Wednesday, December 15, 2021

emanation of peace and motors


New design=2 0ld designs

Sand Pnt. Ny + secret spt, Michigan.

Walk the thin thread of what is now quite frankly "stab city" but people are afraid to declare it such.

I've saved clippings of the numbers of such incidents (& seen whats not pressed) but gain and yet lose nothing for rousing the subject up into the air.

Break it on up.

The power to not participate in arguments, also, let's subjects like truth take untampered roots and those kicking ideas around furiously are dancing on loosened soil disturbing a gene settlement.

Most of the serious battles are paperwork. but that's normalized too. 

"Live with it!" 

They say, like some generalized sufferbug.

Nonono, I'll live.

You wont like it, if you catch knowing, 

It'll confuse and throw off that cope,

The merriment of cold winter skin but freer decision.

Looking to tell the lads, all for the gentler.... feminine woman of a modern century, no boisterous birds fall from the sky to tell you about erratic nests and spoiled eggs!! 

Split to a moon light egg drip rather than pure golden life let to be hatched.

What could be any number than being born to a number? 

Well! I left civilization behind so don't bogger with that!

Because the further back interest takes me, the more joy pursuits yet the more lost from this world I become, and without worry, that is a glad thing.

(The Superbastards Series,

Poems from a digital mass mutation)

#poem #wallabee #motorbike #portrait #thethingsIlove #mute #artwork #sentient #vintagehonda #uppermichigan #poetry #fixitup #gettingoverdeath #madlaughter #careless #love #introversion #bleedmoney #artphotography #writer

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