Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Tuesday, May 30, 2023



















 the freedom of not being crossed out by a stumbling hack artist, any longer,
as life is life,
and yet they write books of em now,
of a form that never improved,
and stories and facts they will never truly know.
So I have to keep my mouth shut
about a prat who in a way tried to
ruin my life, not so life,
but open, festive, creative art career.

it was stick figure lines, with no reason or
rhythm! it was hackney,
and they'd aggressively annoyingly, invasively
made my own perdition to free expression
something so obnoxiously aggrivating
in ruining it each time
that I had to just stop what I was already doing,
risking, and at most,
finding myself feeling peace and joy via expressing.
So ma honey was balogney,
but most of the public would never know,
or sympathize or care, I gather, 
even if I proved or bookwrote it.  
Very neat! the public again worships commodity
and not soul pursuit. 

 Art from

the heart?

Oh no!

How dare I!

Be the beast of

South Bend 

That's how you succeed

Political ire

And projective spite greed

Thursday, May 25, 2023

 spirituality is devoid of spiritual practices

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Liquid Floor Love Revisit

 Hey you filthy stool pigeons I have an updated preview take of Liquid Floor Love

also I have a re-release of PARADS SCE LIVE as PARADS SCE LIVE ORIGINALS
maybe I already said that once? or twice?
I'm running like 50 websites so let me keep count.

that's on




and ---oh wait it isn't on spotify yet.
Well I'll put that  up onto there in a jiffy.

anyway, go away, get out of my sight.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

 The Internet

......IS DOOM

Friday, May 12, 2023

cham shell v.2 on spotof

remember to brush your teeth listening to my spotify catalog


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 Lots of new creations to come.

not defining the self from set backs,
and not producing base on reactionary

Functionally Functionalizing at
functional boosts of peak of inspiration.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The future is an unsealed ham

 yah yah yah

no more vicious cycle of return loop thought
aka recurring complexities and frustrative
feedback loops.

The future is an unsealed ham

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Strata Euro

 Breaking through those years of walls of censorship. Able to refocus after years of personal tending to ongoing busyness which paralleled major propaganda funded against what I'd been slewn and drawn as. Which is, gasp! A White European Man.   

I dont cease paying attention.   Obviously the "culture war" to split the nation apart, really dug into the 'ON' button being jarred down most recently than ever, had accounts of mine censored by the 'new web.' 

Which is very aggressively pushy with censored people as I who are information seekers and who escape or cannot be contained into demographic market predictability.

I started again working body exercises and vitamin and health recovery.   Those close who sold me out, bending South, who took a massive career art role funded to pushing that culture war nonsense, you know better... but it's very easy money. To perpetuate that. Anybody who looks with decent eyes and a sound mind knows better. To see that its spiritual laziness and unneeded victim mentality like some reccess game rule set.

I had words and truths about those kinds because in the long run, to be so cheap in wrecking the economy and the freelance and creative industries, life itself will correct that sort of inadequacy and sheepish backstabbing.

Just to keep these major poison pushers from blanketing the entire web with social media sorts of normalization.   You see the trends abd what is pushed. It is not spiritual or organic or keen.   Organic cultures are not so heavily ushered in while info explorers such as myself aptly muted and also betrayed.

But now that my energy is back and my inner will as a Spiritual experience in a life body, tuned in to the journeyer you all Market! Yourselves to be, and pushforce pathetically Sell! yourselves as the image of, you wish I wasnt the real thing. Because it breaks your mold. Your fantasy that my incarnation is those attributes your whole culture war seethes against.  But I'm it with bouts of madness called passion and all, but also focus and still yet a transparent searching out for confirmation and truths of this reality fabric.

Digital or modern shamanism is not your corporate color war crap and you are opening your selves to being walk ins or by the least, useful tool pieces for emotionally driven trends.

Suppose then that I organically access in spirit consciousness what artificial constructs and the plastique minds who pour millions into it seem to find. But they find by forcing.  Like pushing pieces into pieces and calling scrunched and jammed results as fortified.

Now I am European because of your elongated association to label and censor me as such for at first when I gave being it not much claim myself to it or even attention to it. I think Nordic now.  Deep Gods no turn the other cheek docility.

Now  I celebrate what the spiritually and soulfully unprepared had tried to label and maneuver me into a corner about, which is heritage and rebound. Otherwise I kept no mind about it! All of my life really.  But you say you want me gone,ever so recently, with overarrogant emotion it is howled by media backed division sorcerers and media hypnosis.  

But my Heart is strong and my Oversoul is growing. And the more it is attacked or the more my worth is neglected, that Over Soul grows. And strenghtens.  But it was you who wished to achieve to rid of it which ignited all this. So you should have been more sure, with what you were doing.

Because I am not the only one.

Learning thee truth

Then securing to press on

Saturday, May 6, 2023

 Be stronger than the bollocks you're put through

Friday, May 5, 2023

No Big Fuss

I think with an obscenely, absurd amount of coffee, and internalized pursuit, I can pick up to creatively continue where I had left off. 
That humanity's soulfulness and wherewithal is downgrading, I will try and not let that keep me back.  

Okay let's get rid of that type-set, that's some despicable stuff.
Once I fill my head with coffee and have the fire of pursuit all lit up 
I'll aptly explain the changes of consciousness going on in the world.
And delve through, fair and fair, the reasons of ultra sensitivity and reality inversion
upon the palette of the collective mind

Even that sentence above is enough to cause a ripplage of ill response just due to that
I have noticed the truth is something people do not, at all, in any way or means, convey
as a subject urgently desired as put out to them.

There is a big fuss as of late with humanity.
It is pathetic, what has become of intelligent design.
It is disturbing how easily suckered group types have become,
with using emotion over logic, and reactionary insanity
over calm and carefully assessed decisions.

The thing is that I could demonstrate the truth, or a subset series of truth,
and today that does not matter. Because people see what they wish to see.

Since most of humanity unravelled into a reversal, of  nonharmonious inversion,
it is succinctly important to successfully attack goddess worship.
There was an error in giving it trial to fruit and begin a course, 
at the end of the last cycle.
Thankfully that can be corrected en masse, 
and part of my energetic participation will be seeing through that a Great Correction is made.

Since that will shock or offend or throw off so many who had tossed themselves into the
regime of thinking that is present trend and manic mindedness,
I will say it thoroughly again, that Goddess worship will be made to be destroyed
and a more entrusted, and sacral, and nourishing order will persue,
and correct much of this overgratification and emotionally imbalanced, 
also chaotic and corrupt ego-bent era that at the tail end of 2012 was significed as the
Entrance of the Kali-Yuga. I can call it the Endtrance, because a trance is to be ended.

With all of the commotion going on in my life prior, that aspect was clouded and also neglected,
What I can call the Tarot Truth of the mind, and the Mystery School.
I learned ever much to keep it just that,a  mystery. To go on here or wherever and advertise whichever or whatever, need to proof, or ego shining and "look at me" is beside any point and also not needed, and just a spiritual "social club" thing, and that is an attracrive option or pursuit for many at first.

Will art expressions reflect similarity in the future? Probably. But needs of course or expectations to have any company other than Source and myself is unneeded.
I'm happy to be daring enough to go up against the collective illusion.
And upon the social public of humanity it is clear that all too many have very well
allowed their manias to get to their heads, and the imbalance of Right Side and Left Side hemispheres made people quite the shlock of temperamental idiots. And I say that not with some attempt of power through insult, but as a carryon of earth itself, or consciousness in peril.
You're all insane lately, you're all acting dumb lately, you all took Goddess energy and fucked up your allowance to harness or handle it for quite many life cycles and perhaps any again. 
Ya done screwed up with balancing the Feminine Divine while attacking the Masculine Divine without nurturing or correctly absolving so many things.

I will ripple that out to so many things. Fearlessly. I will even send much to distentegrate energy types such as Maria Abromavic. Call her Marina because her head is a ;BOAT;
We need the ill minded "priestesses" and "magicians" and that black oath scum done and begone with, 
so such cruelties and practicioners of stupor can just leave not Earth realm alone, but All Realms.

Outside of this I will write more about this subject. For personal keepings or practice with scrying.
I will resort to fixing some things such as possible old strings of conflict but mostly be just moving ahead with my own progress and life's fulfillments for my sole reasons to Being.
In the backdrop however I will ensure this calamity of Feminine and Masculine Priesthoods gone so idiotically awol will find vibrations worldwide and undulated enough to where at least my own sphere of world turns up results.  

Thursday, May 4, 2023

The WEF (Weasel Economy Fuss) Apocalypse We Want A Better World Free Of Lechery Blues 05-04-2023 is your way out of youtube purgatory! 
Im an artist on spotify and have albums and stuff here. Stream enough and it'll cover the expense of paying for spotify!
support me on patreon and you get access to stuff you don't even need!

improvised folk blues guitar playing. Haven't listened back to this at all just recording and uploading. 1 other file, maybe'll listen to that.
Created by Lome Marsupial all rights reserved.
If you're awake and want to drive somewhere let me know. I'm up and can't sleep and most people seem like they're bored or don't want to do things. We'll let's drive someplace so everywhere doesn't feel like a ghosttown.

resonator guitar, folk music, blues, rock, lome marsupial, music, creativity, songwriting, singer, songwriter, poem, audio, gretsch

 Alcoholics torture people.

Nobody cares 

destroy evil


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

the self-identity crucifix

 I'd like to add that, humanity is so completely involved and focused on self-identification now that there isn't really any fixing that. It is a quadrant where people are extremely fixated on what they identify as beyond an actuality of living life itself. And anything, reality information, that comes in and challenges the carefully and naively extremely intricate constructs of that self-identification causes uproar, insane, intangible outbursts and causes a reality experienced solely based on emotion and not of reality. 

people are simply looking for controversy or offensiveness now because it adds to that palette where victimhood or upset is attention. And attention is power. And empowerment today is a line between guilt usurping necessities to live, and outrage collecting attention.
In reality it is a system of being addicted to hatred and living in a kind of fantasy world where even if the option of understanding, learning and mending differences were real and able (which it is) that route is not chosen because it destroys and eliminates the grift. 
Then the actual content of character would be up for liaison and presently a lot of people would be in a hell of a lot of trouble if their arrogance, narcissism, betray of human kindness, etc. were up for judgment on what Egyptians would direly deem the "Scales of Ma'at."
I would let all of that be, anyhow, if
all of that was not, too, seeping in to my very own life
and in some way making it a kind of living hell.
Eden and betterness could be, so you all know.
Why you fight it to maintain your "Self-Identity,"
I can only figure that you enjoy the fights, and the attention it gets.

Wake up and grow.

Trauma is really fucking stupid

All I can really relate to lately are guitars.
Is this where I plug the patreon link above?
I had posted some writings and b-sides,
some videos, I think, and "audio blogs" onto there.
Now my phone which I recorded them onto is bloated full,
and that's a thing.
Anyway I can't sleep for shit.
I played like  5 or 6 original improvised songs at that
Open mic earlier and they were a mixture between shloggy
and pristine.  
It's important to me for whatever reason to let certain music
or song approaches "Live as Journals" which means you just
Play through them, make them, maybe keep them or just let them
live ones and breathe then carry on through the neuro echoes of
human and life particle existence.

Cant you figure how easily such conceptual ways of living marries
into real, typical, exactified, quantitative life? 
Yeah it feels dismal trying to fulfill human-kind(e) expectations
realizing that, too. Also it is very popular to hate Europeans this
day! Life was tough enough, motherfuckers.
But, ok, bring it on!

It's making me religious or spiritual or extra-sensory even more so,
I suppose.. these pursuits, all of these challenges.
Every time I look at the modern human world though and all the
rides you're supposed to ride on with everyone else which look like
very! un fun rides, then, however it is I can survive in my own little way,
doing my own expressions just how I want to do them, very much! not wanting
to have that "other stuff" influence or get in the way.. you know, that other stuff
of all these people freaking out over every thing constantly always just at each
others necks acting like crazzzzy sonsabitches.
I'm not your
I'm not your
I'm not your
I'm not your
past incarnation
I'm not your
no matter how hard you try,
and energetically battle and all that shit.

My purpose is different and it seems so many people hate you
for living a different purpose or so many people try to wretch it up,
or fuck it up, or destroy your dreams if you are close to your own.

apparently I can embed tweets onto here

Played an open mic like an hour ago improvising and stuff. I don't think people hated me there which was nifty and cool. The other musicians were fun to listen to. I'll try to go back again next week this time with a line out from the guitar. I built up an idea the town hates me
maybe some parts of it don't. If anyone does, so what. I just enjoy riffing songs and lyrics and perspectives. That's what holds meaning to me. Being socially tuned in and performing as a social human is not always the decree for an artist or creative type.
It makes social interactions unbearable or extremely tense a lot of the time. To live as a character or performance or archetypal flow seems realer and more pronounced to what community interaction truly is.
Like my soul just wishes to and can't help but be free 24/7. This creates major issues and stir-ups for a behavior reliant society where there are masks and layers of tension, celebration, traumas, projections and intaking in this DNA cycle called daily life.
That being said, I didn't get a parking ticket. I didn't know how the hell anything I did took fair. But I enjoyed playing and that should be what matters. See, my life is in fact a relegator of Tarot or Spirit-visions & thus feels true because it sucks, a lot. Its nothing to ..
...flaunt, being a sensory heightened person, because you download so much of what all other beings and characters unload. It is overwhelming because your intuitive and inner knowing self is transferring a massive amount of information. Living the Tarot is not a fashionable sort
of thing and really very much sucks at times. Beyond the layers or masks of expected social interactions or the hollydolly kind of short talk and stuff. A very thorough depth exists of inventing the future or being very accurate and intuned to doing something very serious with
life's constructs. Hopefully that made a bit of sense. My own meaning and reason to life does not line up with the expectations or reward system of everyone else's "neuro games" and I say that meaning well. Some extrasensory intensity. Like 24/7.
things like trauma or near death experience )NDE( activate that in peoples lives. With others, it is rigorous study and many hours of reclusion or awareness exercises. I guess that is all I will say about that topic.