If we behaved we would have began exploring space.
We are guests on a plan-it, whirling through space.
There are so many patterns,
and each time history is revised or re-theorized
we can think of how uncertain we are about anything really.
We are guests on a plan-it.
Crossing your fingers and hoping
and then getting in that fill
into the camel's hump.
It may be some daily process.
Pretend to be in another's head.
Malnourishment, wondering who to turn to,
lost, scared.
One can pretend to imagine it
but when you feel it
there is that definite knowledge that
words and make-believe do not express it.
As if nobody has challenges.
Can we be problem solvers, possibly
creatures who revolve around words
and languages
and become masters or victims
of the words pinned onto
sensations, things and processes.
Inquisitions and Renaissances.
There are undulations
where professionals try
to hold down extreme rises
of natural process,
and create, then, chasms
in smooths of peace.
The last seventeen years, for example..
Will there be any one official version
of history---
I think that
now that we are all collective reporters, in a way,
and documentarians
we may have scattered into a Multiverse.
A Universe has one view, one future---
the inability for many to edit
or to have skepticisms
what really occurs.
For the exciting Multiverse,
which I think we are in,
the truths are formed by any heaving-enough size of
a group getting together.
The survival of the many. (Prphrsed.)
This can be an amazing thing.
It can be a very deceptive and lousy thing.
It really should depend on if these group-truths
are being decided with this process in mind.
Which brain is being used
when large amounts of people gather together
and form little whirls and worlds.
There are all sorts of brain-arenas
where people espouse their plays.
What is a new-brain?
How many, again, How many industries
will lose out on Big-Cash
if individuals could self-heal and sort out
stored-up tensions?
Where would the misery-industries be
if individuals could flatten out their bull-shit
with roller-machines.
I feel people are being tremendously had
and robbed of their potential.
The metaphor here is about a process of
developing a finer, better connection
with the high-brain, the front-lobes.
Get inside of your own head
because lots of screwed up people
are trying to get into other peoples heads
and they are lousy mechanics
and fuck things up in other peoples heads
and charge a whole lot of money for that.
It's making it a lot less fun for me,
seeing people dividing in a way where
lots of duping appears to be occurring.
I disenjoy it when others ruin my own fun.
and people lose out big time when the misery-industries
are somehow still able to rake in
people to manipulate
based on tensions that are justifiable and real.
Tensions seem to be able to toss and turn
and be assigned to targets.
More and more I am believing we are our
own targets
and it is better to destroy and rebuild
any calamity and imbalance in the self
that is locatable
than to fix every one else and constantly
fix other people, all of the time,
operating from inadequate or self-hating selves.
I do not always believe that.
Sometimes I fall for it.
You have to learn where certain habits
and tastes and irritations and likings really
came from.
And if they are suitable.
Somewhere between robots and apes
are us, the humans.
There is so much potential!
We will get there.
Whether we like it or not.
The many are not taught
good metaphors
and those metaphors, whichever one you get
and how it reaches you,
reveals a bit about the connectiveness, really,
between all of us.
& How intentional outward damage to another
is self-damage. Creating a divide
damages the internal makeup.
Right now, this is possible,
all of the loud people--- the loudest people of them all,
the ones that are so loud and yet
when their words are cracked open and
looked at,
it's empty and there's hardly a thing there---
if those loud, gnammering people could just be put softly to the side
and ignored for a good bit---
maybe longer---
some real fine things could become useful and available
to interact with.
Of course it can be the hardest process in the world---
to turn off the static.
It can be the most painful and self-disintegrating process
in the personal world of an ongoing multiverse
to break that pattern and
go without the typical distractions.
The loud-things, the outer-dramas,
the new spices of a mass-psycho-trauma
basically based upon the separations away from
affection.. and the fears of offering nourishment to
other people----
other entities, people, here... on this plan-it.
I love fun, and a moment that sounds good
but I hate new entertainment so much---
this present entertainment-- more than you will
ever know.
These loud things shake and really grip on to the
'low' brains. Aggravations, angers, huge tensions
threaten the survival-personality.
At some point seeing that one is still able to survive
having gone a good while not listening to the
incredibly loud situations
there is a chance to find perhaps a more resolving
and smooth kind of interaction.
These motions are barred from the Misery Industries.
That was a free form go at attempting to loosen up a bit of some pinchy-senses of displacement. It was also probably a grab-bag of all the good and bad that I've been 'minding' lately. These include berratingly paying attention to the news more often than I should, performing 'undoing practices' and trying to leverage the 'shit news' with some pretty fine stories about time-wanders performing open-heart surgeries upon themselves.
[Or expressions of time and space calling to open up the heart.]
I did not want to get very topical in any of it but enjoyed being able to jump around and basically follow the words.
As slippery as a lot of whatever I had been posting has likely seemed, not that I have posted very often, it is a much more fun kind of process. I like it very much.. if I give myself too much free-roaming opportunity then it would likely result in a kind of mega-word-blurring which hopefully would not be too inconsiderate. Having a total comfort in writing just might retract any filtering process whatsoever.
How boring does that sound?
Have gotten some paper out and started actually sketching again. For the first time in what feels like years. To forget why you do it at all decreases the amount of time to have at doing it. It was me vs myself but the goal is to have fun with it. Maybe I just wasn't having any fun.
Yet I'll have to completely regain that patience to learn something new every time. It unnerves me to be mediocre at something and everything really had appeared to be mediocre lately: Photo, image, sound. Must 'woo' at someone. Some infatuation or adoration would rise that intensely. Maybe a really good sandwich.
I finally found the Art of Sound several months ago though and really very much enjoy them. I recommend them! But I have whispered to the hay before--- or told a dirt-speck how to tie a shoe.
It is really very cold here. There's an immediate eagerness to be out in the sunshine but I have a motorbike and no car so riding it out to a warmer state doesn't sound too feasible. I mean, it's possible but an ice-block can't steer too alright.
It's a Honda. Her name is not Rhona,thank god. If I can feed my face I'd like to write about the coming-to-learn-a-motorbike process. Me & this blog, though-- I don't know. Give the thing weary eyes ever-so.
Gene Wilder was also great in Rhinoceros. Let's not take his lesser-seen movies for granted. It had Zero Monstel who has, I believe, the best portrayal of becoming-a-rhinoceros in the history of cinema. You did it right, Gene.
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