Some weeks ago I had finished a book I picked up after wandering on in to the warehouse book sale previously mentioned where upon the end day a bag of books was around 75 Cents to a dollar. Luckily many very interesting ones were left and despite missing seemingly many,many good ones, the books I stumbled upon led me into some different alleys to part me from accepted 'normals' and to even confirm some of my previous interpretations.
"Given The conditions of contemporary civilization, how can one claim that the 'normal' man is sane?"
"The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one's own mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values it's normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal...
We are not able to even think adequately about the behaviour that is at the annihilating edge. But what we think is less than what we know;What we know is less than what we love; What we love is so much less than what there is. And to that precise extent we are so much less than what we are."
-R.D. Laing, The Politics Of Experience
This book (The Cosmic Serpent) really grabbed a hold of me because it was taking some of the most sincere subjects to me that I had stood back and looked at in many different ways, or, through many 'reality tunnels,' as you might say.
Basically, this read was an investigation done by a researcher dissatisfied with the given shut and close case of the connection between the sacred knowledge of indigenous tribes and it's connection to DNA with the closed eyes current anthropology and science has in it's terms of 'primitive information.'
The cover of the book said enough to my subconscious as it glared to me from the shelf, but it amazed me even more when the page that had been bookmarked with red ribbon by the previous owner opened to this:
So I had been on a tirade of research and insight amongst the subjects of advertising, Egypt and symbols. Mostly, It seemed to come to me and I wouldn't dare tell somebody else to believe information (Any information) on it just by word, but to research it themselves and take a vacation from all the pre-fed explanations of the world that have led us all into a time loop of non-answers and very expensive theories always done by people who ARE NOT YOU. What is so attractive about the 'unknown?' It is that there is always more to learn, and that 'science is always playing catchup' or will more appropriately, will lose money and credibility for admitting past mistakes and current discovery.. or that the unknown does not have to be unknown?
There is HiStory, and there is MyStery.
His Story is what we've been fed, it is always His meaning, his interpretation but what about MY story, what about your story? Mysteries are always left unanswered and it's about time that the weird or the unfunded start to gain their ground.
Is it safe to say that truth is perception and intuition is a more earnest way to lead path and puzzle pieces together rather than ego? In which ego is moreso proving everything to wrap around your own belief structure rather than opening the mind to the possibilities which in end actually will make more sense than the funded and dull explanations we all wrap logic around to stand by.
"In 1979, It was discovered that the human brain seems to secrete dimethyltryptamine---Which is also one of the active ingredients of ayahuasca. This substance produces true hallucinations, in which the vidions replace normal reality convincingly..." "Unfortunately, scientific research on dimethyltryptamine is rare. To this day, the clinical studies on it's effects on "normal" human beings can be counted on the fingers of one hand.1" Or, more appropriately, to this day, the funding of My story has been kept a mystery, because it seems the research when done just may be key-like enough to open the doors of perception, and the tainting of consciousness itself is a billion dollar industry, perhaps even the indoctrination of the monetary system itself.
Some of the more interesting quotes I will list but I pretty much had underlined and 'dogeared' the book in it's entirety due to it's synchs and interesting comments on what some of the ancient and current cultures speak of regarding symbols, reality structure and dna.
The comparison from DNA to ancient serpent symbolism really tugged at my mind because adding that in with the effects of sacred symbols on human beings reminded me of months ago when in my hand I held a bottle of that 'Sobe Life Water' and doing an article on Egypt at the time I immediately thought Sobec/k! and as you'd have it, the curled logo was swirled up into a 'c.'
'Coincidence, you nutjob!' I'm ready to accept as a reply, but the identical DNA graphics not only imprinted in the silhouette but swirled around the body in the 'eternal form' of DNA, (or the ladder to the heavens) made me chuckle only a little.
Sobe /Sobec
This was a while after being introduced to the presentation on subversive marketing by Michael Tsarion (Highly recommended to those who haven't already seen it) during a time where 'intrigued' was a very understated definition (endlessly fascinated is more like it) of how I felt when being introduced with the similarities if not identical patterns of previous rituals and symbols in comparison to the present, in which people have lost identification and knowledge of the power of an image and what a ritual may be considered.
To the paragraph mentioning the distracted, there are almost two consciousnesses occurring at the same time in this reality spectrum and in my view it is the ego versus the open. And the term usually used to fight open-mindedness is that "If you're too open minded, your brain might fall out" which is pretty funny, I guess, but irrational in the fact that you can be open minded without being completely gullible and must still use common logic, Though, logic, in this day is sadly hard to come by. Written off as 'coincidence,' almost EVERY culture has had symbolism and god/goddesses worship through spiritual and inner enlightenment/knowledge. By 'inner,' I mean inside of the body, inside of the mind. We could discuss the Pineal Gland/Pine cone worship, or the highly discussed and apparent mushroom worship, DNA, and phallic is obviously dire on the symbol use as well (Yeah, look at the temples, obelisks,etc.)
Though the answers are always given, and thanks to many researchers who go out on the limb of ridicule and have the curiosity and bravery to mention these things, it definitely is apparent today.
Just take a look around at any hospital logo.
(Okay, some of the logos may look like this as well, but pay no attention to sun worship.. We wouldn't still take part in that today,right?)
The obvious is in the open, and with any research done it comes to notice that to cure the body that the DNA must be the main component of healing, which might be why it is used upon the symbols wherein the profession is healing.
The serpent symbolism represents the double-helix of DNA. It is used blatantly throughout civilizations and, with any basic glance of the similarities, the count of this use past and present seems endless. The serpents were seen as the creator gods. Creator? Endless? DNA is both endless and the creator of every living thing. All cells in the world contain DNA.
"The average human being is made up of 100 thousand billion cells, estimated. This means that there are approximately 125 billion miles of DNA in a human body -- corresponding to 70 round-trips between Saturn and the Sun. ... Your personal DNA is long enough to wrap around the Earth 5 million times."1
Is this the connection to the stars that is always mentioned in religion, philosophy and spirituality?
"Anthropologists invented the word 'Shamanism' to classify the least comprehensible practices of the 'primitive' peoples." 1
The Tungas language for this is Saman and the first Russians who observed the activities of shaman described them as 'mentally ill.' This is how far the indoctrination of belief systems pushes the ego of ideology. If you do not understand it or it is not within your comfort zone it is 'mad.' Need I bring up the 'flat Earth' days again?
In the book there is a conversation the author had with Carlos Perez Shuma, The Amazonian Ashaninca where the shaman stated
"I know that any living soul, or any dead one, is like those radio waves flying around in the air"
"In the air. That means that you do not see them, but they are there, like radio waves. Once you turn on the radio, you can pick them up...."
These were the types of things inventive revolutionary Nikola Tesla had picked up and knew about, and where the studies of Quantum Technology and Dark Matter theories delve into, yet because before 'advanced technology' was able to catch up to it, past civilizations were degraded and shunned in retrospect.
The journey seems to never end but the connections seem to grow bolder and more clearly as the moments grow. Normal explanations will one day seem laughable and the 'keys of Thoth' and ancient understanding may one day grow to the present but only if the old ways of ego and ridicule of possibility diminish first.
I'll leave off with two more quotes from this book that I recommend people get a copy of and ask questions about.
Here is a very heavy key factor in our little dimension that, strangely enough, many people do not know of. "We do not know how our visual system works. As you read these words, you do not really see the ink, the paper, your hands, and the surroundings, but an internal and three-dimensional image that reproduces them almost exactly and that is constructed by your brain. The photons reflected by this page strike the retinas of your eyes which transform them into electrochemical information; the optic nerves relay this information to the visual cortex at the back of the head, where a cascade-like network of nerve cell separates the input into categories (form, color,movement,depth,etc.) How the brain goes about reuniting these sets of categorized information into a coherent image is still a mystery. That also means that the neurological basis of consciousness is unknown.1"
"...I had learned that the human eye is more sophisticated than any camera of similar size. The cells on the outer layer of the retina can absorb a single particle of light, or photon, and amplify its energy at least a million times, before transferring it in the form of a nervous signal to the back of the brain. This IRIS, which functions as the eye's diaphragm, is automatically controlled. The cornea has just the right curvature. The lens is focused by miniature muscles, which are also controlled automatically by feedback. The final result of this visual system, still imperfectly understood in its entirety, is a clear, colored and three-dimensional image inside the brain that we perceive as external. We never see reality, but only an internal representation of it that our brain constructs for us continuously.1"
1. From the book 'The Cosmic Serpent DNA and the Origins of Knowledge by Jeremy Narby, respectively.
This is the first article I have done in a while and is very condensed and in hopes to provide people to further investigation upon, because with the likes of such topics it must be experienced and not told, but as interesting as it is, it is very hard not to write about it. Future topics might include the pineal gland symbolism, while others are already covered very well by certain researchers/"bloggers" going through several different layers and levels of interpretation.
My computer crashed recently and the "Egypt" article is constantly being updated and expanded on but I hope to release it shortly, If I can find the hefty sized folder of images which seem to be erased or lost at the moment. There was also a slide show but that looks like it's gone forever so I shall re-type the whole thing from scratch. Note that this blog is a constant cluster and not meant for just one subject. Complete randomness will be posted most of the time. Also note that Normal is Insane!
I'll be releasing something special soon for those who can handle my audio, but now it looks like I'll be repairing a vehicle and working on my 'unfree' time. Yeah, that's what the last post was about.. Watch out for black ice.. Fuck, 'still surprised I'm in one peace . Call it luck?
that was on the money!most people who go about there days in a blind zombie state could never overstand any of the insight you put fouth.im glad i had the good fortune of being enlighten by you.keep putting it out,and shelter us from the negitive hot air thats blown into our minds unknowingly everyday.it's time to wake up and take the pillows from our head and put a book in it!each one teach one. positive education always corrects errors!!
ReplyDeletethat was on the money!most people who go about there days in a blind zombie state could never overstand any of the insight you put fouth.im glad i had the good fortune of being enlighten by you.keep putting it out,and shelter us from the negitive hot air thats blown into our minds unknowingly everyday.it's time to wake up and take the pillows from our head and put a book in it!each one teach one. positive education always corrects errors!!