This photo was taken on 06/01/2009 among the beautiful trail of 'Lucifer Falls' in upstate NY for a series of photos. This shot came to be my favorite amongst the others. Seek and you shall find the rest of the photographs in the series! I stayed in my car and just could not sleep at all. I was out and about at what were personally considerably early hours, especially having gone without any sleep and had found myself led to this great place. No strip malls, nor cell phone billboards to be seen. That's what, a rarity now?

Fun note: Lucifer is a word that was used for friction match, and also through old story and culture means "The Light Bearer." Can't we all go and stop being afraid of certain words now? ;)
"Lucifer Falls" think about that one for a while. The bearer of light can be seen as the bearer of knowledge, holder of information...
Prometheus? Check this out: Lucifer falls: Fire on the water. I won't even begin to go into symbolism and word play (
just yet) as I am learning much, much myself, But I feel it is keen and a must for many to get back to the roots of language, deception and perception. Plus it can be fun and damn interesting!
Climbing skills were taken to thin air on this shot.Climb whenever you have the chance to.