Wednesday, February 21, 2018


--video temporarily smudged away--

This is some severed head from the unfinished song project channel.
I am, for whatever reason, and who knows why, creating videos for songs that I am either going to rework very much so or scrap entirely.
And this video was done on a spare computer that runs 2BG of ram, so I can make all sorts of excuses for this and that, but instead,I  will say,
Wild Bill Hiccup did not shoot a man because he was some kind of ninny. He did it because he was hungry! And didn't want any more suckers getting in his way trying to bug him while he was wanting booze and trying to get hiccup drunk.

And Arnold Palmer, why, that man that died, when he swung, why, he swung and said "By damn, I'm going to try to get this golf ball onto the green.. no, I'm going to make it happen, and before I die, I will have mixed tea beverages stocked to the brim in supermarkets throughout the country."

Well fine, so be it that is the attitude I approach with this Inquisition.   Ideally though it would be fine to do a video for "Somebody's Not wearing any shoes" and also Bride of the East, which are finished songs already and although already incredibly ancient, of course!, I feel would be good to try to get an editing groove with.. when a more proper computer is set back up.
That's about all. It was nice out here today, and it really adds some zest to perspective. Deer shitting everywhere, being innocent naturites.

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