Monday, September 30, 2024


aposematism word of the day

Aposematism is the advertising by an animal, whether terrestrial or marine, to potential predators that it is not worth attacking or eating.


 so they've just resorted to being gross as some sort of protest against the system. The grossness is now longer a byproduct of their worldview, being gross is the goal itself.

It's to defy God,

Who vomits when sensing their presence

 wearing a provocative shirt is easier than a caloric deficit. 

Friday, September 27, 2024


on The Sacral Divine

 Yoga and meditation are based.
Western, particularly American meditation practice is cringe.

It's part of the spiritual lifestyle market. Yoga mats, Lululemon, yoga studios, books, it's all shit.

If one's early impulse in meditation is to buy something, then they're seeking recognition and identity through consumerism, not meditation.

Just meditate,
ya dumb prick


" no, it indicates lack of conscience and boundaries. the "fear of abandonment" is made up, it's used as a lever on a man with a functioning conscience who she hopes to gaslight into thinking it's all his fault, he just needs to be more sensitive and tolerant and love her more.
of course, they take your best trait, being a loving concerned man, and say you are deficient in that trait. they know you consider yourself as such, and they are attacking your self image. then you, unaware of the game being played, seek to prove that you are, in fact the caring person you know you are. once you start trying to prove yourself, you are jumping through her hoops. please note that you will never find the qualities that they demand from others present in their own personalities or actions.
if you are a hard, diligent worker, they call you lazy. and so on and so forth.
endocrine disruptors don't make you act with premeditation to destroy the decent people around you with 100% intentional mind games they know they are playing. "

from The Bush not Above the Eyebrows,  etc

of modern moralistic implications

The Vanity Stupor

 "it's not made up, it's merely the female variant of psychopath. they use displays of emotions to manipulate, and feign vulnerability to pull in well meaning men.
the description, which is behavior based, is not meant to excuse at all, rather to categorize. this has been used as a red flag of sorts to communicate to other doctors that this person is a psycho with no conscience.
until recently, most practitioners would not treat bpd as it goes nowhere and drains them to the point that they start to get crazy too. the new method is to excuse and champion their craziness because they sue the shit out of anyone who suggests that they might be the problem. this way, as a therapist, you trick a manipulator into paying you to listen to her lies and made up sob stories instead of having---"
The Blind Duck can Fly Again.

" It's an enormous issue. Women have way more collective power than men thanks to the ease with which they can be manipulated by authority figures, and are unbelievably self-centred. The entire political philosophy of most women is "What's best for me?" regardless of the inevitable wider harm it might produce.
Look at the other longer-term trends: higher female participation in tertiary education, and younger women now out-earning men. This will inevitably mean men are increasingly relegated to blue-collar tradie jobs, further increasing the wage gap, and women will end up with cost of the student debt and paying most of the taxes. Women won't like this, so you will seen them vote for student-debt abolition, and changes to tax policy so they don't have to pay as much.
At the same time, they will want to see surplus men removed from society, so look forward to things like compulsory military service and an increase in male incarceration."

unbiased commentary from You are a Dumbass and here is your Cake, Too


Monday, September 16, 2024

 Soil Finn Funeral

Friday, September 13, 2024

 ithaca ny is a soulless, gentrified piece of shit

there is no recovery for what it has become.

have fun, to the gentrifiers, who suck eachother off

and make the most bland and overdone dribble.

It's boring

 today I will lament going from industry sanctioned entertainment A to industry sanctioned entertainment B

Thursday, September 12, 2024

 en er ji's
on my side

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 Because they are salty that they have nothing to offer so treating people like shit is the only thing that makes them happy..... and or they're just attention --

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024

 I'm glad as hell to have gotten away from them, because if you think you can be around those who really don't mean what they say, and can't prove what they say they mean, that's horrible when circumstances depend on it.
You have to find better places where things like logic doesn't fall to temptation.
Where strength and heart can be equally applied.
If you want to entertain your own energy being drained and wasted, 
then try to make it anywhere well and true in places that are all about social status,
or one-upping each other in the age-old game of "face."
"Face" is a bad game but it seems that everyone is addicted.

Meanwhile I am born and meant to be a writer. So if I don't stubbornly trip over my own measuring out this social or time lapse devastation of New American Lows, in quality of entertainment versus a pursuit of self-knowledge,
you can find me throwing out links for go fund me to fix this tooth issue that has been ruining my past few years.
But that's not all, I can name one place that does not compare to only but several few which will ill your own perspective on the world or on people.
Out there, there are still yet places of goodness and sense, and a human value.

 Those were bad people. 
I''m glad I got away from them.
They pretend to be all about peace
but that's not the truth when the light
shines on circumstance.
It's about attention and getting lots of attention.
Deep within, when proof and proving comes to be shown,
people show who they really are.

I'm stronging through things they could never face,
and walking away from it having learned,
and then never needing them or thinking of them again.