Friday, June 30, 2023

wavelength etc



is your consciousness
wave length
with the service-industry demands
of collective conscious vibration?

also, in other news:
classic webpage design
still persists to exist.
That is why I am still happily yet sometimes begrudgingly
creating and crafting
at my ol webpage.

Next to add are character-web pages and bios
for some of my monikers but more so story characters.
Like Hayleigh Hazel and DOCK Yawner.

I want to create fun (a crime it is!) in this stressful insane uptight world.

Oh if you knew the hate I receive and the hassles I get but shrug off,
for simply existing, with the pursuit
of having fun and not living off somebody else's narrative.

eep opp ork (uh,uh.)

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Let's Play To Graveyard Statues


06/29/2023 "Let's Play To Graveyard Statues"
(description from youtube:)

Set 1 had to redeem song playing so went and redeemed song playing.
but out to the peace of the cemetery

All improvised songs'o american folk are other ones, too, have to fix the wind sound issue in some.
(So I double the right channel which was a-ok and added slight delay so it isn't mono.
Then some distortion to boost it up.
Getting okay results with that, however not all wind! sounds! are salvegable, as with earlier resonator guitar videos you can tell it effects left and right channels.

Getting ontop of that and as I noted the Canon! is a lot(!) better and more forgiving than that nikon.

last track is Anyways (Pray to the Morning Song) which I'll pull out of this set and remake because it has some spiff to it and I'm feeling it out of the rest.

Yellow Zstone Play Fayers - resonatormusic session from 06/26/2023

note: I created a patreon

where I'm uploading lots of creativities and adding files for songs yet to be out
and keeping up to date with videos like this



  Some audio from 06/26/2023
Resonator at the park
playing a Gretsch Boxcar g9200 aka

"Solace" [Wind Avalanche] 
insert description shove product placement into your calabash improvised songo resurrecting my lo fi CANON coz it records without these tarnations ;-P did you sit in an ant pile?



 2 songs if you like wind storms up your head "blink of an eyeball," "Spasmatic Ovulator"



youtube vid descip. pasted to here:
 thunderstorm coming just means that I am uploading this with a storm outside right now so there's a chance the electric will !ZaP! and cut out this upload.

Yellow Zstone Play Fayers means if I strip these songs out I played at the park earlier I can make a mini album from that. I'll update if I do that, then put it on streaming sites if that works.

but I don't know, it sure was windy outthere! I'll check the other files and see how all that is. This Nikon camera drives me mad I tried to eat it but I don't think my stomach will dissolve it. So here's "Thunderstorm Coming"

more things

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

getting some support to a worn bridge bridge plate on a 90s epiphone



 Have a bridge plate that is sucking the string ends right up into it.

Because I rescued an old Epi, one of a type that I'd missed ever since trading it super long back.  Had tried to re-acquire some yet one had severe tarnations going on with it which wasn't foreseeable to the efforts of repair. Then this one came along and it has some fighting spirit to it.

Main steps and procedures are the repairs I can get to myself without dropping bombastic amounts of cash which tiny college towns can sometimes demand. or in other ways too, simply trying to fix what I can possibly be  capable of doing. 

The back up plates for traditional bridge pin styles don't apply here because the bridge of this Korean-made Epi had a bowing curve to the bridge area.
One of those "platemates" could have served a function to repair this more easily.

Instead I am taking materials and figuring out any tone changes while at the same time ensuring that no more string pressure will dig deeper into that bridge plate material.

I tried a stainless steel strip which really boosted and prolonged sustain. But there was a metal and robot-string sound to it which did not sit quite right. 
However I returned to this a few times. The boost and power of the sound was quite admirable with this. But that taking away of the woody depth of the bass end of the strings wasn't a fair trade for that sustain.  Things were sounding really metallic and it wasn't preferable.  I swapped between this and a wood backing several times.
Those platemates were made out of brass but this material is stainless streel, and while I didn't have any brass around at all to try into, I was left wondering about any difference in reverberation and getting the vibrations through past this protector, from the string ends into the original (rosewood) bridge plate.

I'd found maple wood to use. And I'm not far in to using different materials or anything yet.
I found with a piece this thick that the reverberation and volume subsided a lot.
However the woodiness of the sound, the bass lows, stayed truer. But it wasn't "shaking up" and vibrating the body of the instrument.
Note the marks there are not surface cracks. I'd pulled that block out and sanded it down some.
Still left that piece about as thick however. Comparing blockiness to thinner pieces, still thinking about a transfer of the vibration to not sacrifice too much of the fuller sound for bridge plate protection.


I'd made this smaller and thinner piece, still out of maple,
and found this to be fine enough for the moment.
There were multiple makes of maple sizes and I found with the material
they would very much so split if trying to go too think, or too close in to the bridge pin hole cuts.
Also exact, exact measurements are ever so needed. A little off and you're having to widen those bridge pin holes and they arent holding in securely whatoever.  The bowing curve of this bridge pin/hole style makes that really annoying and a disband and start all over kind of process.
Had some that really were nice and thin pieces but were off in measurement, so huck it,
or so near being thin that a crack would split right in.
So with this, I'll take it for now, and play using this piece.
I'm getting volume still, my plate isn't going to sink in via the string ball ends having questionable surface it digs into, and it is not sounding metallic or overly steel like.
If I can find rosewood or a wood type called bubinga, I may opt to cut some very thin pieces that will not split.   It's possible in the future to replace the entire bridge plate and that would likely opt for the best instrument sound.
One more thing however is I am going to change strings also I put DR strings on there. My first pack of those came unraveled as heck as they are hand wound strings.
This maple block idea may have a better answer sticking another string brand and even gauge onto the guitar.

Also note that I worked the bridge pin holes to be able to have each pin push in equal all the way across. These are the original pins but strangely enough were sounding better (before and after a bridge protector were tried out) than bone pin replacements.  I may try some of that Tusq material, but they need to be longer sized pins. Some of those shorter types aren't going to work if there is wood beyond the original rosewood bridge plate.

Will hope to post which guitar this is as I go along with more things on it.  Was very finicky and selective for this certain type of guitar, from the 90s and being something I'd basically attached to and bonded to quite well before ignorantly trading it out for an X-Series martin guitar which I'd later trade that one. 
Super happy to have a playable version of this Epiphone back and into the spirit of song writing and perhaps a bit of some newer creative momentum.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

 The world will judge
one another by
& there will be
much peace
after there is
much trouble.
No more
get away from
by the
& horrific.

(->See for coupons inside<-)

Friday, June 23, 2023

 Don't make the mistake of thinking these people are stupid. They simply have different goals, while you or I care about truth and seek it, they care solely about power, if you understand this you will see how their seemingly stupid actions start to make sense, no matter the situation they will always seek to be in a position of power, perceived or otherwise, some common tactics include belittling, lying, manipulation, gaslighting, aligning with authority, faking victimhood, virtue signaling and whatever else allows them to attempt to talk down to people like you and I who they perceive to be a threat.

This is why they are so puzzled at the idea the elites would kill them, they know they are not stupid but instead evil, they think they are on the same team as those in power and will likewise do and say anything to get ahead in life, this perceived power also makes them arrogant which is misunderstood as stupidity.

Their search for power ends up making them weak, if only they understood the search for truth gives you TRUE strength.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

clips of 06 22 2023

 some songs from earlier (06/22/2023)
Show is foremost titled: "Are You My Bowinkle?"

played to a jampacked crowd of 2. The precedent is 2 now I know why Godzilla got hungry.

 humanity, predictable lamers?

 thank u to the two people @ the show

Sunday, June 18, 2023

flier thing upcoming show lome marsupial intergalactic marketing

 music stuff 22nd or possibly chewing celery very loudly  

I brushed my teeth now I am drinking deep tea, and tea stains things including teeth.
It's midnight and I'm very well awake.

Have been making my very own bridge plat for the underside of a guitar
but apparently need to find brass rather than steel,
 and do a comparison in listening. 

So yes going to play a lil music thursday. Didnt realize it was that close.
I need a manager i'm all over the freaking place.  Maybe  I don't think about stuff anymore and just do it, do things.  

Have to say that toothpaste taste mixes really well with this hot drink anyhow.

Yes, yes. The antisocial phantom will go and start playing shows. Sure, ok.

Friday, June 16, 2023

 I think the idea is
going through trauma or hardship that you
don't always think others can understand at all,
or surely not experience the same way twice,
then also see the world in a state of basically
juggling trauma around or throwing it at each other,
and still going for bringing brightness or idea,
creativity or a forward pursuit anyhow.

 People who can handle their alcohol are fine, even great.
Those who get possessed and act as extreme monsters I  do not wish to cross the paths of ever again,

or be the sponge of

Thursday, June 15, 2023

 Played out more

Biiggest crittick is the self, happenstantially.

Yet had fun nuntheless.

Address to package up some songs now as well as the whole free flow make it all up as you go along.

Nice sun sets thru the door way.

People nice and happy

And inviting and gracious, fun loving folks.

Rewrite old traumas n crud with some euphoria.

Songwriting goals still.

Instrument exitement to scribe soon I hope.

Lotsa images to get to.

More positive note now at least instead of the imbuking of interior tension and diffusion.

Also character art remains on the bridgeway (both sides.)

Thought that'd of been gone over by now.

Forgive stick figure cat some day but that crosser outter took a decade out of my Soul Fiesta.

Life's life.

Brushin my teeth before bed time.

Moth flyin round my room thinks this screen light is a door way.

Maybe standard tuning again even someday.

Social paradox.

Cover the gas mileage i sez to me and I'll make it to so many things.

Also a favorite dish plummeted out of a cupboard this morning.

But i saw a fawn with its mother cross the road earlier in the late morning.

Eternal poetry in inalienable 

Bless the light of being.

Id challengr myself to bicycle ride that far if u could trust the padded instrument backpack case--- so i can work out physical and save a few bucks petrol wise.

Or motorbike i can just ride that. Oh wait inspection and maybe new battery needed.

Ok bicycle or car.

Last 30 mile plus bicycle ride was already a year + ago 

Doing show the 22nd

Need to sit down next to thee amp and dial in settings.

Painted turtles near ponds.

My toesies are sore.

Soak them in the sink while sit butt on countertop and brush teeth at the same time.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Figure draw it

 Frausto, one of the evils of my life 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

 Just say
to energetic vampires

Saturday, June 10, 2023


I shouldnt be dumb with my heart and shan't
and regardless, this is my mainstay of productivity and busy-ness.
Moving to hone in, again like this pic, to constant creation.

Some good things lined up sound wise.
Also Monday will explore an instrument possibility.

Kind of jostled over site to site, would like a main, direct one to use specifically.

twitters great for ranting, meta industrial complex has lots of bandwith space,
this is fine for journalling and long winded prose of free forming.

Well heck I don't know.

Mind study
Body Health
Conductive pursuits,
and all and all,
getting things sorted.

Expressions of expressions,
but make time to sleep.

 keep crazed


outta my life,
O lord, Praiseth' be
ya ya ya


 have been playing shows and stuff
eating a breakfast  lunch presently

Thursday, June 1, 2023

March of the Mantis preview

 "March of the Mantis" [audio] preview 1st layer 06/01/2023

4575475 65856856856

1st layer and instrumental track to be added overtop, recorded today
"March of the Mantis"
w/ download here in audio WAV file for patreon supporters. Also uploaded lots of extra content even rants about how talking about Content! is Content! and journals and crud on the digital info age. but I'll upload those here eventually.

Modern web eh
main site
direly need to update with things as new from 4 years+ up to now 

Liquid Floor Love


Fashionable spirituality is very fashionable death avoidance worship and self worship.

Its excuse making and devoid of belief of performance of miracles.

Lots of cope

And cope cope  cope