Tuesday, April 4, 2023

A place for my stuff

 NE Ways I am going to post these here to direct them through another link, so that's why they are posted  here.

I know why Luddites and Hermits exist verily, after ever purchasing a smart phone and also attempts in social media promotion for creativity, and having to, not wade, but be engulfed in the hysteria of it all. Calling it a demoralization ritual or dehumanization process is a little bit slight on the elbows.
Whatever mass projection via consciousness upheaval that all led to certainly added a lot of jarring into an already tumultuous perspective. 

It's no  fun when its me against the world, so to say. And I realize now, people more easily than not always talk or let it be known in what they don't like or will negate things more and more and more often than what they enjoy or hold close and dear or find validating and helpful.
The emotional addiction to upset and controversy and prized victimhood actually wrecked civilization. I find myself driving or walking around and sarcastically saying, for a building of health and humor, I say: you destroyed civilization, you soul hating twits! You got too greedy and don't know what to do with power, poise, or positions of influence. You're creating rubble." and that rubble will be soothened and told to be some modern gem. But its rubble.
So that's what social media can do.
And I wanted to say, you know,
hey, I'm sorry for ya's that the tavistock institution of human behaviors and influence had,
you know, mind washed you and coerced you. And sorry to myself that I ever mentioned that in the past because it fucked with my eligibility for public outreach and censored me like you wouldn't believe, to talk about CERN and shit, and energy alteration and consciousness change programs and political narrative embedding and forced behavior change on the populace and "shit like that." 

because beyond an idiom, people thinking or talking and discussing that kind of flavor creates a phenomenon of change and actual unifying.
And you're all supposed to be having gender wars and division wars and controversy bickering and fighting one another, which you are.

but I'm sorry for you and also sorry for me, then, that both are either falling for it and corrupted by it or corrupted competitively for ever beginning to speak about such things.

Anyway I just posted this post to attach the above images as I have to use them to promote some projects and all of that.

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