Wednesday, July 31, 2024

 Since I can't sleep, and have excessive nerve damage in my tooth and infections in my mouth from  a halfhearted, vulgurous dentist who can't handle their own shit,
I thought of writing about this town in a transparent and direct way.
But wouldn't you want to leave this town before you say anything harsh about it or it's plebs?
Not at this point.
I mean, are you kidding me?

I reached out with love at first.
What I realized this place was, filled with the heartless and most buzzkilled of absolutely wasteminded dolts, I'd turned to realizing this place will gaslight the fuck out of you. You do not get fair shots here.
After that ugly fat headed monster of an ugly soul of a woman cancelled my gig the very day of, as I showed up to it, I realized how much of a bunch of pungent, witless fucking boars this whole lot really is.

The crudeness of the existence of this town is a worn out and plagiarized obscenity.
These predictable, haphazard walking fucking dopes are some of the most hazen and useless souls I'd ever wish I hadn't had to describe.

It's pretty much my mission to destroy them, at this point.
The predictable fucking boneheads.
My friend turned into a fickle putz who admitted to liking Yoko Ono, and so
there wasn't much of any other choice left really anyway.
The fun factor of anybody divebombed into a recreational low.
These smarmy little cunts depreciate five on a dime,
and the big deal was that you get absolutely no help or comrodarary from any of these dopey
lifeless motherfuckers. They'll say they're your friends but they're up to their brim in shit.

Like do you think I give a fuck anymore? I had two other shows and no one showed up to any of them.

Then these people try to say hi to you or act in such a way.

1. this town has an aura of a smoldering endless pile of shit


2. iunno maybe some people should pray I die rather than get this infection thing healed up. If I am healthy and re-energized, then I can begin doing things more smoothly and focused again.

And after being this damned gaslit, may very well start turning the gear of some sort of ceaseless machine.
Songs and projects and forces of good and evil.
Egregores, Invocations and remembering ever still that I'm the only one that has my own back.
I can't say a single prayer, any more, I'm sure.
But it's either recover medically or induce a coma.
And I guess in a way, I do believe the "Devil,"
and it's the orchestrator of an ordinary life
or calls for kinship and hearing and feeling silence.
Like a toast as to those who are doubted.


Sunday, July 28, 2024

 Recover your Heritage.

Have a Spine.

Monday, July 15, 2024

 We aren't equals and we don't desire the exact same things from one another, you fell for the lie.

-God,  and some other fellas

Saturday, July 13, 2024

 no, it was some dumpy little hipster bar called "Downstairs" that cancelled that show.
Bitchy business owner.  Dumpy and nasty place.
Will be closed down in less than 3 years. Cool to see. 
Not worth digging into any deeper about it just not worth having gigs cancelled
the day of and meeting someone with a smile and they have this stick up their ass
stomach glarfing frown from hell. Get professional.
Take a course from me you can owe me later.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

 Play to Spirits
not to people
People have 
their line.

Play to 
and nature
and birds.

you want to book shows
to the living dead
or rooms 
full of wallowers
or a world full of dread.

no no no no
times have passed coming.

Its generation folly.

And generation repetition.
Repeat song structure expectations
and do the same niche nostalgia worship
or folds of menial rhythm.

no no no no
I need excitement.
Little towns
and rich cliquish cliques
how many layers of lingerie
unfolded does it take to get to licks

It's nothing
The society options are boring me
I've a fresh muscle
and quivered tongue.

Holy shit are all the options boring me
like some ashley cake caught on an iron rung.
Or other forms of demeter
or rock'n'roll to make me fall asleep
and even some of my own song dimensions
just to give myself some critique.
But I'll be real with you
which just may have me scare you
and I'll be real with you the entire way.
And mirror back straight to your soul
For those who do have such any way.

That's the river I'm emancipating.
See as well that I'll survive.
the worlds in whiplash from
stopping common sense
at such a civilization pace. 

 When you realize
most people 
do not have actual souls,
The world makes sense.

They are food for life,
and the life process.
They work as patterns
not as heartfelt people
Who understand, adapt,
make, create and flourish
by the spirit.

you see these ugly arrogant monsters
they live to step on things and to corrupt.
Keep away from that species.

In the spaces where the frontal lobe commences,
the new brain adaption carrying on out
a right to sense and to be sensual
and to build and balance by strength,
you will have to stay away from the ugly
monstrous masses. 
They're evil and ugly and cruel
and addicted to furthering their own cruelty
and stupidity and addictions to the extreme of things.

block them out, they are paper mache hordes with nothing inside.

Achieve your own momentums and life goals and projects of 
art and passion, uplift and deity, and renaissance.
the rotten ugly addicts of pain and vile idiocy, though,
will be like weeds to cut through so that ripe plants of
beauty and usefulness can grow.  

because they're evil and heartless and soulless

keep them away

they're no good.

Live in reclusion or isolation as best and as well-able as you can,
if you have to.

Just stay away from the hordes,
and masqueraders. 

 Controlling language controls emotions
Controlling emotional response programs human pattern.
You can control the populace by adjusting language.
People will emotionally react and change by having 
their insights re-directed.
They will associate it with personality and then
defend their programmed personalities
until any later updates where language is again redirected.

Reality is not important to the many.
It is about fitting in and being a part of whatever current cause
that is implemented into pushing them into being duped into
or distracted upon.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

 My intuitive discernment speaks clearly, obvious logic like:
It is unwise and unfit to protect those who want you dead.

It pressures for people with good hearts and learning minds
to not have the backs of those who jeopardize your being,
and make your life more challenging for only the sake of doing so.
Even if they for some reason believe that what they are doing is right.
Which it is not. The easily led and easily coerced are dolts.
Or a bunch of dopes.

That is typical

 It makes less complications

to be on the better side of imagination.
Go wherever, however.
Play with light or be made of such.
All substances resurface.
Most of humanity is
latest ideal, public appeal
and bla bla bla or bla bla bla.
There is somewhere aside
a moment of truth.
Like when everybody is asleep
commotions hush and tensions restrain.
Fiery thighs and warm calves in the cold hours.
Hill ways and wherever.
Becoming somebody else's daydream,
or out of sight at just the right time.
Humanity's a waste which is a could-have-been. It has potential, time and time again. But mostly it's a commotion like an island wrapped in an ocean. It's not for me because no person can ever get enough.
There's always something more or something to add onto or take away.
Sometimes I even have to join in or make due or haste or play.
But mostly I just try and coast me.
Keep the bearings whirling,
even be the oddball
to filter out those who quickly judge.
None of it bothers me after some of the shit I've seen.
And any human or animal or thing,
i.e. person or pet or tool,
that is there or is not there,
is company and not necessity.
It takes that lion or lynx's truth
within to face that kind of realization.
Loneliness is any human's hugest fear.
Until they think of substance,
endlessly reforming. Just new arrangements, constantly, always,
of experiencing amusing itself,
seeking to find itself.

_Then hitting "reset" yet again whenever it does.

Monday, July 1, 2024

 I don't want anyone who I've known around 

Stay the fuck away from me