The Holiday After Easter
I could try to make up many an excuse for a direct meaning of this image, like the sexual organs being the main replacement of where the mind usually operates from with some blurred vision, or rich, well off people looking at oddities and minorities as social entertainment.
A story of alien invasion (yawn) could be drawn up but the family seems just too thrilled for an extreterrestrial attack to occur, unless it is a benevolent contact (which is a rare concept in media.)
Really though, this is just completely random. A random collage with no intent of symbolic meaning other than what your insights will allow.
Magazine 01:
'Better Houses For Rich People Living,'
or maybe it was
'How To Get Your Wife To Cook Better'
I forget which one
merged with
'National Geographic.'
(I'd like to celebrate the lengthy years that National Geographic has had its wonderful professional photography ripped up and collaged by the countless amounts of collagists out there.
Without National Geographic, there would have been many tacky, less than qualified nature backgrounds for lingerie models and pornography mutations to be affixed to.)
The third layer is a self portr I would rather not talk about. I tried making a birds beak from the 'robin hood jeans' in another photograph but the beak looked way too flaccid. It's as normal as the bunny story. Sometimes you learn to hate flower illustrations.
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