Tuesday, January 2, 2024

 Vulture walks hand in hand with the raven

Don't care bout the price tag that you're craving

Getting tired of writing really good songs and have things cut me out because people can use gimmicks and excuses and soulless novelty to .... ohhh.


At distances,  ever preferred. 

It is a parody of civilization,  though,  and that is kept in mind when making seemingly indefinable actions of sorts.                                     If it's going to be that way, then have fun and worship humanity's  most feared deity: Randomness.  Also the truest to life-currents and the data set of limitless Light: the pre-patternized.

There is no stern and useful reason to participate in a parody of civilization,   so you introduce more randomness and harbor in more question, query and mystery.                         Because the laws of humankind are presently broken and something rotten and false is conjured upon the mindset of people.  You do not try to impress or to win over those who are built to manipulate you or use you.


Principle in the moderne worlde is dead 

Only chaos survives


There are patterns people get into where they stop the excitement or think they fully know one another or the zest retreats and wanes, or the spark dies out.

So you keep refreshing that joy of excitement or you randomize at all goes.       Its the fresh approach that keeps stale away.  Staleness is old skin.  


I saw a clone of you

The exact same replica

In style and mannerism

In never having struggled

So no character was ever built

Or quilted, sheathed or made.

Self acknowledgement to that

both impossible and forbade


Nepotistic blob smears vs integrated soul intelligence.  The pursuit of raw understanding vs handmedowns and easy paths that fad ride.   Ideas that survive vs another forgettable genre blip.


My role has to do with pendulums,  archetypes and fable crafting.  It's to firmly place perceptual accuracy to disintegrating the disingenuous and to also keep the self in a state of more than survival or rote task playing until death,  but also reinvigorate the imagination repeatedly enough so that I'm not stuck being some cliche or being caught in something I inspired that became stale.

What you make that becomes stale can get picked up by others and will wear what you left over, and try to take you down for changing or moving or exploring outside of the programming they endear.

If you self program or re-imprint intentively you have to kind of poke fun and amusement at any logic traps.   Many tie their pitfalls and programs up as their personality,  and so when self change is required and needed, will fight tooth and nail to remain limited or in an outdated niche. 



Coffee night drive and a diner

And hickies for the espoused.   

Then what?


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