and a lack of spirit
is unacceptable
to any grade of development
for the senses to learn
and the intuitive strengths to build.
Any rule of inversion will, however,
test the concept
by presenting reality with the illusory,
so as to test anybody wishing their own
course of a path.
So you will see, as I said again and again,
you will see sacral symbols or talks of
being used by the mundane
and the overtly materialistic-obsessed.
Is it a pretty sight?
Wait years to see, as those are eaten away
by their own compulsions.
And stick true to your own values of importance
for what any learning may be taught
or what any time away from hype, media,
distraction and all the shortcuts people take.
You can wade through it but don't drown in it
Don't get down so low that you would drown,
and pass by it because in realistic senses,
it is very shallow yet so much of modern
counter cultures and they gatekeep, and stick
together in facets of groups. This is due to
they could never survive individually, or make
it anywhere in a sense of actual self-survival.
People are extremely cheap today. And that does not
forbade applying to subjects with seeming deeper undertones.
It is amazing how the intensity of energy study or
self-training your own attention had been usurped
by trendy types and they run courses, own lots,
use money from blood, heir, and usually anything but
hard work or a form of working into a knowledge base
of whatever it is they take over.
And altogether it comes out rather tacky and full
of people still not graduating the course of actual
development between dark and light, psyche and progress,
and instilling some deep connect between having a reason
for the pathway upon this earth.
Find a reason for your pathway. And invest moments
so as to build with honesty and depth, and not facades.
Like, you know, many people are evil, dumb-minded
and really very numb in spiritual centres, especially
unawakened brain activation, and they own spiritual
centres, teach the "occult" and they're just sort of vegetated
Many of them are pigs or whimps just smearing this idea
of trends of a cult of personality,
and tend to really actually get in the way of people
humbly and dedicated with a drive toward a pursuit of
reaching toward extrasensory development or a place of
knowing toward their own path in this life of a short
visit in physical experience.
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