Monday, October 31, 2011

Omaha Sentinel

Fort Sanders, 1868
Slanders. Salamanders. Sally meanders.
Sanders, sanders, fort sanders, fort sanders.

Omaha Sentinel
This image resulted from tampering with an A.J. Russel photograph from a book that is called Westward to Promontory. There are a lot of great photographs within this book so I decided to do a rare thing which is to cite the source, though usually it's only cuts of advertisements as edited into photographs aside
A portrait was taken of General Grant at Fort Sanders
photo:A.J. Russel

A woman's face was enlarged enough to stir up enough grain to heighten texture after being patterned.
The moth is a Riley Saintclaire Daniels who flew all the way from Greensburrough, Cincinnati  to here to pose, not poise, for  the photograph on the 9th month of 2011.

Omaha Excursion takes the same approach of patterning an old photo and laying an edit over the top. In this case I found an image of a story character I created that matched up well to the protruding figure creating the outer center square.
Spare images:

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Agility, CD Set project and Fat naked Beer-gut man Enjoys a Beer on his Lawn chair

Coming soon, probably:

There'll be a book of artwork that goes along with the audio.
Meshing it all in to a film format would be great but this ghetto computer could not currently handle that.

Sample, maybe:

I saw a squirrel drop around 40 feet from out of a tree and hit the ground. It bounced immediately and made a sound that is similar to what you might hear if you throw a halfway-deflated basketball against the broad side of a barn. ('You couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with a vertigo infused squirrel even if you tried!' said Jimbo. 'Jimbo, you're an asshole!' replied Barry.'..and I could too hit the broadside of a barn with a vertigo infused squirrel!') The squirrel picked itself back up off the ground and ran off.

2010 draft. You can press your main action finger over the image and proceed to click to see a larger resolution.
This is a scan of an old sketch which I found amidst a mess of files. I hadn't named any of these but will do so right now.
The first panel is 'Fat naked Beer-gut man Enjoys a Beer on his Lawn chair.' It's not a very imaginative title but gets straight to the beef of things and does not cut around the corners.
The second image is 'Dock Yawner Freezes in Ignorance on Doofus Island.' The name Dock Yawner came about for a fake band called 'Dock Yawner & The Brain Eating Amoebas.' There was another fright-story through the news somewhere about brain-eating something-or-the-other and I couldn't resist to spoof the ridiculous fear compulsions. Doofus Island was some term I'd been meaning to do something with.. now maybe something can evolve from that... Dock Yawner was on a treatment plan for pharmaceutical research along with a group of others who were shipped to an evacuated study island.
The aftermath of the placebos went awry when the planets aligned with STELLA, the mutated turnover from the donut galaxy. Ancient CODS and mischevious amoebas were disrupted from their tranquil rest at the bottom of the waters and infiltrated the island. Their main appetite was BRAINS. See more in "Dock Yawner..." Ehh, that idea will never work.
The third frame is a classic. "I didn't use floss so I'll use my fingernail instead" demonstrates the mid-air flight of food leftovers being dislodged from the crevices of subject A's teeth. Subject B, meanwhile, is frozen in a moment of just realizing what is about to happen.
The following but absent scene would be titled "Restaurant Patron gets his Ass Handed To Him after His Hygienic Disregard Fails In Kindliness.'
This Fourth column already has a title. "No 2nd Prayer" showcases a heated battle of passion which may end in a whimsical mergance of the most epic and crudely detailed pension of lovemaking ever documented or a bloody all out gore-hound, over the top acting fight to the death.
The Fifth and final column "I may have pissed in your g'damn water fountain for all you know" shows the udd(/tt)er horror that natural, human nudity can initiate in a stranger's eyes.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Shapes of circles and boxes, organic symbols


Nesting Roost On Rescrial   

Nesting Roost On Rescrial


The interpretation of these symbols and images that come from altering photographs and balancing/mirroring the patterns result in very interesting similarities to old Sumerian stories and mythos of later cultures. (Often, cycled on and on through different characters or subtext to meet the current belief structures of the current culture.)
Creating an image in which you can  to look at and study within an uninterrupted moment  is a timeless way to depict story creations and viewpoints of 'good' or 'evil' depending on the interaction of the viewer and his/her personal reflections. Though even further than that often indoctrinated distinction from 'good' and 'evil' are the inner workings of sacred image that are found ever present in an organic approach.

What really interests me is how the current state of media equipment, such as being able to take a photograph comprised of natural surroundings and then digitally mirroring itself, can continue this tradition of symbolic gesture. It is as if old ways of generating or birthing these stories and organic symbols will always be available even by means of a digital interaction.The ability to access these trains of thoughts want to spill and grow on through like through those cracks of concrete wild life and growth still come forth not as a re-action but as an unstoppable approach to always return to the beginning. This would be my only time to apply the saying 'the circle takes the square' to a new meaning, whereas the curve overflows the fragment.

I found that the geometry of city structures do not apply as well to this ushering of imaginative shape. The fragments and rigid sharpness of a city structure does not give as much to reflect upon when multiplied or mirrored, which in a sense shows the results of the stagnation and repressed feeling seemingly overflowing in places surrounded in urban symbol structures. Walls.

Currently I see it this way: The fragmented placement of what we now refer to as urban or city environments does not seem to follow the tradition of shape that the more natural and abundance-oriented civilizations were comprised of. 

Boxes upon boxes upon boxes are formed, aside from the matriarchal buildings which house the hierarchy rather than the common public, where the games of participation take place or even the logo/s which enact older forms of symbol but only to pursue the act of expanding and building more walls than encouraging creative and natural interpretation.
The expressions which offer a higher encounter of creativity and outspoken widespread individualistically such as street art, which can when correctly done (being free expression and character, not just tits and dicks!) serve as a revival of wall art or serve similar to hieroglyphics and communication through and on the grey areas. Though these acts are seen as rebellious and are shunned as they challenge the boxes and fragmented thoughts, their shapes are often flowing and defiant of the square and flat composure. Much of what seems and comes along as natural and archaic being categorized as defiant is a discussion in itself. The boxes are the symbolic form held overshadowed by tall, grey, lifeless and flat structures.

Chess became sterilized into a game of checkers when an intimate approach of understanding needed to be quickened as abundance was stripped away. The same statement can be applied to tools of intuition and divinity replacing a more soulful desire into objectives of money management and playing cards.

The reflection of these symbols are more than interesting in the ways they can approach the human mind and how we respond to such things. Through dream, shamanic visions, pure f'in' accident, ancient ways, alchemy or even through the technologies we have available today, the mythos and symbols very similar to some of the first stories of known human experience still seem to continue regenerating to those who have the time or an abundance of it to notice and reflect.
The ability to interpret and garner stories and ideas from the shapes offered by natural environment seems much more effective just as the sounds and other senses offer a more abundant mindset.
Think of the cycle and smoothness of sound in a natural area in comparison to the jagged and int-eruptive sounds of an industrial environment. 
Though to some they may just as well be squiggles and lines, in these kinds of images.. It is all about how you wish to perceive it just as with anything else but I thought I would exercise some insights to go along with these and possibly enact other to find stories and insights into shape, which is to delve inside of your own belief structures and see them as more than walls.

'We handle recessions quite well' drafts

reactionary garble.

These are photographs of the 'We Handle Recessions Quite Well' explosion of ink and characters. One of the replications of these characters was posted a short while ago in which they were hand drawn onto grip tape but these came beforehand. Carrying, or more-or-less bending and slamming the paperboard, around along it's process of gambling to further it's design proved that the wear-and-tear of environment only added to the construction of this.
The first image is on trace paper as it was intended to be wettened down then I was going to use the colors of a background object seeping through to fill in the image over the line work. Though instead I did a pressing onto the poster board and just went on from there but all of that is rather boring to hear about.  

Rainfall and bus-air started to stick to the front so it seems more often than not that  even some of the visualizations I wish to keep clean can't even escape that messy feeling of an all fuckedupedness of ink warfare. The front may have even been spat on after the acceptance that it would be neither clean nor sleek but that is okay as it's proving hard to find a certain brand of pens I used to stock around which were great for dragging your thumb over directly after applying ink to create a smear of blur. Flemming on the base of the design will prove effective enough in the meantime.

If I needed or thought that I needed a birth certificate to certify the trivial information that I am an alive and functioning human being who has, in fact. been birthed by a living creature and now living-as-a-living-creature then this wouldn't be referred to as 'reactionary garble.' Despite that, the frustrations of living inside of one enormous car-insurance company that replaces pinball machines with atm readers still inspires the ability to sketch renditions of nude, frothing, sane, irrational caricatures. Without that it would probably just be some sort of boring painting of fruit. 
I would however love to design a pinball machine.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Perching on a cloth-bite slide

Perching On A Cloth-Bite Slide

The ENTER button is broken. Beware of the 'Submission' button.

E. Blurbo Scrubbo, A wretched draft.

Searching for nostaglia and unfinished sentences. Harpooning loan-sharks and feasting off the strange fillets.
Who needs human-tracing when androids are desirable[.]
Tired faces, souls of mischief, coupon ladies in triangular patterned blouses found in zig-zagging lines leading to self-checkout.