Tuesday, July 9, 2024

 When you realize
most people 
do not have actual souls,
The world makes sense.

They are food for life,
and the life process.
They work as patterns
not as heartfelt people
Who understand, adapt,
make, create and flourish
by the spirit.

you see these ugly arrogant monsters
they live to step on things and to corrupt.
Keep away from that species.

In the spaces where the frontal lobe commences,
the new brain adaption carrying on out
a right to sense and to be sensual
and to build and balance by strength,
you will have to stay away from the ugly
monstrous masses. 
They're evil and ugly and cruel
and addicted to furthering their own cruelty
and stupidity and addictions to the extreme of things.

block them out, they are paper mache hordes with nothing inside.

Achieve your own momentums and life goals and projects of 
art and passion, uplift and deity, and renaissance.
the rotten ugly addicts of pain and vile idiocy, though,
will be like weeds to cut through so that ripe plants of
beauty and usefulness can grow.  

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