Monday, May 30, 2011

Stepping Back

'Katherine Blowtorch'

You know all the gestures of proper, accordingly behaviors:
Weathers actin' like the weather. How bout that weather!? 
"The weather was not acting like itself at all until I realized I was just staring at a wall."
-Tony Guykamuyni
The only worse thing is talking about people who don't stop talking about the weather or this, again:

Don't do anything somebody who tells you 
"Don't do what I would do" would do.

Here is a feline, some wings, and a beak.

Bless the sneezeless, God help the stagnant. 
Offer love to the world, watch the STRANGE stares pile up.

I didn't know what it was at first. The trails were dark and hidden causing each blind step up the shale stone pathways to resemble an inebriated half-with-it. The glare of the red hued street lights were enough to cause a blinding distraction reflected upon each mud puddle and when they disappeared further along the path the trails felt like they grew skinnier and skinner, enough of a threat to push you directly into the stream to the right.

Stepping back at a quick jolt, I approached 'Soil Finn' who was still coming up the trail from the blind staircase.
Was it alive, was it dead? Was it real or just an illusion? What in the hell was the thing that I witnessed laying in the middle of the trail up ahead?
A piece of dead wood fallen from the previous nights mayhem of storms drifted from the steep hill banks to the east? A maimed or lifeless homeless man amidst the trails? I only got a quick glimpse before darting backwards to be sure not to wake it if it were alive or to be killed by it if it were dangerous. Actually, it's shape looked more as of a wild boar: gigantic and sprawled out on the cold shale stone stream's pathway. "There's something up there, I don't know what in the hell it is."
An attempt to communicate with this thing
It made a hiss noise.. A venomous wild boar??
A true story:

This is how it goes, watch what happens: I'll leave the camera in a car and we'll go out into the unexpected. Something amazing will happen, Or something as memorable as you may really want it to be. 
Directions lead you to new experiences so long as the destination you're on isn't something totally familiar or safe. So we chose the path of the waterfall trail way or moreso landed up walking on it per chance of absolute guess. Late night and early morning, either of us are quite bad at time-tracking, but we knew what we saw and it wasn't a damned warthog or boar.

The sssssss was not a hiss but a shhhhhhh. They didn't want us to see them. I can now see why I thought it was a tangled up boar or a fallen piece of deadwood but it was really two lovers tangled up bareassed naked and already in penetration, missionary, with the glum light of the night glowing off their skin.
I supposed pulling out would have lost some sort of safe guard for them but somehow my friend and I both walked through. There were three fences we had to sneak by that night along the trail. Two of them consisted of wire, one was human flesh.
"Hey, I can admire that" was something similar to what I might have said as I passed them by though the words are of flimsy  remembrance just as the details of sight when walking up the blinded stairways in the dark stumble earlier along the path. I suppose I had said it to avoid any awkwardness that would have otherwise approached the moment, So I figured a mild set of words to show my support for their risk would be enough. Also, At least I didn't ask "How are you?" S. Finn made his own comments apparently as he was the second to pass, speaking of them as being poetry or saying something of a probable high comfort to their publicized situation. There will be no weather report but it was apparently warm enough for bare-assed affectionates to risk the chance of strangers walking by. 

 Also,in a not so particular completely similar affair, kittens:

 On that note I'm jumping off of Planet Earth for a while. 
Highest 'wee-ooos' for S.C,S.F,J.F&T.C.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

90 Steps To Freedom

How to help free yourself in 90 easy steps 
or How To Be A Flying Lotus Plant:

°Take your most sacred, heart-held ideas and say 'Nope!'
This might sound harsh, but aren't most practices in quick solutions for self-improvement?


°Eradicate your appearance to the most slagliness state of despicable conveyance. If you are able to confidently attempt to or even successfully woo and interest a suspect lover while shed of any self-identification traits or perception of 'style' you have just ceased a pattern of traditional-rutting practice! Give yourself a pat on the shoulder.

°Care not of traditional rutting practice! Take ideas of conventional sexual relation and look at it within a new light. Compare the acts of 'getting off' to the essence of 'sharing connection' and take notes on the majority of human interaction. Ask yourself, without bitter tone but with valid interest, "How many people on Planet Earth just want to get off!?"
You may need to pick up a pocket notebook and trust-able pen for this step.. Mere mental notes may be swayed and jotting down specific details of sexual identification and contact observations will be important.
Become the observer and not the 'do'er.'
Be the shadow, flying lotus plant, be wise! Sit from environment to environment and compare the actions of others to yourself.
If by the end of your notebook you do not see yourself in any of your own studies, you have not been paying enough perception. (Paying is the key! Pay to pray! Prey to pay!)You might see yourself in one of the interactions you observe saying 'That was me, at one time, trying to get laid with that casual, crappy banter!'
Observe conversation tactics between others and view the rates of possible celibacy compared to 'Man, I hope I get laid tonight.' The perspective of the one to the opposite sex just might initiate you into an amazement of 'Holy damn, now I see why so many ladies want to chainsaw castrate men.. why have blue-balled sport fuckers ruined human relations with the opposite sex for me!?" This applies for both sexes, as well, as well as hermos, bat-folk and so on.
Please, I dis-advise you from leering beyond bushes and into a window.. The sexual interaction I speak of observing is the mental and social behavior seen in commonplace and general communication.

(Note: If Some of this strays from the specific tips on how to free yourself and turns into a trickle-down- effect, it is noted that you should create your own list on how to free humanity and then spot yourself going off on a rant.(This is step eight!) Pick on your character response immediately afterward to enter the 'free yourself bonus round.' If you are able to work this correctly, you will merge the fool with the observer and win a mile-gain of escalator transportation over the last six steps, which will not matter at all.(This is important!))

Master the timing of bird shit impact. Control the reactions of terror and awe.

The aggravation sentimental's':
°Be aware of the rhythms of response attached to your daily character. Certain responses can form into patterns. Patterns can turn into sicknesses or spastic habits. Think of children scolded for delving into imagination or the unlimited dream and being turned inside out by limitation of anti-wonder.
Please, please count the "God damnits!" for each and every toe-stub or head-collision around you, including your own. When observing this you will automatically notice the ritualistic response.
A higher-rate insufficiency or perhaps disaster may escalate into a "Jesus Christ!" or "Exploitive Deletive! (Not literally) but if you can master your very own accidents into a "Good Groucho!" or "Holy Krishna!" you are ultimately re-programming your very own rhythm.  This skill will take quite a practice for an awakening flying lotus plant. The wall is not really there but damnit it hurts when I smack straight into it! Mastering this field of reaction and catching yourself responding to many stimuli is one of the most important and time-wasting practices you can participate in.

°Reverse the roles of what you seem to think waste and treasure are. Ask if common knick-knacks are merely time-wasting paraphernalia of plastic fertilization. Don't get pissed or aggravated but learn to tap into the jester and reshape the situation. This is where the 'actor' fills the role. A mass-sardonic output may posses you but facing a situation you normally loathe can also put you into the persona of a viewpoint and allow you to understand. You can also try this by getting extremely pissed or aggravated rather than steering clear from it and at this point, the bigger of an ass you feel afterward, depending on how fiery of a volcano you become, the more interesting lessons in humility you will reflect on, Unless you are dense.. Real dense. Is density a waste or treasure!?

°Not yet, NOW!

Rhythm Effect

°This rhythm effect can relate to any scale of reaction from nervous ticks when overwhelmed to psychological responses acted out upon the character as a result from coping to trauma or dissatisfaction. THE WEIRD AND MISGUIDED WILL ALWAYS BECOME HIP AND PLENTIFUL. Do not be sour over this, but ask why commodity needs to be disfigured and bent to make somebody feel a connection of self. Is it because the conformed idea is fragmented?  Many suicide girls were initiated into being as a response of the availability of digital cameras becoming more easily accessible. As a result, many professional photographers went back to taking photographs of trees once more.
This may not be that important! But the very example that a list such as this could bend your view into it being a possibility shows a new pattern of rhythm. If you feel conned by this ill-reference and casual bash, a "Holy Groucho!" may be of healing practice.
(Note: The personification of bashing counter-culture within a counter-cultural or a nontraditional unorthodox viewpoint garners a high interest. Biting the back of one's own neck whilst the head is still attached to one's own body will begin the first phase of understanding this cultural phenomenon.(Note:See diagram above for instructions.)

°By the time you get the answer, you already do not care, yet you both knew this as a  result before searching and still went through the process of 'going for it.' Flying Lotus Plant, you are entering the wonder of any given a__hole finding the nerve to tell you "It either is or it isn't!" and having the gall to charge you a minutely rate for it. Repeat after... nobody... and "say it either is or it isn't!" and avoid the interest rates.)

The exact reference of this meaning IS....

°Awareness of emotional addiction will manifest a step ladder out of a self-dug slime pit. 
Consider your emotional responses as being a roller-coaster ride within an amusement park of consensus reality. Often, expectations of deceit can be churned out.
Have a cheerful conversation with a bill collector! Make their day feel brighter rather than just hanging up (After saying 'No She/He is not here,' of course!)

°Disallow the factor of everybody around being in a categorization of "stranger." Divide that fear of the unknown that is penetrated by imaginative assumptions through news reports and disprove that 'Everyone around sucks or is trying to kill me!' If they do turn out to suck, Just yell "Holy Groucho!' and play the role of another personality when talking to them. See if you can steer a snub into a laughter by making the most sour face in the entire world, or perhaps turn a conversation about the weather into the last time they connected freckles with a ball point pen or had a stretch armstrong catastrophe.

°Be prepared for mass-scorn, but a comfort of free-riding concern of such events is another sure step to freedom!
If they are trying to kill you, well you can't blame me for it now, can you!? Remember, "it either is or it isn't" and a premature yelling of "Holy Groucho" may confuse anybody with ill-intent to say 'hey, man, I'm staying the hell away from this person."

°Delve into your childhood past and find any possible recollections of unfulfilled dreams or even a past expression of joy. Breaking out of a 'lack of growth' is a reverse expression that adulthood has solidified. The missing step of childish curiosity and  freedom of disregard,it is as acting as a tadpole amongst the bullfrogs!
Tree-climbing, finger painting, excessive running and a practice of the imagination and limit-bending of mental boundaries are closer to the ways of a wizard than being too embarrassed or attached to a shaped personality to do such things.  Keep partaking in this method of approach until you no longer have a job. Then excel from finger painting to agriculture and tell your landlord you no longer exist, and that she/he is speaking to a Flying Lotus Plant.

°Notice any attachments to the material self, be it your very own name or what you describe yourself as when asked to share identity. If rather than expression of the self comes up you pour out ideals of movie favorites or bands, perhaps reshape that reaction by looking within yourself to personal experiences or characteristics to describe personality. You can tweak your personification of self by acknowledging how many traits you ensure are identity are merely only reactions of life-decisions or previous patterns but if you start to taste the back of your own neck you yet are unable to satisfyingly claim "Holy Groucho!" then you are trying too hard to be a lotus plant. Other results of over-trying may include god-honest serious lists of how to become free, in a concrete manner or the act of reading and completely believing detailed steps on how to become free*. Luckily, these are both completely foreign to what you are now learning**.

*Author's note-(This is one asterisk.)
**Author's Note-(These are two asterisks.)

°If you can shed identification from your sheet-self (identification, badge number, s.s.,etc) you might find a broader tip-toe to 'certified free!' (steps 73-81) or perhaps go mad in going cold-turkey on identification reliability (steps 78-88) or technological addiction... Or would not be reading up to this point at all unless thinking 'Madness, madness!!'(steps 12-77) but if you say 'Holy Groucho, this folk is mad rather than 'Holy Jesus, This folk is mad!' your flying lotus-pod may be blossoming. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder and ask why a pat on the shoulder is an expression of trivial encouragement.(Note:!!!!!!)

°The universe is your friend, Unless you are your own enemy!

Step one is the same as step 90/Step 1 is the same as step ninety.

 Special Tip! Save $ on Wheaties:
Go to any farm, get a bale of hay... Add vanilla frosting. You saved money and now you also have taste control.

In closing, The Ancient Chinese Takeout wisdom of Mr. Tony Guykamuyni says it best:

Passage 406 (Otherwise known as passage four-zero-six)

Translated by Tony G.'s traveling holy soup stand 
(A dedicated mystery school of Tony G's teachings.)
 One can piss on the shrubs but miss the Angel's garden
out the window of a 13 story building
but the rain will come and the angels won't mind
and for each second you wonder where freedom may be
was a chance you could have experienced an adventure to the fullest.
Be not the wise one to collect guidelines nor the seeker of
"wah wah wah why can't I be the chosen one."
Shit happens, people die from falling coconuts
It is what it is, get your ass from out of that window breeze.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Pocket Moths

The 'zero dollar budget' projects:

The first track goes best if the CD has been handed to you by a stranger.  The last song functions best if hanging upside down out of an abandoned building window.

I insist you that I am not trying to SELL you anything. (Friends could not afford living in a free world so we shaped our own and got fined. It was fine because we didn't pay. We ripped up S.S. Cards and knew human possibility hatched more than breakfast behavior and modest, weather-talk expectations.) Seconded:This is not a product this is not a product this is not a product.  Buy my $10,000 coffee mug if you're looking to hook on to a sales pitch.
Pocket Moths webpage with 'ogg' format available.
01. Pocket Moths (4:35) MP3 8.3 MB
02. Manifest Sampler (8:55) MP3 13.4 MB
03. Through These Cellar
Doors (3:02) MP3 7.3 MB
04. Loving Ghost (Pt 1) (2:23) MP3 4.7 MB
05. Identity Consumption (3:33) MP3 6.7 MB
06. You Shake The Stars (5:24) MP3 9.2 MB
07. Astral Arcade Machine (2:50) MP3 6.2 MB
08. Hasty Levitation (2:20) MP3 4.2 MB
09. She's Chain Smoking
(Grey Puff Version) (3:03) MP3 3.8 MB
10. Electric Lines (3:47) MP3 7.0 MB
11. Isometric Vines (2:49) MP3 7.5 MB
12. A Taste Of Death:
The Infomercial (11:43) MP3 11.7 MB
13. Television Towns
&Rye Bread (1:33) MP3 2.4 MB

I just wanted to say that Grand daughter Emit is out to kill Father Time
and while most people pay anything, as attention cannot be bought,
Father time doesn't put up a fair fight.
So root for the daughter, She'll slice the vines of time.

A write up on the making of Half Of It:

'Half of It' has Soil Finn playing Rhythm guitar on the audio recording. The original opening clip to the video contained the audio sampled as 'brush drums' in the song . Weeds were hacked away as creating a trail to a secluded stream which was cut into the pattern of the song.
The original layer is an improvised song between the two of us in basic form played on 12/14/2010. The magic and fun of being able to form songs so quickly is always at a strong point when we're at an open space with a complete looseness of construct to better help pull idea from. 'It just happens' is the best way to put it and at some moment I would enjoy writing about how wild many of the recording processes take shape when we form music. Sometimes it also gets overwhelming having so much material to work with, too, literally hard drives full of lost files to revisit.
On 02/11/2011 I layered some extra instruments and backing vocals. Somehow that seemed a bit bare still, so the slightness of faint electric leads were topped over the banjo played on the original layer.

The rest of the video fell into place from a collection of footage taken over the years and was feverishly merged together in an attempt to compliment the feeling of surreal lyrics.

It's entertaining to play with the meanings of the words. Luckily,this time there actually are breasts involved, so the project might not fade off into lost space. But unfortunately, the breasts,rods and ovum come only in the views of phallic imagery of interpretation. 'Damn.' Also, the imagery and concepts switch over in to the 'Paige's Dragonfly' video which I am infuriatingly trying to manage the audio for. It's been an endless amount of efforts. (Raving, stark mad efforts among ghetto speaker set ups and dated softwares.) I'd delve into the pinpoints of stress, pride, frustration, curse, joy and exertion of energy & efforts but there are more interesting things to get at than broken microphones, ghetto-makeshift recording setups, endless problems with not being able to bribe or trade ideas for marketing techniques, and how many glitches, errors and ass backwards ways of conducting these creations were initially met with.

Just at the nearing completion of the video, needing to fill the empty spaces in visuals, came the joy of finding the perfect imagery as a flooded parking lot hosted the presence of a lovely bird who reminds me of a well known ancient creator. Funnily enough, referred to as the Hermit, which damn well alludes to the result of what you become after perusing so many works at once, often it is met with hesitance and disgust of certain results yet later found with an attachment and love. The shape of the feathered being clicked immediately and helped to weave some final pieces of the imagery together.
Here's an original image of what was later tampered with to match the effects of the song.

>Filler space<

Surely there are still a few glitches within the imagery to be revisited and fixed, but maybe the process of having learned these kinds of things from a pirated editing program rather than undergoing classes and trained techniques allows it's own character or style. That is one of the fun things about a self-learning process. Many shortcuts may be missed along the creating procedures but they're approached with more of a free form and curious means of doing things. (Amidst fidgeting around learning how to lean into very many difficult ways of accomplishing edits.) I suppose that is when the weird and abstract take a hold. None of that is in my decision, though, how exactly it can be perceived. When something is released or publicized it is out of the arms of it's maker by that point, free to go it's own direction. The only real guiding force by then, is how many breasts it has or if it will get you lottery bargains. No, if it could mean something to merely one person or is  looked at with a curious or open perception then not all is lost.

Culture, planet; it is an amusing world but it's tough to afford expensive costumes in the act of human-kindness. Still, that aging thought of department store remnants growing a single shrub then taking over to become agriculture and plains again is an enduring outlook of positivity. It's easy to be hopeless and pessimistic, but steering a nifty, capable perception mixes playfulness and usually the 'bitch of the path' as in, it's difficult because it is less traveled.  You can fathom thought of the ceo who hangs himself in the company's stock room or the nearest nuclear warhead on a let-loose target strike (worry sale/death addiction) or you can cherish the option of coating existence with damn fine colors and "livening life"/Lifen life. Then again, you can do what you'd wish, Awe damn if that isn't one of life's most hidden secrets.

Pocket Moths is: More than you want to read anything about.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dont Count The Miles

Continuing on from pt 1, "43 Miles"

A photography series from ~05/2011.

A good opener for the second half of the series.
I thought I saw a cat but it was only a fur
I thought I heard a rumble, it was just a purr
'Swore there was a tower but it was only a brick
Paul wanted polio but he only got sick.

Amidst these photographs I took will be random fragments of thought. Some will have to do with the actual photographs while others will just be amusing crap that will possibly temporarily entertain only myself, which is the beauty and problem with 'blogging' in that you can publicize words that relate nothing whatsoever to the common or infrequent reader. That's been the way I have always felt about newspapers or Sears circulars, or those little self-reminders and I.O.Us that are written on crinkly $1 and $5 dollar bills.

Hey Outside
Soaking sopped wet, this photo was taken as I felt as close as I could to a wet alley cat or gold fish in cotton attire. Still, a moment of enjoyment was to be had yet watching people run full pace beneath the safety of an umbrella from the doors of the book store to their cars 15 ft away made me feel like the biggest joke or the freest from weathered reaction.

A dialogue:
"You know what you need to do Joey?"
"No, What do I need to do?"
"You ought to make sure to never allow anybody to tell you what you need to do or how to do things."
"Well I guess I'm fucked now no matter what choice I make."

Like A Vulture

Like A Vulture
Like A Vulture
 These vultures live in the cave of a gorge hidden beyond streams past trails that part from the railroad tracks of Recluse Valley. Every morning through afternoon they swoop in unison to find their own treats to devour. I had traffic blasting towards me on a highway bridge-side as taking these photographs with angry commuters barely striking me in preparing a meal for the vultures. 
I recorded footage of them as well. Their dinner schedule is  nearly always on queue and they never have to leave too far from their gorge home to get fed. Now I ask, who has it better, the vultures or wolves?

Be Late For Everything
Growing Your Bangs Out

You know those commercials where products talk, where products have personalities and characteristic traits? Do you know those? You shouldn't, none of us should, but you probably do. In the sane world, in the sane world, we have products that encompass traits of human behavior. And scientists who want to free the world of dependency and scarcity tactics are called mad.God help us if talking brooms are of the sane rational (or characterized pieces of dirt being picked up by a broom, or a bottle of window cleaner for that manner.) What breed of hysteria is this? Part of me just knows deep down it's a long branch of some absurdest movement, and what a prank it is. We call it the free world. It arrests those who go crazy from expressing their discontent with living amongst the mad. When I say 'we' not only am I not speaking French but I also mean 'We' and in 'They' and any other raving fevered broad generalization. When the vacuum bag starts having full on conversations with you I think it's safe to say you've been company-bitten.

Flashy Outreach


40th Wonder Of The World

Tripping Down The Stares
When you are the only human out roaming about, everything else can feel so much more alive. You can actually stop and think about what happened in the places you stand at and experience without being pushed or pressured to move along the path to 'get where you are going.' It's a beautiful feeling. Owls feel it. I'm not sure if chimney sweepers do or not. Probably not.

5 AM
The day sky starts to slip out of the covers, The sun gets out of bed from the moon but there is no coffee, so it goes out to the store. It's been all day. he gets back to his wife.. by that time it isn't light out any more. (Don't try to think that one out, I haven't.)
Restrictive Conversation
Using intimate objects and their placement to pursue the viewer into an imaginative interpretation. Much like talking vacuum cleaner bags.
JOIN us!
 A poem:
The darlin' who gleefully pees in the breeze
need not care about phrases like 'it's the bees knees'
but instead smokes to where a small walk ignites a weeze
Then attempts to use a wine glass to bottle the seas.

An argument ensues over all the false and trues
Walking naked to check the mail regarded as truly rude
But clothes hide nudity and sway fashion through urge to screw
So fornication is divided to love, creation and getting used.

A bird on the shoulder is brave if the shoulder owner likes chicken
The bird sings "Bob" in the mornings as the fog thickens
A small child is brave if given a piggy back ride by a cannibal
but eating your toe-headed young is an act that is truly stricken

There's a bathtub in the boat in an ocean with giant soap fish..(To be continued..)

"The Day Something Happened"

On a serious note was something written written rather jokingly.

But on a much more serious note, albeit almost forgotten, Here is the long non-awaited video for "Cat Opera"


If anybody wants to donate hard drives or blank DVDs I'll ship you prints and make you a grilled cheese sand which. Space is running thin."Too many people ask for things." "I agree, I was just kidding."

This is updated but not complete. 'May expand or continue with a pt 3.

Monday, May 16, 2011

43 miles

 Warning: This 'post' will occasionally contain anti-logic used as logic.It is subtly approached in the act of belief that common logic is practiced too assertively and tightly stitched and thus bastardizing the taking of  chance. This use of yellow text shows you just how dangerous and nonsensical some of the sense-making will result.
Part One: 43 Miles

Well forty-three miles is not very far at all, but it was a start. It reminded me both of why I began and more importantly, why I should not, tamper with 'blogging.' If this duality is too indecisive; Getting on a bicycle for a two hand-count of hours uncertain of drench-wetness or sleeping arrangements was more thrilling than sitting around attempting to pull interesting observations of theory from the air. The avid avoidance of this bulky, slow processing machine stacked up high, the opportunity for many tales and adventures, which annoyingly funnily enough results in perfectly interesting subject matter to 'blog' about so that A.I. Frito Lays tracking bot links can later search and spam.

Also, too much stagnant time results in things like this:

which is not necessarily a bad thing.

A common absurdity came to being which involved the forced eavesdropping over long bus rides of passengers talking about going to work 'obliterated' and beating the shit out of strangers for fun and acceptance. That's another thing, too. Don't ever think your life is too shitty. Just get on a public bus and don't bring earplugs. You'll start to feel like an enormous dickhead for thinking that your own life is dire straits. 

Though, the world is already filled to the brim with cosmic hopping spider xylophone solo albums and the more time spent wading means the river raft is furthering away and away from your traces. That's another thing, too, does the 'blogosphere' really need anymore terms like 'the river raft is furthering away and away from your traces?" What does that even mean?

(Reliable sources of information may tell you this 'may or may not be correct, yet we are all doomed, so buy the advice book!'
Major worries could woe the most unwholesome antagonist of woes but wooing the right one with wander could rid any wrongs that are doom prophecies. Y2K never could keep on schedule.)

There are more important subjects in being a breathing being than thrice dead disney villains or major catastrophe... such as water towers.
None tipped over from what I know, and that is a good thing! Yes, on the day of 05/06/2011 nobody died from falling water tower accidents, and a communal rejoice is in dire need because of this! In fact, it's quite plausible that nobody died or suffered from blimp disasters, therefore nobody was killed in any disasters regarding blimps crashing into and knocking over water towers. (Discontinue interlude)

I removed my body from the bicycle after eight miles into town to find the library doors closing right as I stepped up to the building's entrance. The act of duty was to upload a video I had been finishing up the entire night which inevitably would only result in a fraction of the '(holy) views' in comparison to a youtube video of a drunken frat boy slamming his mound of flesh into a heavy windowsill. But to no avail, that option was halted and not allowed to succeed upon the day and it will have to be a future 'post' with less side tracking for that to be thrown into the pile of electronic data-wading that is the online world.

So I missed a couple of buses, and met a traveling life-trekker amongst the waiting between rookie bus drivers. Coming through from Boston with a sky as the ceiling and heading towards the very town I'd just rode my bike down from, it becomes an inspiring occurrence knowing people are out there with lives not so tightly knitted nor orthodox in leash.

A so/cio-political comparison that may be argued out of value in a monetary state of philosophy:
There are attempts to 'dent' the world, via reaction or -anti-_fill in the blank_
They work battles yet often exert energies of a kind of madness and outrage, such as 'fucking the system,' or 'fucking the _fill in the blank (fucking the blank?)'
Denting the world, via violence or re-action (outrage over bin-blala, protest over the __latest media outrage) can pretty much just suck up energies and distract any creative thought.

Shaping: Shaping as opposed to denting is something that may work out through non-participation. Is this True!? You tell me.. Is it worth trying new things or are we better off on the path of self destruction through expected behavior and mass-non-chance? Are you sitting around reading some lengthy, side-tracked blog rather than finding out!? Am I a galactic ass for saying that!? (answers coming soon in "How to be a free human being by following these easy to remember steps!)
If there is a point, it's that 'shaping' versus 'denting' is a fox compared to a blood-hound being that non-participation is the 'key' whereas chances to actually live and experience DO exist over protesting and asking/pleading a 'system' that appears to own you to give you permission to take care of your own body/mind.
Does that make sense is it closer to fulfillment-rambling?

So, the traveler I met was breezing by in a sway of complete freedom yet chose to give up material leanings.
I hopped onto the last bus out of town after making it to a more reliable stop where I'd actually get picked up. (Previous attempts to get on busses was a  success if failing to catch the bus was the plan, which it wasn't. Pro bus drivers wait more than 5 seconds to pick up passengers. Rookies don't.) The bus I did actually make it on is where the forced eavesdropping and life philosophy comparisons took place.. In that, if you have the time to look at the world and ask questions, be grateful that you do, for there are many people that have children they entirely do not even want and jobs they need to get 'fucked up, reaaal fucked up' to deal with having and we're all in debt of one form or another anyway.
A flood of outlook permeated into me in an inescapable note of seeing the world through perception and a trail of decisions. It's often like those old practices where I would compare my world to the outside world, often finding a sit-down and observe plan taking place in a shopping mall or trying to take news headlines seriously. This test and lesson was different, though, because I was within the confines of a moving bus.

I took my body and bicycle off from the bus, the final bus of that night, and the condensation of modern life struggle blew out into the air and faded away.

Dancing heifers (okay, older than heifers) of Tire Farm Hill

The sun was tipping the hill and I chose the 'long way' past the farm hills. There was a smell of cow shit that was actually refreshing compared to any ghastly perfume or vapid factory toxic. Grinning at the cows on the ridge of the steep road hill I yelled "MOO! MOO!" and they waltzed up en unison to me from beyond their fence, and danced.. Yes, danced, in their own way and responded: Moo! MOO!  After having all that said, the peddling continued past farm lands and farming machinery unto the meeting of interstate highways and signs for bug-zapping agencies.

These notes were made upon the bike ride:
-Mattress Mania has soggy mattresses outside the outlet store, Shut down for years.
-Get on bike. Teetering milk crate, Worldly squeak, Bleeding face.
-Cows chase & Moo. I Moo, too.
-Grinning at passengers.
-Headlight, brainflash, Blinding lights.
-Over exert energy. Chew gum. Water,water!

The photos aren't the best, but show the slopes of country roads.

Approaching the dancing cows

Pictures of sun rays through abstract clouds mean slogans of enlightenment are nearing closer.

 Tony Guykamuyni once said "I would rather eat a soggy half-moon cookie, than have no half moon cookie at all." This ancient Chinese-takeout wisdom led me to believe that 'I would rather chance myself into a shitty miserable situation than to play safely into expectation.' That said, Anybody could have slipped into cow shit, but the opportunity to be there and slip into the cow shit, to experience a new place, is more worthy than a permanent residence of familiar carpet patterns. (I am not encouraging or recommending anyone into slipping into cow-shit. (Read: The Insomnia Scriptures Pt 1) The best thing about this is that you can mold it to be true to you (not the cow shit) or you can just think it is bullshit nonsense, which would be completely false because all writers must protect their claims to death.) 
 The chance and result of some of the most miserable occurrences later led to insights and story details that otherwise would not have existed. They were lessons of the self and studies on how previous insights of chaos were but dainty little snail freckles. The huff and puff of mild dehydration and breaking personal boundaries was nothing compared to those who every day live on the verge of exploration, but finding the self out of it's comfort box of expectation allows a duration to be tested.  Tony Guykamuyni must be talking through me, In short terms: Damn it feels nice to expand my old limitations and see a new place, even though others have gone further does not mean my adventures are worthless.

Still upright, no traumas or disaster.

(Interlude of the slightly unecesarry:
Instead of still life fruit renderings can we fulfill a practice of painting prominently displayed breakfast sandwiches? And how can some body state a claim in that a fool cannot be wise? Often in order to evolve you have to really take a chance, and that area of the unexpected is usually delivered by common thought as the stupidest thing you could ever do. I think it is wise to be a fool and foolish to state that a fool cannot be wise, but also foolish to dismay at somebody else's thought, for they're only possessed by it's convincing belief is....)

now that the unnecessary self-dialogue has passed before it could scientifically and morally be proven unjust and horrendous...
The bicycle continued to squeak.

Small secluded town were prominently passed. Cashews in a can were kept as the closest of comrades.(Say it!)

Days passed and though no major groundbreaking events happened on the returning ride home from the bike ride, it was still a chill of free air and gain of insight on the difference of water textures between the drinking fountains in supermarkets and the bathroom sinks of small gas stations.

(The proceeding area of this is going to mostly rely on the images to do any story telling.)
Pt Two: 
Favorite Creek Stones of the Day

& More
Belling Profile

Know You

Frog and Pipe

Absence Of Belief

No Negating
Taste Dried
Pt 2:Don't count the miles up soon.