Friday, January 5, 2024

 Realness,  no smartphone addiction delusions of terra.  Be real. Real, real, real. 

Overtook the world with mediocrity 

Just playacting, nothing special of the social.

Data data data, content, filler.

Filler filler filler.

Fuck off, it's normal, boring, repeated.

Magic of light, soul magic.  Well?  

Startles people if you're real with magic, the oversoul, that dancing of an array. 

Getting drown out with the well-off and that watered down,shallow menial.

Lift my soul up and lets go for a deeper ride.

I undo speaking in word of communication,  that naturally flowed way of gift giving or prosing and making moments in life special... that is unacceptable to do you see and it puts people off actually being and living what others claim to.

So undo it, unspeak it, unmeet them.

Live in magic and selfwork.  know the well-off already got their whatever and their distraction, too.    Give them a second to treat you like shit and they will and so dont give a moment or a chance for that.   Also you will get no venue if you tune in to spirit for real.  Or live through that veil for real.

Only spirits and the initiated are able to be receptive but also worth the receptivity.

Others will use you use you use you,or worse, give you a name. And you "have to" then work out of those tithings. Or untrue associations. Names.

Dont write proses for them or give gifts to them and dont say a human word, only speak by presence and talk through song.   These people dont want a person around who shows new viewpoints or new worlds

And with the soulsucking distraction machines really so,  lives go unchanged because they can hear consistently and constantly what they need to hear... in the clusters of nonselfchange and through groups of content and data overload.

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