ÒThe Strangest Mutation of Our Times.
ÒManhaters are flimsy-Minded.
ÒTemptations of Expelling the Truth
ÒThe Modern girl gets not the respect she pretends to wish not to have.
A blemish or mark, something crude. "Nasty!" indeed.
ÒSolicitors will be forced to read real living physical books
ÒA Cylical Circumstance
ÒFree Breath Movement
ÒVampire Vs. The Werewolf, the Last Match
ÒSubtle Hints, World Wide Tidal Waves.
Times spent for Happy times, in the otherwise sufferment contest world.
An entry to not instill in!
ÒSympomatic Cases of paying attention,
and separating and releasing from what the Media
instills, injects, narrates, commotions and hyper-imprints.
The several viewpoints, now, appear to be living upon
completely different planets. (ambivalence in a snowglobe.
stirred and running around to disharmony led by
Christkillers, DionysusKillers, ChaosAgents and the Crude.*)
Which viewpoints change and stealth the self to the ultimate?
Different worlds, completely, absolutely different worlds.
*ÒSeveral decades later, still: Encourage breaking programming
of that which dulls the imagination.
Against all odds