Monday, November 25, 2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024

 carved this earlier before making oatmeal - pretty happy with it I guess

 I fell inside madonna's pussy

it's rotten and vehumous 

 somebody get me outta here

and there's all these other people in here too

one of them just winked at me

 mask up,


Saturday, November 9, 2024

Thursday, November 7, 2024

A witches mana is her social capital, and they're fucking spent. They're OOM. They stopped being lovable and cute. They stopped giving out pussy to anyone but ESTP's. Nobody likes them any more, the bunch of wretched traitors they are. A witches magic is literally just borrowed energy, from men going through herculean effort and painful contortions to 'magically' warp reality to her expectations.
Sorcerers can spin plates that are making delicious dishes,
and they are a zesty meal which thee toungeth do taste and thee taste buds say oh this is so nice to eat.
Anyhow all of the morons and mentally weak or subverted can have fun with their gender wars and such.
It's a laugh-fest unless you tune in or find conversation with someone worthy of respect or deeper, patient thought.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

 why can't they put that effort towards something wholesome and productive instead of destructive?

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

 Just wrote a song called "Toxic Masculinity, Raghhh!!! and, well, now, pay your tax dollars to my public programs, and I'll settle down later after riding the cock carousal!" 


 it's deep.

It'll be part of my "Civilization Fan No. 1" release
which will also have "It's A-O-K to E.M.P" which is actually a decent and really good song.
also "Blood Is Red" and some good songwriting rock and roll tracks.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

There are people who are condescending and mask that with a wave of false-good intentions. It is a very fragile world of a persona they build up and then if any of that is exposed, all of that training activates into using "do-gooder" sorts of ruses to defend that they only will collect for themselves or the ability to sponge up attention.

 It's that kind of spirituality or creative world scene that really dries up ambition or diffuses a person's connect to achieving the will-to-a-muse.

I'd learned quite a bit about just dropping any one who fronts in such a way, because it is not worth being someone who they collect as an energy drainer or attention-accumulator.

They may gain successes quickly but what they make is still one of the same of millions of  other things, and nothing stands out stylistically or creatively, but it is a sure thing they will reap monetary or communicative rewards. Because they are obedient. They are obedient to requirements of music structure but you can pull up thousands of others at any given time and they're doing exactly the same thing.

The quick term success is there and direct. But there's nothing after a lifetime that would be remembered.
I stopped giving gifts to new agers or yuppies and realized a mistake of trying to network or associate to those whose "vibes" that I thought could be cured or redeemed and I had to go with my gut or wisdom about it, only with a regret I'd begin to speak with any of them or think that in any way that the already-rich or those who protect at all costs the face or front of their being, would ever begin to act like they advertise.

I'll repeat that again as something important to speak up about and to call out. If not just for a self-reminder to put in  another writing or anything to add into a more widespread communication.

....the face or front of their being, would ever begin to act like they advertise.



 That's the question,
do you really want to deal with people once you know what they're like?
I mean behind and beyond their presentation. When you see beyond the kabuki mask
or whats up their dyotenactic soul.
Like your consciousness penetrates others ulterior motives,
and it's game over.

and it's those who shout the loudest
I am a good  person! My heart is ever heartful!
who have some of the most to hide,
to be weary of trusting, or giving to,
so think about it before you regret it if you do.

It's like a sadness of revelation
to see the amount of false souls under pretention