Friday, February 3, 2023

 Some relatives photo book memories.
I would do more than just take a gander if able to revisit that era.
I would put my foot down and stay. Because this present world is a mutated mess which hates tradition.
Also I wouldn't have to have my life wrecked by extreme psychologically abusive alcoholics. I guess that is personal but by now I realized my efforts to share creations and expressions on the web are above as fucked as being guarded against than anything else.
I just want to print my books and publish music and creations. But the world seems in a trance. My soul grows stronger via surviving this shit.
But humanity at this point seems for the fucking birds.
People have a mind virus today and are so easily led into this 'culture war' and destroying beauty and aptitude. You disgust me and make me absolutely sick in the stomach, and may God find some way of uprising a soul within you. Because all you wish to do is be a road block against people trying to live their own way, and to complete soul fulfillment. And to be anything but a cog or a parasite trying to usurp human potential. 
I have to fight against all of this shit. But will still bring beauty and what I can do, even with no peacefulness under my own damned roof.  
looking around at everything dished out with your division agendas and destroying actual beauty and ingenuity, I hope you get the world you "think" you want but have no clue of what it entails. I hope you get every last little detail of it and have to fucking live within it. See what it really means.
You're what are called "useful idiots" so go fill your heads with your drugs and your media obsession and make livings off being offended and tearing things down you don't have a fraction of the brain power or most of all heart or soul to begin to ever even accomplish.
Get the world you're pushing for, I hope it catches up to you and you have to live within it.
because all you are is hatred disguised as justice and a part of history repeating itself where some of the biggest leeches and scummiest kinds with power trips never learn until it is too late.
You'll never have the soul power to create some of the most beautiful expressions of artwork and intellect and emotion but you sure as hell know how to cancel and make livings off propaganda and damaging mental capacity, beauty and a touch of soul.
So live with it when you get what you want. or what you think you want.

I have got my self.
#earlyamerica #photoarchives #photography #bohemnian #folkart #photobooks #mediacensorship #wokeisshit #soulstrong #survive

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