thee potent perfume of
a new
opening boxes and
getting into bags
All it really takes sometimes, as it were, is running around naked in a cemetery
or breaking social habits or required estimations of behavior guidelines.
I just don't understand it.
I think that given the state of it all, self-amusement is my ultimate goal and vindication for living. It allows me to pack and pair whatever mixture of tea-types I do choose to combine but at the same time it allows me to cope with the downgrading and terrifically waning cognitive level of the collective conscious.
many of the "leaders of the world" are spiritually moronic.
I don't say that in a bummer sort of way,
just a reminder that you can do better for yourself.
I guess, to say, real leaders are those who know
what to do with their own nervous energy.
Nervous energy redirected or redefined
can create beautiful new patterns or wholly yet unseen realities.
Get me a couple of muses
for a little while or longer
and with a couple of muses
I'll be able to be the best
present author in the world.
I'm to make out with my muses,
technically so, as it goes.
That's fine.
Some muses to sit with
make out,
will scribe.
Thoth and Dionysus,
into the present material world.
Has to be worth it, though,
with good reason.
Which I have.
It's fine.
I don't write blogs.
I play the guitar.
None of these blog entries
are associated to my by any sense.
It's mostly ant eaters,
and lemurs,
probably even ostriches that
hauled me off for some brevity.
All I know is that humor
of a certain kind of grade,
can't mix too deep with
aspiration, dankened downfall,
estranged absurdity
and inner truth all at once.
page for a limited run "retrospective" compilation
handing out what copies I can make, maybe a few goes at it.
online is full of negative assholes trying to escape that,
can you? Im not sure.
I was ranty negative also but mainly just bestowing
it onto here in what I think was just steaming things off
about thinking how everyone is turned against each other,
not going to peoples personal works trying to neg and drag
them down.
dont like my stuff then go. like go, go, go.
hi i was recording "stone set stone" and "rock'n'roll saved me" [recording vlog]
:00 warm snow insulates numb lost wanderers outro
:08 stone set stone record preview
4:27 rock'n'roll saved me record preview
6:41 warm snow insulates numb lost wanderers outro
into and outro song "warm snow insulates numb lost wanderers"
is from a soundtrack music thing I keep adding to. I think I have hundreds of hours (do I!?) of audio soundtrack stuff but I don't want to misrepresent releasing it properly.
Actually I want to just connect with doing sound scores but I dont KNOW ANY networking "GET INS" and its all bout bribery or, that kinda "industry!" stuff. vomits.
I'll release it in series if Im ever able, as sound albums, iunno.
///guitar here is Epiphone EJ-200SCE. S=solid (top) C (cutaway) E (electronics)
Using any extra cash soon enough to put D'addario XS Meds onto.
Ladies and gentlemen I have my check engine light off now.
07/19/2019 are the Stone Set Stone original file sessions.
Like a life time collage I keep adding to certain sessions when time is available. so stuff is released that way. Sometimes recorded in a week or few days, sometimes grabbing into sound archives in this example. I want to "finish out" things so obviously I'd add percussion layers to these if I ever get time in my life to do so.
I think I had 8 takes of stone set stone then rock n roll saved my life was one.
Not sure if intriguing or infurating but the time distance between layering songs does offer different perspectives of playing or taste in what to do in certain things.
spotify is
somehow i had a huge (to me) jump in listeners the last month, not sure how or from where but thanks.
People who drink or abuse their neurological systems with drugs to an irreparable point have moments where their internal "djinns" or stored tensions and "other side" they always hide from public light take them over. If you have to babysit or tend to these people because they are friends or they are family or you are in places of life where they share space or connection it is like being alongside some sort of vampire or sick and twisted sort of person.
When their sense of that self turns "on" and the "thing" comes out,
something that werewolf, vampire films, and other fables make reference to, by turn of examples of the psyche,
you have to feel that aspect of tortured souls who use emotional overload to gain control of a situation.
It is said the most loud and emotional person in a group is the person who owns the room.
I want to condemn and denounce any friends in my life who tried to talk down to me when I was there for them, when they were going through their drug bents and I had to soberly stand by. Then they moved onto better things later on and tried to feign all of this spiritual preaching to me when I myself was in hard places mainly having to watch after mentally ill people who themselves still drugged and drank themselves into mental stasis or actual brain damaged results.
A lot of it ruined my life in ways that are still repairable, but I have little sympathy or empathy toward destructive drug users or immense alcoholics. I can still get myself out of or save myself from these situations of being locked into or held too tightly into associations of those I feel their lives will fail without my being there. But it had corrupted and neglected my own life in the process.
I do not want to feel spite or bad feelings toward people yet when I get thrown that
expectation of living some privileged life or when people pretend to know anything about me,
I can say that some of the things I have to face and survive through each day are things they would have caved into.
And lately I do not at all like looking and seeing what is an ugly or dying civilization.
But I owe it to myself to have a space of peace, peacefulness and productivity today.
My friends who blew me off when I needed some help that I had granted to them or tried my best when they needed it, I feel so cold toward and bummed out by, for when I have no damned place to go or any leverage of uplift and every day I try with energy and intent to make something better.
Meanwhile the people who used my kindness have this wishy washy sort of advance into having entered the world by this point. But I don't feel or sense real raw soul or any escaping what is their beyond their masks at this point.
So its hard to meet or to trust new people when a lineup of people you thought were true had in ways proved to of not been true.
I'm disgusted by the sympathy given to abusive and destructive addicts and alcoholics.
How much it deteriorates and stupefies the brain, a gift of consciousness and a tool or creation,
done so self-selectively, is a viewpoint I think I will permanently carry in my life.
I will rebound from all of this I have had thrown in my lap to cater to.
Yet as far as friends and family or thinking you can trust and have people close in your existence,
You'll find from whatever projects and expressions I have left in my palette that I would still like to work through,
that you'll confuse my striving within myself as coldness.
I have just been wrung out, however, of having seen it all too much.
Again I explain it, also, the Earth experience to in a way be a very, very immense kind of
collective daycare center.
All of so much of the compassion advertised by so many human beings seems to be
such a deepened kind of put-on.
direct youtube link
alternative video upload (sometimes better audio/vid quality!)
patreon extra content post with these songs + extended intrumental for download
Hi Hey
I was really without sleep for some days and under the weath a bit, so I didn't want my mug to be recorded. But I wanted to play some songs.
And get some riffs and drafts recorded.
So I carved about 4 pumpkins in 2 days. Decided a lantern head is the best option to this situation. As I wanted these song drafts or ideas recorded to re-work later.
The latter end of this was uploaded a few ago as a separate vid. But I stuck it into here as a music journal I guess you'd say. Playing on a yamaha fg830 10/21/2023 improvising some tracks.
video archives added over with closes local files randomly added as a "media collage randomization" technique that Burroughs I think used via in text and some authors and artists and musicians used a good bit in a popularization revival of it in the early 70s.
So I do that with some footage if editing drafts such as this.
Hey so spirits or persona souls kind of dip into the world and collect certain inspirations so some of those in the playing are a bit of Sumeria, Bohemia, American Blues, Irish poetry, earlier style rock'n'roll.
It's really a nasty and annoying game to niche and genre stuff though I have trouble with that. I realize I magnet in people that get more pyssed or judgy about what I do than people who like it, haw haw haw, but that's life in the modern web world.
But it feels uplifting and healing to play, no matter that thing,
and when playing its very true that rock or that spirit of rock music playing is a soulful and imminent visitation to some kind of experience. Which comes to answer "why improvise songs all the time?" I think its fun to let them live in their direct and needed moment. and if played again later on then its fine. But there's some pallette of a spiritual experience where others yell at ya to go to church or believe their whole this thing or that thing.
Like, well, I'd rather bond with this wood instrument and do this it's one of the few things that make me happy.
I'll have the two files of this onto even if they're constructing or b-side material. I put a lot of projects and full albums up there. Gas money to next shows or hard drives to store more stuff on or re-signing up to distrokid. Get creative online and we all become beggars aye? Shyte I mean its economic apocalypse, very neat.
spotify is
Main site
not sparming all the rest of the links.
Going to try to rest up better so I dont have to stuff a jack o lantern over my head,
thanks have a noice weekend.
Lord Creation,
Keep alcoholics
and druggies
and the deranged out of my life.
Let them save themselves
or figuring out their answers.
I am not their answer,
or their pitfall,
or their spongue or energy usurpant.
I have futures to create.
Likely heal this world,
many are insane
and it drives you that way too
if you are engulfed around it so often.
When the damaged act like
vicious children and horrible ill intentive
poisons, even those the closest to you
show the true side to many faces.
Cassette Mysteries 1: Top Pop Classics of the Astral Realm 2005-2006
some era 2005-2006 cassette mystery vol. 1
with slideshow of photos I'd taken from that time of recording added in at random.
1. Removing a tick 4_09 0:00
2. Supermarket at 5 AM 1_54 4:09
3. Continuing 0_19 6:03
4. Life is the Show 2_48 6:23
5. Spoken Word Last Time You'll See Me 0_29 9:12
6. Friendly Town 1 2_17 9:31
7. Friendly Town 2 5_38 12:01
8. Acoustic Time Remainder 2_08 17:40
9. Alien Sawdust 1_00 19:49
10. Hey You In The Box Upside Down Upright 12_16 20:49
11. Put Me In A Good Mind 5_53 33:06
12. Organizing World 62 3_57 38:59
13. Susie Q 2_34 42:57
14. Interlude 3_38 45:32
15. Extra 3_32 46:30
tracks are as high quality not youtube compressed downloads at this post on patreon
where other downloads and podcasts vlogs albums this and that are there
writeup from youtube:
songs are in wav form here if for some reason you like them and want them in higher-than-youtube-buffering quality.
of if you want to support.
Mostly early 'n' young Leemonster songwriting from newly found or revisited song recording sessions.
Nothing complicated and don't expect too much, just thought it'd be fun to go through.
Other more built up versions of some of these songs went onto Top Pop Classics of the Astral Realm and also Shadow Swoon:Hiss the Dead Man
which this cassette upload is a "hype" for the release of.
Some tongue in cheek humor and social commentary on the debri of civilization and shytty living conditions in most of this era of folk and poet and minimal acoustic rock.
Talkin' about how I'm okay with that again, in some vlog, kind of abandoned or forced myself to forget about it.
Have some other (pretty exhausted but enthused nonetheless) music vlogs and general chats to upload and some live recordings from playing out a few times.
Will have sturdier and more bonafide material on final or "official" releases and'm just having fun with all of this until then. and maintaining to stay creative.
Music released as Leemonster
Art and sounds LTG Music all rights reserved
Lome Marsupial 2023
tired of taking care of my mentally ill mother. she is an insane evil psycho. ruins anything and everyone. expected to save her life and belongings all the time because she is a constant drunk who ruined her own brain in a physical sense. stressed my grandparents out beyond oblivion.
is a negative force of absolute miserableness.
feed more money to that person-- that thing-- all the time while not being able to focus or to take care of the self.
sometimes I pray life takes her because it is that much sabotage and misery and just plain terrible meanness.
I had my grandparents die, my dad die, I'm an only child.
All my life I had an extreme alcoholic psycho as a mother and I should just let her lose everything
so I can be free from that terrible burden and nasty human being.
I've worked my ass off in so many areas of my life and yet still feel
somehow responsible to keep that person who switches moods like nobody else would ever believe,
to pay for this or that for them. But she blows it all the time with literal screaming at the top of her lungs. And should be locked into a psych ward for being such an absolute unstable person who is so dysfunctional that if I write or attempt to mention it whatsoever I have the idea first of all that nobody would ever believe me and yet too that no one would really get it.
In my own works of music and such I suppose it seems I go off the hinges or act silly or perhaps intense or questionable yet those are modes of character or a performance, etc.
When you live with or have a family member who is or who has over time become mentally ill and in a way where they are sufferable or mean as hell to you or what feels like evil or "vampiric" in extreme ways then there is that separation between ever talking about it and also the established figuring that you are going to get attacked or held to blame and given hasty judgement.
Because of having to try and essentially babysit somebody who is deeply deeply unwell,
and deeply unmanageable, and who acts out in such childish and mentally adolescent ways,
All of which alcoholics "tap into" which leads it to be that:
all of the same problems they have to deal with still remain and have to be approached,
after they are done consuming alcohol and making people pushed so very far away
and their bodies, senses and especially their minds are damaged
in sometimes irreversable and long term ways.
This is why I have been so hasty at points and posting and then erasing some thing
for a long while. And it is also why I call out places that end up censoring me
or making me difficult to have a career or connectivity online when the whole "SJW" as hire for admin on so many sites came to be, because it is what I have--- outlets to express things that I as a sober person creates and have as what makes me happy or get through each day beyond anything else.
And those things become taken away from me by what I believe itself to be a mentally unhinged collective society.
So when where I had grown up and laid my head to hope to rest, but hardly have, is a place of burden and had been trauma, the exterior world that talks so often of "progress" or "acceptance" seems so full of it when my opportunities there are nilled and I become censored by people who in many cases pretend to have it tough, while I never go around seeking victim points or really ever publicly talked about all of the crazy and traumatic endeavors I have been through.
Mainly in that because of whatever attributes for victim point empathy allowance I fit,
I am met just as much with more evil or nastiness or judgement by a collective who think they know,
but do not know very well and surely do not know with a heart they say they have.
That is what I feel like saying.
and each time I am able to make anything that is not a reflection or opening out of all the things I have to struggle or deal with --- if I can craft and make from places of my imagination and to just nevermind the things I have to see or energetically and whole body feel, behind the scenes are so many things I do want to say. But I know that person is mentally ill now and at times beyond a point of being able to be saved.
I have been so pissed and cannot understand the people I thought were close and watching me battle trying to help with my own life someone I eventually realized I came into being an adult yet having to care for because they'd lose it all. But it takes parts of my soul out of myself and I find that person to be a cruel and unmanageable, theoretically insane woman. A very destructive and damned kind of person-- into which I'd never touch a drink in my life for let's say after some temporary time where I worked a miserable employment in retail and occasionally did drink for I think an amount of under one year. And I disliked that very much.
But I think much of the nation is medicated or drugged or administrated to drugs to a point of soul abandon.
I don't want to say things like this but I can't tell my friends and there's no family hardly left these days,
and I see pretenders or souls who say they mean well, but I'd been left to my very own having to figure it out for so long. And when I needed anybody all I'd gotten very much were the signs of absolute clarity that it's just me, while others left for free rides and used what they could out of me along the way.
So if there is any brightness left from me at all then consider it a miracle in ways.
Because when it feels like the world against me when even wanting and pushing your beingness to opportunities, you can't really totally undo traumas you were either raised with or saw those close in your lives actual destroy themselves with.
I cannot save that person and do not owe anything to be tortured by people who they themselves cannot get better at all.
I am an absolute coffee addict and havent gotten good or healthy sleep in decades. And do not feel to belong many of the places I go or traverse.
I feel like the odd person out for not being on drugs or being addicted to things or for caring about or filling my life or head with media popular subjects.
I am more than capable for bringing fresh and new creative styles and at least passion and exploration into the crafts and mediums I work with.
I get odd looks and empty promises from people and see those who do succeed and the things they'd have to do in getting there, which is either sick things behind the scenes or networking and nepotism from an absolute securing.
Where am I left within all of that I am unsure.
Good night of playing music and listening to others music also.
Picked up some tiny pie-punpkins,
going to carve them intricately with designs and see! if I can find!
some small candles to stick into them.
Will post up any progress of that.
Any neg crap posted
probably does come from
that on social media sites I do get
banned or censored or
even like on that tumblr place
which probably obviously I do not
nor would fit in with
my entire account gets marked as
sensitive content
when it is just the same content type
that I post here.
And posts over on there
by other users are
often deranged or far far more
"mark-able" as being sensitive content.
So I bring that kind of
slumpy pissed feeling
rightfully so I think.
But being too negative
from having things going on in life
and it being applied to places or
scenes or moments where it doesnt fit in
the best or need to happen,
I realized that about playing out or
such, you know.. like thinking certain things,
when or if you say hi to people or introduce
and they stare at the lights, all that.
That builds you to be, you know,
makes you foibled.
But you have to count the good, too.
Just for every 5 uplifting things,
you know, it's typically the one cruddy thing,
like someone downing you just because--
that kind of things sticks, typically.
But I got back lateish.
It's 11 PM now. Making a late dinner.
Just want more understanding in the world,
on the globe.
However sometimes feeling agitated is nice,
before playing a song, for the reason of playing a song,
and all such.
Also I like to be in my own space a lot of the time.
In my own zone I guess you'd say.
Still anyway I learned some things today.
With building up to some better paths.
Unnecessary hasty judgements made I do not want to be
applied permanently to.
I feel it to be just to have said or made such statements though
without altering histories or pretending as such things do not happen.
The ability to change and learn and have proof of differentiation is important.
And to always be held accountable or written as pasts seems very well
a strange and unfit composure of the way of being,
thankfully I am willing to take the chances and the risks
I would say
of transparency and changing frameworks to best align to a suitable now.
0:00 Intro
0:19 "HEY[You in the BOX]" preview
2:07 Guitar Interlude
2:24 this is the church this is the steeple open the doors and
2:56 "The Betrayal" preview
4:17 "July Ice" preview
5:10 "Been to Smokey Hills" preview
6:14 interlude top pop classics songs staying
6:23 "Darlin' Ms. Invisible" preview
7:22 the very memerable Tomorrow's Forever
7:41 "Tomorrow's Forever Instrumental" preview
8:49 "Grey Drift" preview
9:39 interlude to No World Order re-release
9:53 "Frustrations in the Morning" preview
11:39 "Petals Vs. Slugs" preview
12:25 "Dead End Town" preview
12:43 no this is not nu-metal or rap rock
12:46 "Wrong Dimension" preview
13:24 blood on the hams all along the ribracks
13:30 "Too Many Enemies" preview
14:09 we dont say that kind of cuss
14:20 "Energy Drinks Don't Do it for me" preview
14:27 Reckless Recluse is out and song development hopefully eh
14:53 old old unreleased sound but there's lots anyhow
15:29 this wasn't promoting anything at all after all
15:37 end chapter
Wanted to see how it would be to do a VIDEO version of the
"Mauling List."
Mauling List, or--- "MAULING LIST" was an email newsletter I had going
during tha mutha f*%kin' time that these albums were worked on and put out.
So I thought it would be the PROPER thing to do, to resurrect that idea but into video form.
I'd released full mp3s (as we were all very generous and also wanted to share and eager to do so) in the independent musicians dial up era of the web.
So while this is a P-R-O-M-O for some music, and there are samples of what's on the albums I was hoping to make it fun.
"Are we having fun yet!" - Garfield, that's right, the cat, once said that.
Then he started walking upright and that was just weird after that.
""Hourhand Killers" |
BoneClad Recluse banjo B-Sides |
Improvised "
youtube description you gizzard
Boneclad Gizmos and Reckless Recluse b-side videos found
cleaning harddrives out and preparing for webpage archives.
'll throw lots of these onto one bigger, heartier video
So I don't keep uploading MILLION of videos.
If anyone likes this and I ain't dust by then share and support and stuff
I have is my site iunno what to put up for funding nor do I want to ask! for any! trust me _laughs_in_apocalypse.MOV
music LTG Music Lome Marsupial all rights reserved
Composite of Smegma, a special edition, umm...
Hello and good morning !!
0:00 Chapel Perilous
1:10 Composite of Smegma
4:05 Dog Sticking head out a car window
4:23 Dance of the Guttersnipes mini preview
5:41 Priestess (whim 4 whom)
8:09 Normal
9:24 My Friend
for whatever strange reason it would need to be stated
music by Lome Marsupial LTG music all rights reserved
youtube direct link
rumble direct link
Creating 9000% DIY | Music Itinerary 09-28-2023 Audio Updates | Lome Marsupial Esquire ze Apparition
Good morning! *
jumparound menu:
0:00 still building soundtrack album atmosphere collection
2:34 guitar-only albums. collecting recordings of playing and letting those define themselves
Obscene Grey
the whole "sound" of Dance of the Guttersnipes/Warlord of Peace/Gobekli Tepi/ Lavender Fields/Drown Drown Ophelia/Obscene Grey/ Billboard Dreams/ River Safe finally honed in to be a good defining "connection" to what sound I'd wanted a long time. cos its eerie but also like a dream sequence and altogether very much! the funnest to play.
So there are a few again from this.
Title is true on that extensive demos of these are here
to the idea that some support to these projects can garner thru cos truly I' m pushing at last levels of tiredness energy for daily economic collapse levels o living but music is still possible to finish out
n.e.way the tunes for this feel special and a bit hymnal in an ancient fun way.
Warlord of Peace (con't from above descrip.)
added in because this music itinerary blog is on the random factor
9:29 interlude [with soundtrack song previews cont'd]
Top Pop Classics of the Astral Realm will get its lil re-release like Shadow Swoon Hiss The Dead Man which means I'm just uploading it to streaming sites, but can include bringing the audio tracks volume up and, gasp!, cutting some songs out to make it more palatable. Not this one though, this one's staying.
*didn't get much sleep but put this together in a lil less than an hour
because I want to create and to apply some meaning even in the tired hours
*is another collection update
so that's today's music blog.
10000% DIY
has lotsa things gimme an island of redheads tobasco sauce and a state of peaceful mindedness is doing what it can
acoustic instrumental piece snippet
more&more&more&more&more&more previews of sound pieces. prolly 7 hours wortha new audio.
Not as brash and tarnishy, this one, just relaxing and inquiring-like.
Music Lome Marsupial LTG Music all rights reserved
I have to paste the video into here in a few, but this is the post template for it. [X]
I think I finally finished with trying to cross promote music on local facebook groups
and I think I accidentally yelled at or insulted by fancy word,
probably all of the group and any musicians or creators,
which means a job well done!
again, I'm not sure my "way of humor" comes across well,
but that is okay, because I feel jiffy!
anyway social media is dumb and stupid to use and it feels sort of fake
and discontenting when "promoting" music or advertising your soul or whatever,
to group lists and that sort of thing.
It ain't my cup of tea!
I have to head out for a few tho, I'll be back later and post some vid I edited
super quickly, right under this here
Added press release
for a series of sound style I am working on.
I'd note that there are atmospheric and melodic projects
I still have in other burners burning and maintaining,
but here's something I wrote, adding to the video just uploaded.
blablablablabla look at me I'm promoting an early version of this,
made a video up using the "random factor" technique
and grabbed out of my "video stock" and placed them along creating it.
"Cyborg Friend" is from some song sessions where "Angel's Song" and a few others were batched in to playing also.
A few days before some of the "Verbana" songs, and "Blood Planet" and a shlew of other #Gretsch #Resonator #Guitar ( #g9200 ) instrumental accompanied some improvised vocals.
And this one was no different.
I'm drinking some instant coffee and its 7 min past midnight here.
Hopefully not too many uploads back to back, to any gnu subscriber people folks blitherin's or cyborgs, etc.
Thanks to those who DO view.
Going with some sound that I have likened to call a kind of "tetanus" sound and it makes sense to me at least.
This is straight forward, and
a kind of way where it's like, I dont want anything to do with the music business or bending the internal ways of creation outside of how it naturally comes to be,
but go to continue constance in productivity.
"Tetanus" sound is kind of trebly rusty razor string sounds and I guess the resonator hit in pretty well to for that job.
(And I am hoping to, to bore you with music settings and the like, remember the presets and way of order this was boosted (boosted boosted) up.
Because its post filtered and not using distortion in real time.
anyway also I dont want to do that whole soap box jarhead thing of being like "oh yeah, and this is real rock n roll!"
I just want it to be a bit ugly and pretty at the same time.
So the Angel's Song, Blood Planet, and Cyborg Friend songs,
being off the cuff, played as the emotion intended, are
working as a palette okay enough. and if I am finding "my own sound"
doing it, if it were...well, heard more so to say (I'm no manager publicist or
person that hocks cash to playlist committees, wah-hoo!)
then the right people to really dislike the sound would be key,
and then the others who liked it, aka the wrongos of society,
enjoying it, would be key, too.
but as some 'ol marketing pitch, I do suppose, I'm remembering the idea,
And I said this before kind of quitting out posting to local music groups on ol facebook,
because that was a flunk, man, doll, dude, gargoyle, that was such a flunk posting any of these original songs to there at all.
But I wrote that I'm playing to spirits at this point, or ideas of places,
or to sound like a lit incense stick, playing to nature and senses of peaceful places.
But the tangled up stuff in between,
you know, like social functionality,
or being in
huge f*%#ing! trouble, when you can't be pinned down,
to who you are, what style you are doing, etc.,
you know,
and also playing songs "incorrectly"
that's the "tetanus" kind of rusty scraping and offshot delivery
that I'm choosing to stick to rather than to refine something
making the songs be "as they should."
because that is boring boring boring to me and not right or true to the ol within, here.
And to each their own because well written and perfected material is neat too,
but it seems like a rehash (to me, to do that) of already really well established songwriters.
And it kind of insults the 50s 60s 70s maybe mid 80s performers, to kinda steal their glow,
or image, very much!
This is all why I wouldn't be allowed to go a bit delvin' into things,
you can tell in some way that to represent what these projects are doing,
it's more at odds with holding the present music industry and a lot of indie scenes
up as, maybe, not being ugly in pretty ways.
Maybe I want to rouse some things up a bit also by saying that.
It's fun and in good sport to do so and I want to promise or challenge myself to,
when songs as such are "finished out"
to have a new iteration of rock'n'roll, I guess, so to say.
Because there's a lot of being pissed off and a need to be strong,
within, where this whole thing is coming from,
and some efforts to poetry. And I like early americana and folk art,
but that's been stolen or attacked or bastardized.
Like if you actually like old poets of america anymore, or irish songwriting,
and so many things that are actually in the blood of who I am,
you know, in a way, holy smithereens are you put up against a scope
due to that and its by other creators! (laughs like some jackal near a dry red boulder)
I guess that's kind of a press release for where ---this--- style of project is coming from.
Again I want to hold up to the claim, too, about how the aura is going to be with
the added instruments atop of it and a bit of some ghouly reverberation back echoes,
and I want to
have back harmony vocals kind of embedded,
background harmony---- and that's a challenge I want to try to figure out.
One last thing, and it will always sound a bit smidgeoned maybe trite sounding but real rock'n'roll represents my soul. The industry is soulless and my soul wants to eat! the industry.
"Cyborg Friend" early version resonator and vocals
piece edit thing
bla bla bla
music promotion
bla bla bla creativity is competition and pushing a niche,
bless you
OK I'll fill this out a little since my chicken pattie needs to cool.
Cyborg Friend is a
"music session" recording of improvised resonator and vocal takes.
It was done a few weeks before the "Verbana" release was finished, and I think a few days before some of the "Verbana" songs.
This was laying around and I just re-picked it up.
this, again, is an earlier and "raw" version song.
I'll dress it up maybe put some slacks on the darn thing.
But I edited up a video to go with this early version of it.
I just need to go thru my songs and first always make sure they're genuine and also that there's a bitta some pain and beauty at the same time in them, and hope to like playing them. lastly and sometimes important is to make sure people don't like it too because keeping my finger on the pulse of contemporary modern hits is a big passion of mine and I'll feel reaaaaalll screwed up if any contemporaries dig my stuff.
Its ummmm for the ears of those a decade and a half from now in a sense, I realize.
Trust me I know what I'm talking about.
I just really want to write about the music industry, a little more on point some time, you see? Look I just ate two chicken patties so my job here is pretty much done.
Now I've got to heat up some instant coffee and possibly head out on a drive but I ain't sure about that.
Well as of the moment anyway I am feeling good about the "Cyborg Friend" song but trust me my life ain't filled with enough nepotism or "connections" even for, if, any of it might be showing some soul, ya know?, so for the people a decade and a half in the future, when creative competition isnt a 'war zone,' do some good with these tracks because I think they can be fun.
Yours truly ya darn CYBORGS,
Lome 🦘
////because you gave a place heart
and when that is not you know
something a place finds ideal
you give them more
like a soul intensity
but those waves of the spirit
oversoul, ooooh///
So you commence
A spiritual war
on a place
that does not hone your heart
fine by me
I've got enough energy
to spare
but probably should be better
off than to care
overdoing it seeing soulless hollow people in ithaca
very very soulless yet extremely loud. saying nothing,
moving nothing, no real spirit-importance.
just loud mentally unstable people who are extremely
extremely easy to mentally influence by emotional coercion.
lots of so called art but rarely any that is of worth,
or moving or passionate.
Just loudness and not knowing anything of grace,
subtlety or actual spiritual power.
they are extremely, extremely, extremely braindead,
like you have no clue, and I'm not so certain they
really do, either. tavistock product people really.
like engineered from some ability to imprint
with such a vivid intent.
but inside of their loud and bannered exterior
are really rotten people who do not understand
concept indifference or practice,
and there is a lack of a presence of higher order
or the will to reach it. They just trash themselves
and anything they welcome into their circle.
one side of the hylic coin.
I would rather develop
for soul and spirit and mind.
Soil Finn is dead, anyway--- like in spirit or as a brother.
and the others I'd trusted either frazzled out or became caricatures too.
I don't mind being truthful. But it's a dangerous endeavor,
when the survival of the most is more of a stable of emotional safety
rather than facing reality head on and updating rightful changes
of the self to adapt to what needs to be done.
I don't want a weak soul. and my spirit embeds soul,
and body is formed by those energies that are a capacity
to call soul and spirit.
Do you want to be liked or accepted or brought in,
just to be social if it is done by extreme excerpts of beings,
which are enveloped by a regulation of hylic?
You have to follow all the social rules with these "free thinkers"
and if you skip or miss one or stick out at all, in a real way,
then that's it. Because they feed off the idea of enemies or adversaries,
to hone time on because to work on the self and see the pretty truths
and the unbareable ugly truths, and deal with it, then really progress,
it breaks their program of lies.
post updated with second video (probably. I'm uploading it as I type, then grabbing the URL. People in all of history never knew such grueling endeavors.)
" sendetha the hordes to southa bennda "
trying to tune out the outside world of suck and establish an internal egregore to finale the -serious- albums.
Will officially have another "Chameleon-Shelter/A Leme Harot/Dance Like a Human(e)" situation of stepping a foot off a hose.
And out comes music, but I'm taking my time with the lot of it.
& so another unfinished piece (intermission) and the back piece of it.
"why do I want to play for people who want me dead?
I will play for much more alive spirits, and for a better embrace of history"
Hey I just added the words UPDATE up there 3 times with dashes and arrows separated between them.
That's about enough to get some stuck up their own ass snude prude type to represent the local central new york social landscape.
Wait shout something real loud that is some sort of
repressed fit you're having, too! People like me ya don't even
know are the root cause of your past issues! and you can know
everything about me in one quick snap judgement, too!
Oh sweeet, land o libertttyyyy.FLAC
Let me guess just one thing, just one thing here, like I'm "telling the future"
so if I finish this song out and them its on streaming services---
this is strange, this is aloof, what happens with this..
The playlist on youtube is going to link to this preview clip,
I'm not sure what's entirely up with that.
It did that for the Wayside Again little Ep that somehow I'm judging and less defensive about than I am about the Verbana thing.
But for the distrokid playlist that works through youtube, you go to releases on that, and it will jump over to an edit that has two songs bundled together, released before the album was finished.
So you get 2 tracks with the same 2 tracks in one song, doubled.
So in case of this song,
which is called Crystal Sink Sand,
and it is just a snippet of it with some updates, as I have time here and there to finish all these things out,
I bet you what! I bet you that whatever this project may be, the playlist for the final release is going to harken over to this shortened sample, with (likely) less instruments involved and added to it.
I think it's some short circuit for audio signatures and that sounds about correct for the why it would happen.
anyhow bla bla bla support this like subscribe blaBLABLABLA look at me I'm marketing music. The rich trust fund hipsters around here shoot me dirty looks all the time. The rednecks think I'm an art__g. You cant win with anyone but I dont want or need to but sometimes you have to do the ol routine e "oh support diy arts, so I can plow out as much creative juice as possibly able before I croak, you know?"
wait not do I get to redo the description, let's be a little less unnerved about it. It's
see, not just barking or honing lyrics over the string box.
Touching into sound track work when and how I can.
Another revisit to "Crystal Sink Sand"
which, by connection to the last upload artwork,
might merge between digital music and organic guitar.
Creative process updates.
Okay that works fine!
Earn fuel pints at where there are already hundreds of thousands of subscribers shaking out their purses and MINDMASTEREDCARDS with 4K donations each every week,
and you can help out too and get free downloads there. Wow what a trip! Like a seminal mind voyage to Six Flags theme park!
Can you not buy happiness!?
also lomemarsupial dot com has no ties with alliexpress there is not parasitic larvae growing in your imported "OATS" when you purchase from Lome Enterprises.
okay that's it, that's my description
Lome Today Music Creativity Vlog 09 21 2023 Setting Attack Hyenas Loose In Your Crescent Nomial Head
aka "things to keep my and maybe your mind off common bullsheeet" for at least a few,
It's Lome Today [title in working]
I'll get a green screen and do a news backdrop just don't color it sea-foam.
here are the topics of today's meeting
-pot pies have no time of place here for this
-song lyrics being short,
non-tangled and sweet
(Except for Elvis Costello's "When I Was Cruel" full length.
-Chopping down Shadow Swoon Hiss the Dead Man and re-releasing it
-You shouldn't play music for people who want you dead
-Re-releasing It's Raining Boneclad Gizmos.
Possibly re-recording "Shove your Cellphone up your @*%hole to "Shove your SmartPhone Up Your Arzle"
-Social Media immediacy and constance of information sharing takes away an old special wonderment of creators or creative types.
-Recording with a 1990s desktop mic for past releases (And D3Th 53Nt3NCE's revered discography.)
-central new yorkers have rabies of the brain
-Play music to sticks and trees and logs and frogs and owls and foxes
-Outro song "Blue Mockingbird" early piece of another song vault file
Instead of buying frappacino starbucks roasted bloat wad blend nonrefillable vomitjuice there is a patreon with downloads
and I'll get 232 hard drives or so with each 890 new subscribers
(right now I am at almost 1)
Thanks to NY state and it's potholes and manners
podcast 001 for an idea of
just merging song rehearsals and unreleased raw files with
some thoughts and such.
this one is called "If you're an outlier, It's Rock'n'Roll."
in that musical niches and certain genres are hard to hold
or define, but if you attempt to turn the brash or traumatic life experiences into beauty, it all too often comes out as rock. (I'm thinking 50s to mid 70s feeling or "aura" of it.)
youtube video description:
A one-off podcast idea of just rehearsing and improvising music,
or previewing some files as I have done in the past. Just with some
spur the moment thoughts between those previews and sound practices.
upvote and support if you like it thanks
0:01 to 3:42
12:01 to 13:54
simple guitar instrumental 09/12/2023
background songs 3:42 to 12:01
01-18-2001_614AM (unreleased soundtrack project edit)
Nematode Trunnion (from A Leme Harot disc set)
Renditions Of A World (from A Leme Harot disc set)
music by Lome Marsupial LTG Music all rights reserved
If You're An Outlier It's Rock'n'Roll [Music Creativity Thoughts podcast 001] - 09.18.2023 Lome Marsupial
mp3 audio file of this is here if you support patreon, which all goes back into creativity like hard drives and better production abilility
thinking of hatching the Bright Blue Hills demo as an upload onto streaming services for now so those song frameworks are available, because who knows how long it well ever ever take to finish any of this out.
feds,bots,strangers,ghosts, andrapscallions,
got the channel hiss and tear sounds out (this time)
A lay out piece for me to fill over later if time ever allows.
Starting typically with improvised,
(again) and feeling out what comes next until the song is built up.
Needing the electricko keyboard for some sounds to modulate.
And organic sounds like palms swishing.
Will see! if time! allows or
if I have to force! time itself!
how lyrics are born, social mixing, and general thoughts on 09/15/2023
"Sacral Insomnia in a coyote night"
(said kigh-ote)