to all the bi-polar SSRI women that were in my life who I wasted compassion and love towards, and received wickedness and manipulative stressors back from:
keep on rockin' in the free world.
to all the fuckers who'd sort of just stand around
while I had nowhere to turn to & no one to go,
I'm stronger than you.
In spirit and Heart and soul.
because my imagination is still in tact
and will to explore and endure
and cross life path to life path
I count on Life Spirit.
I love Nature. Animals glow and emit such beauty.
People, not humans, but people,
give talk. and mouth. They give mouth
and empty promise. And salve, solve and save their conscience
by talk. Never the extra mile or inconvenienced little step.
After you leap worlds for them sometimes.
So you live and learn, from all that, and through all that.
What a butcher show of the spiritual conscious collective,
you know, that kind of homage came to be.
Talk. All talk. Talk talk talk.
and then fluffing up conscience. Bullshitting.
No actual doing. People with excuses.
Coldness hidden behind spiritual knowhow.
Biggest conduits and participants in everything they stand against,
those spiritual types. They'll leave you far and beyond in a hard place,
maybe toss some exotic sounding prose to make themselves feel better.
They won't be there for you for shit though.
cool then, got it.
Delete all that then. Save gigabytes and realize where you put trust
was some zone people just go to reach their own comfort.
& live the rest of their days to make their conscience feel alright.
Explore no more. Dare no more. Sedentary and be idle, and safe.
Not alive. Just safe.
Here is a spiritual truth of divine provence:
Most people existing are absolute, certified bullshitters.
That's how it is.
Learn to read old books written by people who challenged themselves,
from birth to death, without sedentary laze being a complimentary safety goal.
Watch and love nature. Know animals.
Exercise daily.
Find anything to cure your immune system that will not zombify and cull
or zilch your brain.
Realize the majority of the world are hylics or "NPC's" aka spiritually absent.
Do not try to exert energy pressure or resources trying to 'forceteach' or jeopardize
your own behalf unto "getting through", harmoniously and spiritually, to these.
It is akin to interacting with cold machines or brute hardware.
These people will develop: drug problems, or extreme fear and intimidation and uncertainty
when met with raw life force, compassion, genuine curiosity to life and life's ongoings,
and any behavior of thought that challenges built in safety programming.
Safety programming is where adventurers of the mind go to die.
It is the mental lobby center of perspective where no further ticket of entry to active
experimentation to life is permitted.
I'm sorry to say it so asinine and bluntly yet however most people are dead souls and automatons on this planet.
They don't know what to do with information of randomness. That doesn't make them bad. But investing soulfulness or intents of growth, new perspective, brightness and accomplishment unto them is just an extreme waste of time. And moreover they will obstruct or rob you and put issues into your endeavors moreso than encourage you, wish success for you, help to guide you or garner wellbeing into any inventive or new, daring pursuits.
Uniformity and safeness and sedentary, early, quick death are their goals.
Why do you think so many had recently so easily went along, without thinking whatso, with what they have done?
It doesn't matter to me. I'm free. I've got everything of spirit and imagination and all that.
If taken the wrong way in what I say, I don't mind, I don't care. That's fine. I'm shadowbanned as fuck on so many media sites now. So that is what it is.
I'm watching the collective just shred itself into the dark ages. And people can't take any harshness such as the truth of this writing. Kind of a last call or alarm bell for explorative and raw consciousness onto the world's framework. People are dying for safety even if it means death. And that is an arising thought to get people to live-- to look after themselves. to question their programming and all of that. And getting people to realize their lethargy is leading them into disaster is the thing that gets me shadowbanned as all hell. Or it isn't popular psychology or thinking or any of that.
Meanwhile the common normative approach is just a total buy-in with midwit scholarship academia.
You do the dog tricks then get the paper then get the debt, then pay off the debt, then never challenge yourself via idea growth again, and then scour down at anybody else.
I can't look at any of that or be around any of that and think there's anyway in hell there is value to harness or acquire from that whatsoever.
In nature, I see it. In animals, I see it. People are not human kind any longer, however. They're a show. A pattern, an A-to-B sort of waste of potential.
They get their habits and their ego, their attention they crave, they get their addictions for sure and their shaking off of any adventure further in their lives.
They get their mind wars and slow programming and get to write studies on or to observe people who were alive like really alive, but can't dare to be alive themselves. Or to trust, to wager, to sort of do the shit you aren't supposed to do.
I write to nature, pretty much. And an internal relation to any input to Genius Loci.
Most spiritual groups are just shit shows where people don't want to feel alone. Like a social gathering.
Kind of fancying around and all of that.
Modern woman Larps as Goddess-Connect but that's a big ringing out of bullshit.
Modern man is a sucker for new styled advances in securing what is left of a traditional role.
They're both bullshitters except for any remnants left of a nuclear family. Where they do work.
That's no "`15 minute city" lifestyle.
None of this much bothers me anymore. I'm a free spirit or a free card or whatever.
Friendship is a lie. I had a few relationships that were not with out-of-her-mind types then the rest were pillheads or bi-polar monster creatures or whatever and however.
There's streams that gush. And animals that are all worth it to see. To hone into. There's more spirit or raw life power there in those. Anyone else, people, they'll say one thing.. paint some banner of philosophy and life-ways and this and that and its just a show. Just some painted banner. They don't damn well believe a thing they say. Efficiency comes along one time, and a fell swoop, and ways of life and definition and all of that are sold out in a go. Completely. Immediately. And that's how it is.
The world will take a poison if you sell it to them in the right way.
People will fall under the order of manipulative psychophants if it's efficient enough.
Like on a spiritual, soul level, you know, they're real dumb shits. You'll give positions of power and world change to real dumb shits. Or somebody finds enough treasure after a war-- first to find the riches or whatever.. then the future forever changes. It's not all that exacting or calculated.
That's what the normal person or the robot fears, I'd say. The changing of humankind.
Like you get some billionaire that has a chip on his shoulder or some shit. Then that emotional stammering gets them to influence humanity by selling it out or something.
It's not like the dreamers or good souls or imaginative ones or heartfelt ones-- you know with those, yeah they get to be the one's people work real hard. Trade em in and trade em out due to efficiency. That's how it is.
I'm supposed to survive like the rest. Go do the typical. Bend rawness of reality into packagable little lies. Make people cozy or whatever. but complacent, too!
but the new era is here. and it's just more stuff to sell. different phrasings. That's all.
New wars between new kinds of people. Same old tactics. Emotional wars. Entertainment distractions. Emotional manipulations between different sectors. People buy it. Real cheap and real easy. Popularization of eradicating the nuclear family concept since late 50s.
You can't convince anyone if that is true anyhow, unless you just stream it buy into their mind sculpting entertainment. Me, say it, with proof, research, this or that. Any researcher, scholar, nope. Anybody here, anybody there, doesn't matter. Run it through the TV once, get some makeup caked influencer of content to tweet it through once.. factoid. Verified. Absolute truth. Absolute program.
Cool, great. That's civilization alteration. That's pattern development and all that.
I can't digest that though. Squeamish, to me, to package sell ideas or be all okey dokey knowing you're lying and conning and just sort of subduing the human spirit of the collective.
but people aren't trained to fathom it any more. To be as daring as they sure spend a lot of time advertising looking like.
people are scare of death and that's it. That's the faculty. That's the insinuation.
And people are afraid of themselves. And their little lies. So they go to look to listen to somebody. Somebody who? Somebody anybody. And to fill that position of telling anybody else what to do, some master manipulator and all of that---
well like I said, anyway, it's not for me to go around coercing or whatever.
Nature--animals, real spirit of life.. I'm not looking to get reinstated to any place to have it unto being some influencer or whatever. You lie lie lie. And bend bend bend. And bullshit and lie some more. And make up characteristic properties to sell and all that kind of thing. And then there's no legitimacy. And you're stuck behind some image.
Or owing somebody something. Favors, money, protection of lies and this or that. or worse, being owed favors. Conscience games and moral wars.
So neat, then, yeah-- stay away from industries. If you can afford to pay into it--
you know you'll just be market research anyway. It's a big racket and industry to slip by being shadowbanned or whatever or to get a pass from having your algorithms completely fucked with in today's information influence network.
Everyone fought hard enough for censorship to be safe so you'll get run-of-the-mill everything. And narrative, and carefully picked and curated selective reality.
I mean Dr Fucking Seuss is labelled as something offensive so at that point, yeah-- have fun, everybody, with all of your realities. Or conjecture. You kind of just shredded up your bird nest after again and again normalizing that kind of go-on and want people to really carry on having the same approach for participation games beyond that. So it doesnt matter to me. To win it big publishing or producing or doing this or that for anything.
The path for the voyage of life-beyond or the afterlife. That's where my concern or idea of thinking is going in to, in a way. It's not worth impressing or making impressions upon or receiving impressions via peoplekind. If it reverted back to humankind it would be a big difference. But there arent contemporaries now. Just liars. conscience analysts or whatever. Real adventurers either keep hush, won't slip through the media filter cracks, or _(your best answer goes here.) and modern woke women are fucken ugly. Like elegant. I don't want you.
See it's for nature and animal kind. eternal creators, guardians beyond the human concept. Maybe raw poetry, some prose. satisfaction of humbling the oversoul. But mankind (can you even call it that now!?) sort of finnied on up.
I'm my own free spirit there, at that, so as you can see. And these are the dark ages. If you couldn't tell. And technology sort of giddied that up-- being able to witness such.
and I love God. And Life. And wonderment. and the quest and journey and all of this and that. But really don't like liars. Or fakery and any and all of that sort of thing.
I owe truth to-- well-- to the earth, and the dirt, and to spirit and the sky, warmth, and to cold.
and that's what, and so what's it to anybody else really?
and to song. I owe truth to song.
Old philosophies are not
outdated just people are too uncomfortable with the ideas of working on themselves in very real ways.
It is too hard for them and too easy to fall into efficiency.
If you come into their ventures with he ideas of time-tested philosophies and teachings and ideologies, their social clubs of doing everything by achieving nothing, and achieving satisfaction by doing nothing, will be blustered when you begin to require them to do anything at all.
There's a preparedness within you
not anywhere,
somewhere hard to get in your psyche
that tells it like it is.
People dress that aspect up a lot,
if they ever can find it.
And try to prepare it to retell to the world.
Afraid that the world would be afraid,
if you ever share it or tell it or speak it,
usually it is so overdressed or cosmetically altered,
that it's a far off and over manipulated afterthought of its original true essence.
You could have just given a Hallmark card all along.
This is the end of the show.
You can't shut out the eye of every star in the sky.