Friday, June 1, 2012
The Term Mimery
August 14th will announce the publishing of my collection of suicide jokes, pre-planned post-humously released. The book will come in a special sharperly-edged hard cover composure. I do not plan to fake my own death in the oddity of being too successful in the realness of the situation.
I offer to the guillotine and from the heart or index finger some more songs from the Chameleon Shelter.
Disc 4 song 1
Disc 4 song 2
Disc 4 song 3
Disc 4 song 4
I wrote this earlier to capture a certain 'mood' to later be ashamed of. A practice of exposing such a draught state is a practice of courage/stupidity indeed!
There was this newfound mission to create a cast iron plexiglass bronze statue of Ghengis Khan's cock and wheel it into the state capitol and then hang myself from it in the background scene of America's Got Talent if they are ever to film there. I'd be naked of course with bat wings sprawled open and the Eye of Ra scribed onto my forehead and the head of my cock with 'Vote Yosemite Sam' written on any other available unmentionables as an invitation of cultural dissemblance.
& I give great praise for feel these feelings of abandonment and the ability to post such personal thoughts to the realm of electronic babbling whereas such things are likely better kept in personal/unseen entries. Yet the temptations stack too high to not display such babblings not unlike trying to catch a snowflake on the tip of your tongue and having it blacken your eye instead.
**Note:If unmentionables are seen then would it even be worth mentioning them at all?
It would be too obvious to even begin mentioning. Is that why they are unmentionables?
Dearest Gooseneck Rumperdumper,
Thank you so kindly for standing me up once more.
As always, I basque in your accountable lies
& surefire talents of bleeding a well-meaning socialite.
If you could perhaps, stick the key up your nose & unlock the sight
of unseen worlds of courage & practical friendship,
be sure to wipe the boogers out of the way first.
Also, if any soul may reside left through lies again & again,
tell it that even strangers have remorse for sadistic
acts of coldness.
but sometimes personally we invite such feelings of dischord to therefore prize any moments of serenity or calmness that later arrive. Ha ha! Indeed!
But in less jesting,
If you dislike or feel that what is out there and offered to the public does not have any wisdom or is a cultural
wreck then you can create a desire yourself. And no matter how low-funded or unable to book a 'big name'
if you have the heart and dedication you can get it done.
It is YOU (Excludes Becky and Jim B.,Sorry) (oh great here comes another one of those inspiration speeches on the capability the individual) of who holds liable the world you see around you. Permissible. If you don't like it,
stop participating in it, NOW. No fore-worries, but in the moment Now! (Yes this is an order of
disorder! Obviously you MUST follow an order?)
Also if you Love it, go for it!!
A fool can be the smartest persona to undergo for the Fool does not suffer the trauma of worrying
about risk!
(Note:If somebody enjoys being told what to do and you tell them to enjoy making their own decisions, who will they turn to thereafter you arrange for them to be freefounded?)
Thank you for dealing with the racket.
To Lives,
Which lives,
Sewn and retraced.
The upheaval of removing from this realm,
The impatient curiosity to unveil the great truths to divide the
birth and life.
Some Island between worlds was then perceived as not necessarily being a bad thing.
Being Horned does not make you evil and being Horny does not mean you are bad.
The animals become more trusting to me yet the human bipeds seemed more and more astray.
Was there some sort of radiance of disruptiveness circulating around my being?
I glance up over my shoulders and at my reflection. Nope.. Must have missed it. Hmmm.
I thanked the experience every morning rather than waking to say "Alive again?" but curiosity
to the great End stood it's head in the doorway of persona only for each time a credit card was
swiped or a stranger pretended. Some place, some chance I wished the offerings of Love that I granted
would be endeared but often it only seemed to bounce off an understandable shield of "Don't
talk to strangers" and many other afflictions resulting from a Terror-World.
All the seemingly programmed shields of public behavior radiated with an obviousness but we were trapped in some sort of cell of cell phones.
The archaic age of a telephone booth bare and stripped with it's metal chord dangling like an electric rats tail near more highway dust. But still blades of grass grew from those concrete cracks! Hope, Divine. Grass choking out concrete, slow defense.
A divide looked to culminate where ideas were rising to those who shed their attachments,lessening
their weight and a form of sunkeness and entrapment stuck sweatily wet and heavy to people who wanted to gather more and more items to display their sense of freedom.
Such a trick is obvious to see when you are not the one going through it but when you are experiencing
it, that need to feed the objects you symbolize as 'established' takes up so much time and energy
that it looks akin to carrying around a weight while saying "I Fly! I Fly!"
But to break the boundaries of these expectations and randomize:
That Chameleon world.
Many masks to wear and many new enjoyments to indulge.
But still mostly when these actions were put to test the lonesomeness carried onward.
These ideas were too risky. Breaking character now are we? Can't have that!? Perhaps even convincingly seen as some sort of mental illness;
But no hallucinations, no 'alternative identity' so to speak but merely observance of mood.
Testing different cultures, walking in many footsteps and allowing many practices.
The happy man is not ALWAYS happy even if he is seemed to play that role on a permanency.
The Tough Bitch will cuddle and love given the right opportunity and the Brute Narcissist will shed a tear of sadness and joy.
Was the rude man at the counter still that blatant asshole the moment you described him and his actions to your friend or perhaps he has lightened up by that moment and is smiling But by your history unto the next time you see him he is burnt into time as a blatant asshole who wouldn't sell snuff to a 14 year old.
The further perception is practiced and moved about more casual understandings seem to uncover
to a strangeness. Masks masks masks, everything morphs to a metaphysical hysteria for a slight second
and you can observe your very own actions and reactions from the magnets of others intentions.
These echo through these upcoming song subjects not unoften(A wise-ass way to write 'often'), such as the use of identity.
True, given an uprepared mindset, these subjects can overexert an anxiety and scare an individual back into the coop of warm-safeness and back to holy-like directions to follow.
But to face those inner selves, simplistic instructions and normalites disintegrate into a certain con-artistry to usurp the free will of a wandering soul.
Really, the idea of claiming to need a passport to cross a boundary seems to the mind of this entity writing this right now such an absurd and offensive notion. As offensive as identifying a being to a security number.
Do I hideously feel like a party-wrecker to say that the illusion of free choice becomes a wreck in itself when you, a being of option and energy and assumption, would not be permitted to cross from a section agreed as a division of lands without the proper patronage? Property, by choice.
We mow our lawns each weekend to impress our neighbors (Those of us lucky to have a lawn) but
balding the natural, when you re-evaluate the tradition, seems like mockery in the face of hunger when food could be grown on such a canvas.
Concrete also could be seen as an irremovable weed. If you could permit such a view even for a moment
and then move back to disagreeing with it you might at least see what I mean as 'Jumping personas,'
but the practice is admitably still scrutinizing to my ego when I try to live in the view of shoe-stores being an essence of necessity.
Applying different ideas and even imaginations to energy devices and the non-thrills of bitching and
misery may allow an abundance to come to light.
Imaginations birth the reality of capability and we seem to be fed imaginations of torture and self
loathing all too often and guess what? They become the anchor of expression whereas new ideas
could sweep through possibility instead. Just look what I wrote at first... Slightly self-loathing, attacking the self with hints of doubt attempting to create something from the heart and release it, with no budget or any such thing, into such a corporate-ruled world of novelty and image.
Surely I could have written about time, dedication and pride of being able to take so many moments and so much self-reflection to create.. But in this culture I feel like a guard is set where you stand out as a bastard or target for fully appreciating the self.
We all seem, at the moment, to wade in an agreed discontent.
(I still wish to say that every woman/man is a Goddess and every man/woman is a God but only if you wish to be. You can also be miserable and feel the expression of serving another being. (Or both, on and off.) It's none of my damn business really but casting that idea out there was always something I felt a necessity of. Even though sometimes you will hear the reactions of frustration in my being and becoming as agitated as anyone. Note: The author should practice what he preaches more,more often then allow room for more results.)
Recognize some things you hate and ask if it is something you do not yet understand or if it is really from your view and not an just impression/reaction of another media hype.
To acknowledge fear of a new pattern may allow a person to overcome that ingrained idea.
Nudity:Inhumane, whereas it was celebrated, the curves of body, in ancient cultures...
Or even the idea that ancient cultures were seen as primitive where the word primitive is something
to mean dumber or less intelligent.
Look at some of the structures that still stand to this day while,in comparison, the fragments of square geometry tip,tip,tip. Shape: Jagged:Wither, Curvaceous:Homely
There are worlds where television jingles ring jolly amusement to the listener.
I always wonder why the use of whistling is so prominent in those cheesy things.(Siren.)
I try and not acknowledge the existence of such things really, does that mean that ignorance leads to
bliss? Really? Ignoring what you dislike and focusing on what you enjoy?
Or shifting a view to accept and not mind that some people may sweep head over heals for an advertisement
of refined glistening everlasting Ubik usable at any time?
If it is the differences that separate or make us unique then is there a hidden fear to unite some of the
follies between unspoken perspective? I.E. Coming to terms with some of the things we see as idiotic in another person's choice. The only thing, I suppose, that ruffles anger is when another's ideals invade the choice of anothers ideas. Somebody else's insanity or righteousness should not prove to be too 'destructive' as long as it doesn't advise to dominate and destroy your own insanity or righteousness.
That is a lie.**
I keep thinking of how boring it would be if everybody was the same,
If everybody could mold by action a character of their own choosing:A character that reflects a person's
It seems amusing to the individual to think such things. Almost as if I pitch those thoughts accordingly enough and in a way to invoke your agreement or a notion of possibility then it is absolute!!
If I were to piss you off or offend you while speaking it then maybe the above would have purely been bullshit, but with the right about of honey and cinnamon well....
Impressionable: To impersonate those we admire, of course.. and then rebirth their traits into our own actions. But to take a practice of living for one day in the mindset of somebody we loathe... Would we become that person or simply find a better attempt to see where their ideals come from?
**Note:The above is jibberish and should be ridiculed.
Also, there are hardly any references to any of what I am writing anyhow. Wouldn't it be easier to believe if I
used quotes from other people or historical references? From historical...books.
Would you agree 100% if you could live for an aeon or two, or come back an aeon or two from now and flip through a history book... Would things seem a bit tilted or commercialized to sell a safe and nationalist mindset?
What if History books could be group-written by several cultures!?
"No, he's wrong... this is how it happened.."
"Chapter 3: Pure bullshit, that last guy.. THIS is how it happened."
Maybe even a woman would be allowed to write one of the chapters as well.
Note: This is why Mimery and muteness is also a great approach.
Mouths will excrete when they are not being fed. Ears will be filled when mouths are not being fed.
The more you spend the more you save.
The more you drop a stone onto your foot, the less it hurts.
And it is true. Try it. You will see.
If you don't try it then how will you know?
I also really wanted to point out that kettles don't talk, and neither do pots.
A pot, by our traditional distinction of the linguistics of inanimate objects, can not call a kettle anything!
Which leads into the next great mystery unsolved but firstly you are going to need to go out and obtain a stick of celery. If you already have one handy then wait just a bit longer.
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