Friday, July 14, 2023

raven serenade

Raven Serenade (06/29/2023) - After the Graveyard session -

"oh my goodness the age of destruction takes lunch breaks" 07/14/2023



 youtube description

1.guitar journalling aka playing whatever comes to be.

After the grave yard
go to the lake side.

existing with and playing to some deer, crickets and all in the central smog air.

Dead batteries, then filled up memory card. no tipped over cameras this time.
Sort of enjoying the set playing ideas at random locations just so long as the wind isnt tremendously hectic.
I'll get other already  finished / constructed songs and play through those also but it feels nice and natural to play what comes to mind and improvise it, as always.  
I post shit like this on bitchute and each time they allsay I am the satanic illuminati on that site. I wanted to ditch youtube for a bit but there are real nutters on other sites. So much so that even I'M saying such about it!

Anyway what more can I say? I pushed thru a fine, long bicycle ride recently.  I learned that everything alive falls apart in pieces and ya gotta maintain those pieces. Good luck putting pieces to everything in the universe together while in a deficit! That's why I aim to always be on the freaking m-o-v-e.

here some links, first person that ever signs up to the patreon wins my absolute surprise.

2. 07/14/2023 instrumental

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