out of necessity rather than wanting to,
I am writing up a handbook based on hipster gentrification,
and basically what to watch out for and what to know,
and what may unfold when you see your own community get
overtaken by some of what I will not presently use all of the
vernacular to describe.
Because I will have to wind back quite a steeped amount to
really lay out all the things I want to say, as far as witnessingand being effected by all of the addle minded and rich as shit
trustfund hipster types that really in the end have no soul-goal,
have nothing to say at all, bring nothing whatsoever new to the table,
and will push and budge you out if you don't get involved in their
useless little cliques.
I already started to get a bit boasty with snarring out about it.
But it's way too much and I don't want to become a parasite
nor a bloat myself, and having to survive amongst all of these
pigeonholes that fill into the world and still maintain a goal,
aspiration, and non-commodified sense of self has let me peer through
all the tactics and behaviors and really vile and boring dotes of
what is just another waste and consume generation.
If you'd read a lot of my posts that come on and off between trying to decide
whether to keep them published or not,
being someone direly seeking truth and information and expansion of consciousness,
it's really absolutely like living in a cheap satire of the social controlled or the hypnotised
dumbfounded. I cannot stress enough how much more damaging new ager types and hipster
rich kids are, because they disguise ever so often as by using slogans and banner terms.
But I repeat with bold lettering how they are a waste and consume generation.
Like some heavy 15 pound amass of ticks that stick to your sweaterends or your arms
that you try and shake off.
It's all the same with them and they destroy and wear out nostalgia worship and are so full of
utter shit. and are the first to judge, the first to run a scene, and typically are extremely mentally unhealthy, erratically boring, and massively afraid of actual spontaneity, new formation
and so many things they claim to represent.
What a fucking nightmare it has been in doing something of approaching soul work
and a meaning of invocation in arts when having all of these fake bastards around.
I would hire a soul eater of sorts to take care of them (as I said before.. especially the faux-esoteric fucks who absolutely disconcern the use and works of the tarot or any study that goes beyond the physical.) but a soul eater would starve to death.
Legit, my mind and creative explorative sense if ripe with boredom around these fucks but I am drowning in them wherever I go. Do you get it? You're boring. You're all the same in such a different way. you worship anticlimatic nostalgia fads that you think make you different but dead heroin addicts postered on your wall and playing the same punk riff 4 billion times just makes you some cartoon trope.
Regardless, you are supposed to kiss their asses to get any shows book really or youre supposed to waste your head away to network with any of them. and their family's are loaded with cash and they are another temporal generation of dressup with no actual baring of a commitment to autonomy or world change. And they attack like jackals in a pack if any of your activity of expression dares to point out any of their loopholes or get them to truly question themselves or to live in the pure adrenaline of ego or identity death. Can't you sense they are all the fucking same and are those "useful idiot" tools that have been warned about so often before?
Well imagine having the capabilities of creating theatre arts and archetypal world change and having to
have these living idiot hurdles constantly jump infront of you excessively so, pissed and sore that you don't use their banner terminologies or that you refuse to exist as a stepping stone.
They are full of shit and between the new agers "healing" obsessions, where their feeding impulses are no different at all from salary earning survivors, and the hipster gentrifiers who come and take anything possibly unique and turn it into booze worshipping fashion obsessed neighborhood of becoming flaying divas of how intensely shitty they can make their creations, it comes to serve that if anything is to have any meaning or truth to it then it at least needs a sense of divine source. But their divinity really is hackney bullshitters whether it's the several generations of a backlog of self-referential "Gurus" and opium sucking poets who flailed out, to the blockheaded punk bands that said the same thins jarheadedly like the jocks they pretended to hate,
it really leads you to a place of seeking room, breath, and space to actually
seek meaning or perspective, consciousness and actual soul advancement.