Sunday, October 31, 2021

They won't even have known what they've  done,
will they? humankind(e) &

But Nature, Natura is fine ever fine.
Why will they stand in 
technomedicine line?

But Nature, Natura is fine ever fine.
When no bright comes light,
Or light comes dark
Up is high, and Mid Day is good
A cabinet full of Walnuts,
remedies to put up a strong fight
Like cloves and garlic and wormwood.

No repeats there, of forever-boosters,
4+ More lines on the card,
Why would anyone think 
just one and then it's over?

No see, deep in the backdrop
Could cure lyme and dounce and cancers
In stead the regimen sees
party light science out tik tok dancers

Natura HyperHerbs, banned
Dunning Kruger!,
comes along with a muzzle,
Social Credit System abuser
Hurrying to catch up upon
Divide and Conquer,
OWS being the bruiser.

Pure Blood, Fertile Women, Amyciopo Regions
of non-parasitical seeds
will be of high value
Media Cut Out, BlackOut of Stats,
System Feed Cut; No Renew.

Pumpkin Seeds, Pure Raw
For Halloween
Apple Cider Vinegar 
for good merit, also your Spleen
N.A.C, another soon to be banned
Sugar Dipped into Pure Pine Spirits
World Worms off your back
and off roots and guided hands.

Worms! Viru! Such a 
foggy Collective
Under the New Gods of Tyevee Science,
The New Guides! 
Popu Reduc Directive,

Speak not Of It
Speak not Of It
for Misery Loves Company
The Winds of Electric
Love Complexion
The Ill Will
of Herbal Defense
Speak Not Of It
To Brute In
For They Seek To Kill
If Only to Question

Say it not however
Dunning Kruger so ever clever
Grapevine tik tok cape sake alleys
Flouridian Manuscript Brain Wave
Anti Valleys
(they're just hicks, or shmucks, you know?
the transcribers of medicines days deep into
deep of deeper days old, Ode-In,)

Stray away from Colvidian Flouridian Disciples,
Fresher Greener Deeper valleys, Brighter Days
Diatomaceous breaking of flesh crawlers
Assertive inscriptors of   Bentonite clay
Imposing with Iodine, a Health Rebellion
Milks of Slippery elm 
but you must not tell a soul,
or a single soul
because the hooks are too deep
killers, stealers, snitchees, the 
profit of social control.
Parasites are promoted,
Promoted, Promoted, Promoted
Defend then for your salves
In this Pungent GynioCentric Priesthood
of Pineal Damaged Age of Colvid.

Bacteria Impulsive
Shedding, Shedding
Split the Tick,
Die the Worms,
Sever Insipid Serpents.

In All Facets, Repair
The Worm People will Seek
To Eat the Internal, and Nerves
And Agendas, The Meek, The Air.

Well then, Christ, You store 
Foods for Later, Find Walnut Potions
and Can Only Watch, Then,
Oxy-powder Masses Go
Through The Motions
The Serpent Was The World Worm
All Along
Cast a sword through it
Run on Spirit, Moving continue

Sunday, October 24, 2021

 Below in the previous post are three previews to some instrumental/soundtrack work.

Presently I am getting things squared and set with distribution issues.
Mainly for three albums (Luckily I did not register more than those three.)
I had a service representing some albums who appear to have dipped out in
any response.
And so there were copyright claims and also strikes against my useage of my own material.
As such, I was wondering why certain clips and music videos were having strikes filed against myself,
the creator and content owner.
Well it turns out the distributor had just cold shut their artists out,
and after roughly a year of requesting a takedown and removal of being associated with their services,
with no answer or fulfillment of that request, there are still youtube, spotify, itunes, and amazon/etc claims to those albums.
And so I am sorting things out with that service or very well trying to.
So any official releases are held at this point until getting that situation sorted.

Will see what steps I need to take to sort out that headache. Some distributors may put you in a cold place, so pretty much navigating to do takedown requests to each site individually, as the distributor otherwise could fulfill the request they legally agreed to, and get the issue solved all at once.

A kind of branching into experience another task in managing now not only editing, creating, handling all of the in between things, but now, understanding distribution legal issues.
And making note that a service can take a run while leaving their artists or content creators without any liability of going in to regaining content rights.

It may be a bit of time and steps to get it handled, but I plan to learn more about it and see it through.
And will seek the right contacts to further handling the situation if representing myself on my own behalf, with proof of my creations and intellectual ownership isn't enough for all of the "between the lines" in distribution and such.

Will see how obliging or dirty that world is, regarding streaming, rights to creator, streaming services and all of that.

Not the most interesting subject! but a sort of peek into today's navigation of multiple tasks doing digital services and attempts at being completely DIY. 
Some answers as to why re-sharing my own material and having takedown notices and content removal are a bit more clear now however.
See I still have intents to make and alter, resample, and release the albums in question and also re-apply them to later things like audio books, and the like.
I hadn't planned to dealing with this side of streaming services or needing to prove ownership of my very own creations, but I suppose that in today's world of creating, it is something that needs to be touched upon or worked through at some point.
There is no way I really like or feel comfortable with that side of the "industry"
and not only the shaping of personalities and censorship of algorithm and promotional choices kind of push certain trends to the top, but being able to even use your own material apparently becomes an issue as well.



Friday, October 15, 2021

Pendulum Dash


Runner Up for the Pendulum Dash
Head toward the Rain, 
Run out of Breath holy fast
Dread behind and high hopes
In a satchel shook loose
Hang around
In the Skies
Check the time, 
Here way too soon.

Well, wait a while
Til the buzzards
Come walking
On their own

Meet you there
At the right spot
Their secret home

They've got a satchel 
And a dial
Tuned to a
contagious plan.
They cut you down
Before you thud
Reaching out
To give a hand

Gonna need
A couple days
Gonna split up
Go several ways
Gonna keep
A satchel wide
Gonna tune out

Here's a mountain
Go halfway up
Pull a letter
Out of a tree
Read it silent 
With buzzards elsewhere
Written explanations
'Why they chose me.'

Well son you ain't 
On that list
Of enclosed 
You can't dispose of
Wretched pasts
Let lone high hopes
Or burnt debri

So those wicked birds 
Or wicked, they say,
Will sparse the skies
And have their may
They're going to send satchels
Partially open
To all of those
Who just can't pay

Because its going to take the lost
Like you and you
And it takes the lost
Like you and you
To open your eyes to
Financial bloodlust
Who even villify
The buzzards, too.

That's why its raining ashes,

#Mountains #residue #writing #writer #landscapes #rural #Saturate #RuralPhotography #CountryPhotography #drifter #HighLove #Obscene #buzzards #SecretTrails #TheTrial #Poem #Hilltop #FridayFun #Kal #ergi #WakeUp #youreDreaming #Skies #Cascade #Stories 

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Sky Commander


And it almost landed onto my head later up the way
so had to put on those horns.
It was trying to land but decided for elsewhere.
Had a Viking hat, trying running headbutts. 🎈 
It scurried out of there though unfortunately.

I'll take that damn airballoon over soon enough.

Fix it up. 

Hood ornament,
hang birdfeeders off the side.
Turn it into a giant eyeball.
Get it to copulate with another air balloon and have a batch of helium hellions. 

Commandeered by the resilient ruckus rangers.

Take over the skies.
Ditch the firmament.


#saturation #windings #naturesart  #freelybeing #hotairballoon #Hermitpath #adventureoutdoors #airballoon #octoberartchallenge #hiking #composition #lostinthewild #foundinnature #outdoorart #railway #excitement #Freedom #CancelSoulfulArt #inashapeofadream #ruckus #businessasusual #NatureWonder

Monday, October 4, 2021

Ending the hypnosis the worldissin

 Ending the hypnosis the worldissin