Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Paper Pigeons

 sorry, blogger is sort of having hiccups. At least on this end. My robot web-secretary seems to,also, be out in the alley "vaping" and talking to "strange dudes."
Once-- there was this vacuum cleaner went awry, and tried to do itself in. I didn't know what vaping was until she had explained it plain and clear. At first I thought she had somehow manifest that clumsy rug-sucker and was trying to smoke it. No, she was vaping.

Maddened tyranny and the recluse Banter of what can otherwise be known
as sweat-drench-sweat.

It went better the second-time-around, somehow finding that the best can be brought out when you cannot bottle-in those lingering and undisputed situations called holy probably-wholly nuances.

So I obviously started kicking graves, and driving over graves,
and pummeling graves, and smashing in and cussing and yelling at
and expounding graves.  and hopping over them, obviously.

Actually, that is something that did not happen. It's becoming some solved clue to me
that to type in jest is some serious danger the closer to literal interpretation we seem to move.
Not grow into, but move toward.
but since it is all a joke anyway....(humane existence.)

But not to give any hardheaded bumbleblibberer any ideas, it would be--- sort of massively
satisfying, to just scurry around at some steady speed
to sheer and tear through tombstones, watching them shatter
and feeling that spill from the front bumper.
Those who do not feel such havenot lived!

Problems arise in this scenario--- first, you'd need an older style car.
A damn fine car. Those aren't made any more.
How are you going to take a smart car with their little fancy
delicate fiberglass pieces of framework
and mow down a lawn ornament let alone a tombstone row
with one of those pseudo-cars?

And to get an old, hardy piece of steal, you'd need to be down in the south-west...
on the north-west... or just the plain west-west... and the more East that you go---
the more temptation and urgency there is to even get into the mind-mood
of satisfactory temptation to go on plowing into tombstones, pleasing the
inner-carnate.... that arena of frustration which in the daily life does not appear
to have the acceptable merit or the encouraged practice to 'exorcise.'--- being the
raving artful fun of a kind of madness that is healthy, and freely expressed via
guided and focused letting.

I don't even think a Prius could handle it.

Cars snag down to brittle nothing in the East because of the harsh winters and the winter salt--
which terminates the underbody of the ride. That's why it'd be so much a rarity of an event
to happen in those tax havens. Instead you get stuff like this:
Some lemonheaded kid in syracuse, I think, and this was a few months ago, actually,
hauled a vehicle along through college campuses and elsewhere and crushed and capacited these new trees which was a real dick-move.  And it was probably with a Prius or some smart car.
Did they impound his head? No. But no news is better..
It gives people slanted views because it bubble human stupidity and langliness and
lameness into some depreciating kind of habit-cavity.
I remember my consciousness being changed, and this all tricked me, by checking the news
for a seminal while.

So I took my shoe off and backed a wheel barrel filled up with fire wood over my foot
because I had needed to shock myself into producing some kind of vital enough change
to ween off that news-nonsense.

There is no world anyway and I learned all this from yoga.
which means union...
    with the World.

There is spam mail and coffee--- sometimes sparrows, and there are histories
which tell much: Such as the types of hats people may have gotten away with
and what types of artillery being could try to dominate being with.. and of course,
the types of bread people would prepare sandwiches with. They wouldn't just prepare
the sandwiches with such bread.. they would actually eat the bread. Why we try to learn
anything at all from the past is some bibbling mystery, clearly.
No geezer could map a subway restaurant digitally
and just because Gobekli Tepi had to show up
and ruin it all for the timeline of history scholars
doesn't mean they knew shit at all, with their lack of
mapping a subway restaurant digitally.

I think your masters should stop bickering with one another
an join together in army tanks
and probably run down Gobekli into smithereens
like some car over a gravesite
so that the world leaders and masters
could relieve some of that blistery-stress
and not have to deal with new indents in world-conveyance.

Of course that is all in play.. used in some deal to mention that 'ol place again
which could extend curiosity into the subject of Gobekli Tepi
unto those who have written of it and researched it fairly well enough, sparing new-information
and new ideas so as to untangle the timelines
of all of the kinds of hats that people did indeed wear
throughout humane history.


 Travesties and blessings fall from the sky like the rare falling heffers and
like seeds, bird-dung, rain and hope and answers.
You can hear about it all in the Stress of my life Here!!
A book of living-motion
finds the credit grabbed
by considerable ego
to assume each event
of life-source
is personal
and somehow personal-

All business is transacted with a smile
even if behind the back of that smile-holder
is a poison martini
and a dove of peace. one in each hand.

Is it critical the dove of peace was drown in a martini
or that a dove had sipped up poison from a glass
and either way became limp, with fallen wing-bones
showing a sign of a once alive and now tennis-ball sized
lump of bird-meat
stored in the grasp of somebody with a hidden hand
and by-sale smile out front
who in reality
holds nothing
[Necessary requirement of emo quip.]

The dove drank the poison martini, in ideal, and transmuted
the liquid, turning the bird into a professional wrestler,
Mighty 'Ol Bird Boy [New England, so pernouned boid]
in which case, Mighty 'Ol Bird Boy wrestled
with the holder of the hidden hand
fighting eternally
until that fight turns into a dance
thus creating the holy balance
between getting rubbage like credit card offers
and bloatsome gimme-gimme-gimme-scoundrels'
envelopes in the mail
and getting cool, neat, novelties
and fantastic penpal kinda stuff
thus positing that
the seer can turn crud into bonfire
and scrap paper material
and rejoice upon that which has merit.


Pt. III; Poemes fer Blimeys:

Streets full of paper pigeons.

Hot dog vendors
turn the corners.
The wheels go burned
on campus.
There is picketing
and world flags flying.

Street full of paper pigeons
stress not apt clouds
We look alike,
and so it's said
We look alike
and sit arright
using picket-sticks
to bash-bystanders.

World flags are trying,
world flags
are something cloth.
Paper pigeons
stand on dog-buns
Paper pigeons
spit smoke and cough.

and paper sheriffs
tangle with paper pigeons
and worldwide people
burn, bleed and ride.
Pint-sized ravens
with paper crowns
ride back street cabs
and sneak around.

Streets full of midgets
and clumsy giants
use paper pigeons
to wipe their mouths.
The streets are made
of faded papers
like Beetle Bailey
and Charlie Brown.

Streets full of certainty
hike proper value
and paper pigeons
don't care for gods
Or Each other.
Or Each other.
Or each other.

Bleed me, Bleed Me
Bleed Me
My face sinks in
I aim in sin
the paper miles
crossing breadth
seeking smiles.
The ravens ride
on little wheels
Hawkings tells
of new-cloth deals

oh only so
paper giants
clumsily tip

Why is the bus on time today?
did something happen?

Open palms held up to sky lines

"Life is
I need you,"
She said. Life is I need you.
"And I am not uncertain of what Life Is."

Life comes sewn to become known
also finding what life Ain't.
Life is Ain and cannot become explained
but it's also not waiting-lines.
And it is! It is! It is!

Add one more traffic-light and see
what crime-rates occur
but life is the silken plume
and deadly puma's purr.

Madness is not fear    to the solitary eye.
                                 Comparisons are made
to believe death and re-invent death.

                        Madness is some Sutra Bliss
in the eyes of the busy,                           I've got a caffeine urge.

                                                     The bust of the maiden is some pornographical

Words are carrier pigeons, we call them paper pigeons.
They are detectives and they are messengers and
even by
calling them                        they
represent a separation between root and stem and leave.

                                             And why not say each is a creature their own? Call this
                                                          leaf its own
                                                  call this root
                                                           its own.
                                                   or join soil to root, to tree.

A westerner's guilt flies a soothened, sinking quilt.
Guilt flies buzz shooting ship-sank guns
Remarkable like uncovered treasures
and so tongues are guns
and also helpful arms.

                                                   & the efforts in the heat

                                                 to've not passed out
                                                  into heavy-heavy heat
                                             by god this is a desert
                                                I'm not supposed to regard
                                                    the Camel in public-presentation.
                                               Because the books crafted by a Falcon
                                                 put it in to words already so very clear
                                           and words do not have to be hidden these days
                                          because the literal guillotine had went away
                                                    though the public shaming Persists Persists!

I had to go mad to write this
in the sand using the tips of hands
some called mine like my roots
are me
said as ankles circle-a
with veins and blanks that steer.

                                                                 Yet your pain is my pain
                                                                so by all rise out
                                                                         that pain
                                                                due to empathy- intensity
                                                             becoming an massive irritation
                                          the world's volcanoes are earth's
                                                                      it goes through changes &

This goes. Dance! Jump. Pass People
so-close. Eyes--- stories, seen,
do tell... television Allah and Pamphlet-Christ
do stand under Silver
                                     Here.. set, be... appreciate some mound
                                      of stone, the dam is let
                                       water flows, old stone castles stand.
                                       I am dehydrated. Even suffering is Bliss.
                Feeling Good is rather well, too. Is it preferable? Yes!
                But even this loss
                if people hate me,  what Me do I Sell other people?
Don't buy me?  It is not all about Me any how.
                So go eat candy---
or stuff your face. Or Run-run-run
or any of the a-bove.

                                                       Up A-Bove           by guilt I meant
                                                        skewered perception
                                                           of static lint.
                                                            can herd a mass
                                                           The Boot of ISness
                                                            can bust an Ass.

The Bust of the Maiden
doesn't stewer and eat grass
                        The Puma can be pet
                         but not herded en mass 

                                                The rims of this wheel, where did that wrench go off to?
                                                                 Day-time, day-time,day-time heat!
                                                              The bohemians have thrown me to the Wolves.
                                                                  But I love wolves and eating bohemians
                                                                                  so the troubles on them.

Bent wheels still turn
but will turn so much better
with straightened rods
across the maiden's bust.

Is this the end of the line? Every one says that.
Right here... this X.  It could be a cross, sideways.
Lazy!? No, it can't be lazy.
Even a stone works... a still stone,
works in ways subtle... but, lazy!?

No, it is only the end of one side of the surface. The end of a flat
of a side of a cube.
Not youth and not aged.
Go, go again... More effort
to know to sweat. To pulse, to rise.
                                    Show me some one famous who can master the expression of self-doubting
                                     you don't care if I say this
                                    but if you find some "star"
                                       We lick the HEELS of
                                       and they always hide their lows                                                    that is a lazy star. and not a star at all.

It never looks a steep as it feels
like when going to show and tell
how steep it seems and feels.
It could be flat and seminal mixture
merely, purposefully,
made to look steep, up and up.

fold up. unfold. fold up. unfold.
   There are still inventions and innovations
to improve infinitely old performances
like sleep
and keeping insects away from your armpits and pores
and to free the prisoners from telemarketing buildings.

The morning cannot wait. And nobody says a thing.
In fact, nobody had ever said a thing.
Not at all, at all.
                                                Only people got out of their vehicles
                                                 and came together. and they held hands.
                                                   and all together they rotated
                                                                         in a circle
                                              and counter-clockwise they went
                                                 and that is how all their time was spent.
                                                    Once they had wagered in relativity
                                                       they were surrounded by Pumas and eaten.

If you are interested in being loaded with sufferable advertisements and forcefed these these tactical expressions which are dangerous, also with little drawings, some quips thrown out in to the phantom pasture will actually be collected
and done-up all pretty in a publication.
It is nameless
and I had held off from printing the darn thing
due to considerable self-convincing
that it would fail or be unseen, completely,
and though that may be so I'll print some up anyhow. & continue the galoot-march of trial & trial & trial

Friday, July 7, 2017

set apart to see

[puzzles of peace]

 Footleaps. The creaking of bones suddenly stops.
Blackberries provided. Much mint, wonderful mint
always smelling fresh when it is right.

The jungle of the human mind turned out to be a process.
So silent!

[ball of flash the sun]
Up miles near the caves again. Some still cavernous and others that crashed-- stonefall rubble. Lots of mosquitoes to balance out being there when the sky goes ornamental. Boats racing back to the shore because night comes soon. Flashlight in a backpack somewhere.

[flashback in a nightlight]

Friday, June 30, 2017

Boy am I grumpy today

Boy, am I grumpy today.
That's likely because I'm just reading the wrong stuff. Could drink up some more water as well. There's lots of mint having sex and growing all over the place to really fancy up glasses of water or tea.

Okay-- I finished that website. That was a few weeks ago.  It's actually done. It was a nice run doing that robot-stuff. Excess repetition but I got through it.  To spill 200 for two years of webhosting when it-- feels null--nill, it doesn't seem like the best investment right now.
Well what can ya do?  Would enjoy to get that online
yet also don't want to stamp up and down harsh on my own feet, wondering why cash got thrown down the drainers. 
Because $200 is enough to get some parts to throw together a little airplane.
Sure, there'd be a bit of some scrap-galvanizing and maybe use a toyota-wheel for
the steerer..  easy to find though.. lots of those mini-toyotas and loads of scrapped volvos to turn into a workable airplane for under $200. Just scrape those horrible bumper stickers off regardless of what parts are going to be used.

Anyway, I'm so grumpy-- I don't even  really mind it though. 
I'm probably furious, I imagine

I'm even mad that I have to make it about me.
Why should I be upset as to a way that I feel like some dodo right now?

Well.. I ain't sure. (fib)// Illusion of the state of the world

At least that was finished up

Hathnot popped any bike tires lately which is bitchin. One journey of the past had sprung flats in both tires
but I considered that a miraculous rarity.  Active on that bicycle again
happy to burn carbs and all that nonsense

Lots of worms and slugs in the soil lately. More than I've ever seen before. The worms are quick-movers, too.. fast-betties or whatever they are called. (That's a Louisianan term. Some old-fade-faced man who was a prized fisherman had always had a styrofoam container of worms which was marked 'Betty" upon it. It's a long story---- and don't bother asking.

The slugs are pretty slow,still, of course, but boy the worms are fast.  I wanted to say that that Fukushima 'splosion (that we all'r apt to've forgotten about quick-like) rolled round the world.. and by doing so, put into us a collective mental-state of all the sorts of dashing, flailing inanity and bonafide, guilded regression that the occasionally-grumpy people pick up upon noticing**  -- and who knows, maybe the nuclear disaster sure as heck did just that.. but it could have sped up the worms as well.

[**the unliberated, non carefree scum-sucking jackamimes! Slogan them beyond retribution.Convert ye, convert ye!]

So the worms are getting the good of it, and meanwhile, as the toxic debri and splosive tarnish cycles on, still, the collective circus ingrains deeper treads of further inquisition. Each generation has its own inquisition and is usually blinded from its plausible harm by that  facet that it is causing some liberation.  But me, not being an on the field reporter, and being a hectic mudslinger, myself, will only further speak about such through some character-expulsion. To say the wrong thing even in humor means some form of eradication, and thus none cartoon like Rocko's Modern Life shall ever exist in about the next 18 years until at least the  present collective inquisition is replaced by another.  I'm not even sure what kind of horrendous stuff that Rocko's had ever done wrong, but considering it was decent, and funny, and lighthearted and a good cartoon, there must be some way that something very wrong and over-the-lines was propelled in to each show.
The present inquisition I would like to call unity through uncertainty. But you can call it Julia.

That does not peak any prime interest though.  Garden tools and cashews peak higher interests. And studies in normalizing beneficial breathing techniques, and de-tensifying the personal realm of human concept-games--- but those appear like topics of some sort of squirrel salad when trying to bring them up in this blog.   Also, getting newer and better shoelaces for a certain pair of boots exceeds all of those self-inventive projections about generational culture studies.  My only validation in hope for any future is that there will be people continuing to have fun with sling-shots and little dinguses will continue to enjoy going onto abandoned building sites and having good good-hearted degeneracy called natural playfulness.  The Curse of the Yuppie with self-convinced good-intent may very well destroy the common decency of being lovingly stupid enough to accidentally make stupid decisions and to happily also do good things maybe by accident and maybe even on purpose.
So, so long as there is some sort of edge.
Also: The Universe must some how continue to appease my static claims
of what I consider to be decent expression of patterned and sensible value.

Because of  whatever hog hognosis squirted up a decent alley, there is the appeal of credibility
that integral and steady practice of Pranayama, good and true, overrides what would be claimed as external, collective tensions. 

Anyway I am sorry to derail such as some deathswig of swinely, black-plagued rum attacking itself upon some common street wino.  If it is fast-worms we are about to get into then fast worms it should ought to be.

So I was waiting for some Jolly Jumper Jack and a few sun flowers to sproot up out of the soil and the worm that slid on by was going like at least 4 mph.
Sort of stopping to myself and rubbing my eyeballs
to make sure I saw what I thought I saw, I looked again and saw that wicked worm cruising along. The pressure was on to make sure that this was not some sort of baby snake wearing a worm suit.
There have been situations before of suck trickery... much as the trick of validating that any late-night talkshow host is human and not an android.

Well of course they are androids because by god who could ensue to tolerate and not break down completely having to handle so many ego-faced celebrities evening after evening.  It was some while after Carson where no human could actually handle the transition of hollywood types going deeply from semi-modest to irreplaceably notwithstandable.  And so they hired the only kind of thing that could handle facing such payrolled faces for motion-picture bile, and that is an android.  Even the Craig Ferguson-bot, who had a hint-more of human endearment replication, almost drown-suicided itself in an in-building bathtub, by inflamation of sootery guests.

But alas, it was no snake disguised as a worm such as an android disguised as a late-night host...
the worm was real and quick and fast.
But before I lost interest in the first slippery slider, another fast worm shot by my feet, bellowing the other direction.
And this sort of thing has been witnessed all late-spring now... fast-worms and lots of slugs... and it may be toxic-radiation encouraging these slugs to become more seeable and these worms to pick up pace, or it could just so be that these worms have started to find deep inspiration... a deeper inspiration to pick up their speed and get their jobs done. Prime motivation.  Worm unions.  This crisis is not threatening.... but for $46.50 an hour, if anybody needs any marketing expertise for causation to make up some speed-worm kind of tabloid threat, I'm up for it.
You'd be better to laugh at the news without dark humored disdain for once anyhow.. and some danger-worm spree-situation might be that pick-me-up that the world needed.
Probably not, but most effective changes seem to come out of nowhere. Like sink-holes.

The worms could be working very quick in actually creating a nice and fine sink hole. Or many. I, for one, find that  to be exciting, and can say that most others secretly probably think the same.  Say a giant, quick-worm-crafted sinkhole plops down some dozen blocks in Charm-City Business district in Guff-town, Carolina or Now-Juck-City--- meanwhile, these fast-eddies will probably just only help out my garden in the long run.. so whatever happens, it's some better ending than that fat-footed Belle trying to convince everyone that her fat, nasty foot actually really fit into that slipper.
Oh--- that's Cinderella--- not that beast-ravager from that other story.. Getting those stories mixed up.
Well it's still a better ending than that fat-footed Cinderella trying to con the public into thinking that her gangreen-ensuded toe-larpus ever fit into those magical slippers.
She shoulda tried Herme's shoes.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Phantom Citizens

Phantom Citizen part two starts at on the video, so there, there it is, a big fat fancy quick-link to the second half of the song.
Look, I need a cozier chair.
These are some of the KEYBOARD files. But if I can have it how these things are planned, a lot of those keyboard critters are going to have layers of percussion and--- well, guitars and maybe some yalpin overtop.. here and there.  If I dig out the good movies again and hit a couple of laptops with maybe some professional grade welding tools, some nice background noise samples can be podged in just fine.

But  here, here's some more sound I am going to sprucify. Actually I'm going to get right to editing about the latter half of these Phantom Citizen sounds. 

Why mice cannot become anything other than non-men or Mighty Mouse

Another part of the guitar session from the previous post. It was actually 40 min, not twenty. So I sat the percussion layer overtop this. 
Going to call it "Mercy for [Summer Snakes]" for now
since the heat is getting humid out and I've been seeing lots of
those back-brain belly-draggers out in the heat. and I think they're in heat..
they're always intertwined with one another in hectic courting-positions..
wrapped like rope. Smutty spring and summer eloping rituals.

I don't know what to say about the tunes.. But I'll add more layers to this and some words
and try to express with as little filter possible what it is I want to say-- and turn some switch on to feel in a world which feels everly like a bubble-survey and test of the will.  That sounds like some serious guffing.

Summer snakes -- they don't speak much or at all, but when 'ye see them
either fear nothing or go jump into a pit.
I think I'm going to make a sandwich and push-off for a real-late night bike(cycle) ride and not hunch all stiff-necked at the computer desk here.
I know that is a yoga position, to stretch in the mongoose position with thumb on the home button or booty stammered against the cushion revolver-seat and neck in the jolsted joust poster but it is feeling really ferversome.
And try to make it to el worko on el timeo tomorrow...

Have edited a lot today. So bitter about blogging though! 
Look, blogging isn't what I do. The world wide web is
turning into a garbage heap any how. You can smell where they
separate the used socks from the pundit-sway.

'been too strict lately-- and polite... in Ny state. Dumb move.
Good, grab up some more cash and cruise outta that terrain.

I tipped my hat and walked around with my knees out.
And fought streetlight ghosts with some sort of flapjack scowel.
But the plants have been growing extraordinarily,for a good thing..
with more photo evidence of their sprouting into teens then adults,
but I don't blog, so who cares about that non-controversial shit!

Someone talked to me about ravens the other day. I walked with this person
a good ways up towards the bridge where you can see the Juniper tree up by the
hectic fence-jump.  The Ravens were cacklin and dry-mouthing. Loud. The crowes
were doing the same. She said a raven and owl were parta her totem. It's weird
that at the bottom base of totems these days there are rent spaces for Bed, Bath,
and Beyond storefront locators, and Applebees up near the top.
She was cool even though I ain't a millionaire.  Hustled my knees back to where I
started from as she went to the Juniper tree, splittin ways on the bridge path.
Passed by some jolly stoners
who had raven droppings on their shoulders. Two were skinny and one was fat like
a couple of pine trees and a moving mountain. They probably had dishes built up at home.
I had a crumbled cherry-pie snack in the luggage bag of my motor bike. Since I filled up on gas
before I left there wasn't any worry or shit about the gas stations being pretty much closed on the route back.

....update plan-et energy. Loosen up the back-brain binds.
you will walk hell seemingly alone,
all gone, it seems,
nothing normal
really fulfilling
not wanting to force people
like people appear to force one another.

There are lifetimes of good movies
from the nineteen forties and fifties
where are we Going?
is it any wonder why

up to the skies, amazement,
we thought we could travel
into the stars
when did that end,
why did that end?

Where is your edge,
your productive anger,
your useful anger,

Hit the heart-chord,

I'll be your youth,
the savage child.
Look at me like this,
here, to walk the world.
Your world of commodity
is not my cup of Tea.
I love you all, but
your world of commodity
is not my cup of tea.

Children would dream
to become astronauts
and afford to imagine


I do not fear for you
or sulk or cry for you:
we are tested
to live lives that are not
based on conning others.

Only, piss off helicopters
and ride on the backs of Brontosaurus
that is enough for me.
and to write
and if what I write
about escapee tampons
with blood-ushered legs
offends you
then every thing offends you
and if you are offended by
I will still go about my way.

Because life is silly
thus the invention of the
Chinese Buffet
and three-person bicycle.
And life is an absurdist art-project
but sometimes I do not get thatand lose in to the tight rope
but should laugh as I hang
and laugh as I try to Mingle!

but who cares!
I like being Pan the most
and could say something
about these generational-transitions
of logic
and it is only viewpoint,
and I want to say, about that,
causation of population
and DNA-framework
about Life-Itself shifting us
into more responsible ;logics;
only by tricking us into thinking
that we are living "Cultures"
or being special as individuals
and other silly things.

& when the dark ages end!
there will be hardly much trace
of the plastic-people
but if we do not destroy
the creations from all of the Great ages
germinal-formations may build again
and remember
the power of consciousness
and the Selfless Heart
somewhere amidst
a bed and breakfast
and sandwich-mart totem.
So make, O Essence,
for me,
the Best Sandwich
and even bring me to
the Sandwich Islands
and at least let the culture-spiffies
hop up on fun, healthy drugs
so the music will be interesting again
for god's sake,

and not the brain-rotting zombitoid drugs
but that is none of my business really,
I guess,
but Greek and Sumerian and Kemetian
elate me, at least, and cause good wonder
about the way of the dance
that is this dance of life..

So I will stick around, for eff's sake
if not to play some piccolo
and cut my bare foot on sexy busted glass.

Oh! How poetically inspired!! Now go spit some sunflower seeds
at hunches of uber drivers.