay to trash your body or give up your mind
or to turn your soul to grey.
Not on the ruleset of natural intents to self-advancement.
Someday I will write of this time of reclusion
and having been put into a place of a gentrifying area
where they sniff their own shit and act holier than thou
and have all of their plastic causes which cause more divide
than they could ever look into a purifying mirror to avoid
and to run from and to hide for forever.
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