Monday, May 28, 2012

And Sky ball Your Eye ball

The Sun performs as Lava this evening.
This Evening, Evening Evening!
The Sun performs as Lava;
Lava Lava Lava!
Disrobe and dance like a Sucker
To confuse deer ticks so they fall from Skin.
Sweat beads as the Lava ball falls into the Sky Slot
Half a Lune lights up like a Pinball Thing;
Thing Thing Thing!
This ball is your ball and my ball
And Sky ball, Your Eye ball
This Evening Evening Evening!

It is not it's job, what it does
And it doesn't fancy speaking about the Weather, I bet!
Imagine that,
The Round one interested in other affairs than it's self
Because it is not it's job, what it does.
Though if it stops, ever, showing up, we Will Mind.
Mind Mind Mind

Human Skine Anchored to bones

Walking around with a bone in your hand and love in your heart in Dinosaur Land. (Actually it was a cattle bone, or just a bone-shaped hole in the sky, however you choose to see the story(If we perpetually shrink, cattle will be dinosaur.))

The right direction looks all over the damned place
Scramble across the stream to search a better view of the dayfall. Avoid poking eyeballs out from treebranch tips and fill shoes up with stone debris and slip and bash knee then spring up and run. Up the hill, run run run. Laughing at the bashed knee. Always avoid falling ontop of tripod and crushing it like with the last one. Sprock the snocket at 82 miles per hour, set white balance.

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