Thursday, May 11, 2017

Spectators and Whirlwind Breath

Good acre wanderings. The salamanders are out en masse, under stones.
They come in a variety of tints and deep colors.
This time they are showing up crimson bright'n'black.
None have lost their tails, none have lost their ability to
convince you they are not gambling on the side.
But still it's hard to believe they have their little mansions built
up so quickly and done with such good style.
Their little roadways even have little speedbumps
but those could be wormwood trails really, who knows.

Less gas station smell.
Seasons you want to meet. Seasons you did meet
and hope are infinity.
Those feel great, to be around.

No salamander slave-labor, i.e. salamanders pulling wagons of
hardgoods to little toad dept. stores... or wagons full of little how-to-
books marked nervousness.

Nervousness: One of the nerve's most powerful energy-storage
devices. What a ball of energy!  Turn 'em right around quickly
and find more smoothness of moment.

Could Planet Earth work it's way back to a golden age?
What do you do with nuclear reactor stomach-gas in the meantime?

It is harvest-up season. And put your foods to the corner of a roadway season.
And if someone gots what you want and has something you'd like,
trade it.  Report that to tax-masters, of course! (snide.)

St. John's Wart and not Melatonin. Chappin' up the nose via wind-riding
with the face-shield lifted up. Good ol hardcore face-chap.
Some good rejuvination may have the face turn back into a face again.
Replenishment.  Possible plans to go Amtraking.  Could the days of
Greyhounding finally be done-out?

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